Sep 30, 2020
This is really a very good course for the people who want to understand the IoT & Cloud computing from basic to enhanced level. The practical approach of assignment of each area is fantastic.
Oct 15, 2021
Good course series if you are new to IOT and embedded systems. The instructor gives weekly assignments and it is easy to understand. Highly recommend to people who is new to IOT and Embedded systems.
By Sachidanand S
•May 19, 2020
I loved this course as it provided complete information in simple voice .This course encouraged me to learn further and complete projects on my own.
By Prasad K
•May 11, 2020
The Overall Content and the flow of the course has been amazing. Prof. Ian has been clear in his deliverable and makes the learning more interesting.
By Luigi M
•Nov 27, 2017
Very interesting course as introduction. Particular nice are topics as Embedded Systems and Wireshark. The professor's explanations are very clear...
By Vanessa d O V
•Dec 13, 2016
The material is interesting as well as the lectures. Also, the method of evaluation is very good, as it allows the users to interact with each other.
By Meryama N
•Dec 7, 2015
Professor is awesome, he explains the material very well, providing many examples and repeating keywords... I would love to take every course of him
By Sri K R A P
•May 2, 2020
Really Professor Ian Harris did very well, by explaining complex or difficult things in an easy and simple way. Peer reviewed assignments are good.
By Y R
•Apr 28, 2020
It is a wonderful course which helps to know much information about IOT and embedded systems. Thank you coursera for providing such a great course.
By doodi v s r k
•Dec 29, 2019
This course is exceptional in everything,it offers quality learning and well explained by the respected tutor.Looking forward to remaining courses.
By Kevin H
•Sep 13, 2020
Great course, great to refresh your knowledge done this in the past during my degree studies , now i have a new approach thanks to work colleagues
•Jul 9, 2020
I great introductory course, I like how they stimulate the learners to go to web and search for answers, that improve our skills to solve problems
By Susana B M
•Jun 1, 2020
this course is very good introducing the topic IoT of form easy. Is very compleat and basic.
The teacher is nice, explain easy and fast the topics.
By Rakesh S
•Nov 16, 2019
The process of submitting answer and peer readings all the steps are well implemented,but the peer readings are not done fast please go through it
By Francisco d J A O
•Jun 12, 2018
A very complete, well explained and interesting course to have a general knowledge about IoT. Homework and excercises are complete and exhaustive.
By ahmed m a
•Feb 23, 2017
it really covers the basics in this field. introducing the material in a simple and logical way. the instructor is great. i recommend it very much
By Omer N
•Jun 27, 2020
It is a good course to learn the basics of IOT and Embedded systems . Moreover, it also covers micro controllers and networking comprehensively .
By Dhruvajit G
•Nov 7, 2018
Teaches the basics really well. It gives you enough knowledge to keep you interested in the lessons. uiz could be tougher but overall REALLY GOOD
By Pooja.s
•May 14, 2020
Good course that in which i have learned all the basics of IoT and it was very useful ..all the lectures and videos were easily understandable..
By Alaukik S
•May 11, 2020
The subject has been taught with extensive use of examples, which really makes it easy to comprehend and keeps the learner attentive throughout.
By Rehan K
•Jun 29, 2021
By Imee S P
•Nov 6, 2020
Great discussions on IoT and embedded systems. It is suitable for a beginner like me. Thank you Professor Harris, to your team and to Coursera!
By Suwetha I G
•May 18, 2020
Strong foundations course for IOT and Embedded systems, it's the right place to start. The learner can get a clear understanding of all basics.
By Kalpesh R B
•Aug 2, 2019
Getting a Financial Aid and getting all those intresting topics to be learned very conceptually was a great thing for me.
Thanks a Lot Coursera.
By Tian C
•Mar 16, 2018
Course is great, enjoy fully until the end, would like to continue similar subject, however cancel because Coursera delayed issuing certificate
•May 7, 2017
Great Course for Beginners and who want to start from basics. Secondly professionals can also take this course to make their concepts stronger.