Oct 8, 2017
I'm so happy i did this course. Gail, you're amazing and you made my imagination go wild with just your words. I can see you love your craft and that's very inspiring. Enjoyed this course all the way!
May 22, 2023
In fact i am very much glad for this because before taking this course, i know nothing about Indesign but i can now use it and more, Thank you for this financial aid opportunities, Blessings coursera
By Olli V
•Feb 13, 2018
A well-structured and inspiring course that broadened my perspectives on imagemaking. Although it's clear that imagemaking is definitely an open-ended process, I felt there could've been more examples of digital imagemaking techniques and compositions to give a more comprehensive template for creative thought. Recommended!
By Rose G
•Dec 13, 2019
I really enjoyed the course and doing all the assignments, I could clearly see the potential of my creativity and my style. I thought some of the videos were a little difficult to sit through, maybe the voice was too calm/soft and got sleepy? But the material was great, it was a lot of fun and learned a lot.
By Hasnat A H
•Sep 4, 2020
The perspective to observe things out of traditional ways was very interesting. The reviews of peer-graded assignments were too long though. Answering a lot of review questions was boring and I kinda lost my interest to "observe" the things knowing that I have to answer particular questions on it later.
By Anna N
•Jun 27, 2023
Overall, I liked the course. It did boost my creativity. However, the required tasks were confusing. Would be better if there were much more examples of students works. It was hard to figure out what I have to do and looking at other students works I can tell that most of us had the same problem.
By Samantha C
•Mar 21, 2021
The section on compositional hierarchy is a bit confusing. I still don't think I understand the difference between scale, space, and figure/ground. At least, scale and space are not used the same here as in other parts of the graphic design curriculum, and that is very confusing.
By Sergio G F
•Aug 13, 2020
Many things studied on this course are subjective and the connotations depend on every viewer of each image of course. In any case the course and the study of images composition helped me broaden my knowledge on how to modify a page and its design to give the viewer a message.
By Paul M
•May 9, 2016
I really enjoyed this course and it was one of the most helpful along with the Typography course, but it felt a little impersonal and short on information when I compare this one to the previous ones. I would love to look at more examples of imagemaking and uses of hierarchy.
By Stephanie N
•May 3, 2016
Much of the course seemed to cover what was previously discussed. About the only thing this course did for me was to introduce me to In Design. The teacher was OK, but she seemed to lack enthusiasm, particularly when she was demonstrating the book-binding.
By Fred R
•Mar 30, 2017
Very challenging and very rewarding to learn to "see" an object, to start owning it and to realize a booklet out of it. It was hard work and lots of trials and errors, but I really enjoyed it, and I'm sure that I've learnt a lot for my next projects.
By Tina L O Z
•Jan 28, 2019
I felt this was a very challenging and stimulating course. It relies like many great courses in this series on peer reviews. I think the course is designed extremely well, I just wish there was more interaction/feedback from the teaching staff.
By Leroy S
•May 24, 2016
Gail Swanlund is awesome. Her voice is amazing and fun to listen to. She explains things in a very creative way. So far, this has been my favorite among the Graphic Design Specialization courses. Still have two more courses to go yet!
By Pilar F
•Apr 8, 2018
By Anca E
•Oct 6, 2018
Course could do with a bit more content and putting some more theory behind the examples, explaining better different currents and schools of thought. It also had too much overlap with the first course in the specialization
By Jai C
•Jun 26, 2017
This course has really guided me through making my own images. I can now research any subject and abstract images from a lot of different techniques. It has also made me realize my strengths are the areas for improvement.
By Charlene S
•Mar 11, 2021
I enjoyed the course, but I really think the assignments need better instructions. I relied on the discussion forums to get a better understanding of what was expected. Week 3 especially needs more/better instructions.
By Penny L
•Oct 26, 2019
Good assignments. Really learned something from this course. However, I found the requirement of some assignments might be a bit misleading and I often see other students work not following requirements.
By Huyen T N
•Jul 5, 2020
The voice and lecture is quite sleepy, I had to take extra coffee for the course. And the assignment is still confusing. But in overall, the content and the knowledge has provided me a lot. Thank you!
By Jose M G E
•Nov 22, 2017
I really like the course, I learn a lot of things
I think that some instructios for the assigments are not fully explained
and also I think the voice of the theacher in the videos is low monotonous
By Darren A
•Aug 26, 2024
It was a goo course though I think that it would be beneficial to have more instructor participation in the videos. The assignments were great as usual but a little more wouldn't hurt.
By Lidya S
•Sep 24, 2019
The assignments are really fun and put the videos into practice very efficiently! The only thing that troubles me is sometimes the "design language" is too unfamiliar for beginners.
By Sharon W
•Apr 20, 2020
Awesome course, great content! I wish there were more videos to learn about compositions and the third assignment was a bit hard to follow. Overall I learned a great deal. Thanks!
By Yana B
•Apr 18, 2021
Thanks for the course! It's good, I learned how to create images and arrange them in accordance with compositional principles. Unfortunately, the theory was not enough for me.
By Melanie J
•Jul 3, 2017
I found this course to be much more experimentation then anything else. I definitely learned some about composition, but I wish it would've been more focused on layout.
By E. C C
•Jan 29, 2017
Nice class introducing the ideas of scale, composition and use of white/negative space. A must for people who always want to fill the page. Sometimes less is more.
By Mark H
•Sep 8, 2020
This course really got my creative juices flowing. The assignments, however, lacked structure or a certain level of technical proficiency that I was expecting.