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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Comprehensive Review by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

671 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Comprehensive Review This course, offered by the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is designed to inform primary care physicians and general otolaryngologists, as well as nurses, physician assistants and medical assistants, about the differences between acute and chronic rhinosinusitis and how to distinguish and treat them. It is also applicable to individuals who wish to broaden their knowledge and vernacular about this disease process, especially those who may suffer from this condition. The course has been divided into four modules, each of which is followed by multiple choice questions to help attendees further understand this condition: Week 1 - CME Information, Accreditation and Introduction Week 2 - Module 1: Normal Sinus Anatomy and Function (15 min. + quiz) Week 3 - Module 2: Acute Rhinosinusitis: Diagnosis and Treatment (17 min. + quiz) Week 4 - Module 3: Chronic Rhinoinusitis: Diagnosis and Treatment (18 min. + quiz) Week 5 - Module 4: The Role of Surgery for Sinusitis and Activity Evaluation (36 min. + 2 quizzes) The primary objective of this course is to provide physicians with a thorough understanding of how to better diagnose and treat patients who suffer from acute and chronic rhinosinusitis. Note: This course is no longer available for CME Credit. Please review the CME Information and Accreditation prior to proceeding with the course modules. Release Date: January 16, 2018 Expiration Date: January 16, 2020 Estimated Time to Complete: One Hour and Forty Five Minutes CME Fee: $30.00 CME Credits Offered: 1.75 CME Reviewer: Marita S. Teng, MD How to Receive CME Credit: For physicians who are interested in earning CME credits and other allied health professions who wish to receive a Verification of Attendance certificate, you must: a. Complete Signature Track (details to follow after enrolling in this course) b. Complete registration process through the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, CME Office using the following link: (WARNING: This course is no longer available for CME Credit.) (You will be required to pay an additional non-refundable fee of $30.00 in addition to the $49.00 fee for signature track.) c. Email an attached copy of your Verified Certificate from Coursera to the CME office at the Icahn School of Medicine at and request your CME certificate. d. You will be provided with the instructions for downloading your CME/CE certificate. Technical Design and Development Lynette Bobbitt Lisa Chase Jill Gregory Paul Lawrence Charles Psarreas Rory Sacks...

Top reviews


May 1, 2021

This is a really good systemic review of anatomy and principles of diagnosis and treatment including sinus surgery. A lot of good diagrams and videos facilitated learning


Feb 6, 2017

This course has been designed to help everyone understand the basics of sinusitis, both acute and chronic, including the treatment. I would recommend this course for all.

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126 - 141 of 141 Reviews for Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Comprehensive Review

By Jacqueline S

Jul 31, 2017

A little technical for the layperson. Also, the material is a bit dry. However, I did find the course interesting and informative. I love learning about medical topics.

By Meghan G

Mar 6, 2017

Great quick review/update on sinusitis and treatments. Straight forward, easy to follow and uncomplicated. Not ideal for those lacking some medical background.


Dec 13, 2016

It is excellent, although 4 stars as I, as an infectious disease physician now, have less capability of assessing surgical part.

By Zohibhusain G

Feb 2, 2016

The course is excellent for health care professional and the speaker is amazing as he has an in-depth knowledge of the topic.


Sep 18, 2017

Me parece un curso correcto aunque no maravilloso. No tiene actividad que yo descubriera en el blog.

By Miguel G

Feb 28, 2016

Very complete and useful. Perfect course to improve your knowledge about Sinusitis quickly.

By Luís F d C F

Sep 26, 2016

Amazing. The only suggestion i can make is about treatment. To be more practical.

By Juan P T R

Mar 25, 2021

buen curso, recomendado

By Estefana R N

Dec 5, 2016

excellent course

By Olga T

Mar 16, 2019

great course

By Justin G M

May 30, 2016


By Marina M F

Nov 30, 2021


By Anne R

Sep 27, 2017

The instruction was vry clear, I really enjoyed the presenter's style, straigth forward, clear and concise. easy a 5. I thought the course was lacking challenging reviews, patient centered problem sets etc, that would engage students in a more experiential learning experience. The three questions at the end of each chapter just were not enought to create a learning environment. I have taken other clinical courses where instructors made the course more challenging and engaging for students ( eg. UCSF course in clinical neurology on coursera)

By Menna D

Jun 12, 2017

This course just need help from other teaching assistants to make power points and PDF files to make it easier to be learned.

By Tamer C

Aug 4, 2017

it's hard for beginners who have not been involved in such field before and the terms were not well explained, i think this course is good for specialists not for normal people

By Amanda C M

Oct 9, 2023

Most unuseful certificate I have ever seen. It’s badly generated, doesn’t even have the hour duration on it. Really awful, now I won’t be able to use it on my college!