Aug 3, 2020
The course has been challenging , yet fulfilling. Conducted in a scientific way, the course has changed the way I look at Happiness ! Thanks a lot Dr. Raj and team for making the course so engrossing!
Sep 30, 2016
I enjoyed doing this course very much. The amount of research, references included in the study material makes it credible and easy to relate to. The assignment and exercises are also very helpful.
By Đông T N
•May 30, 2017
It is a good course to understand yourself and the world more with your heart.In my opinion, you dont need any requirement or pre-knowledge to enter this, only open-mindedness and diligence.You may not gain what you expect to gain from this course, but it will benefit you for sure.
By Alena B
•Sep 28, 2020
Thank you so much for putting this together! This was one of the most enjoyable experiences I had so far in this tremendously uncertain 2020! I had gained so many insights and techniques on how to radiant happiness and keep the value of this concept even though the times are hard!
By Laurel L
•Jul 18, 2022
I truly LOVED THIS COURSE and I have taken a lot of courses in my life (as a retired college dean)! It isn't rocket science... but this is an informative, fun, upbeat course ... useful to practitioners, educators, and anyone that works with people... plus just good fun self-help!
By Annick D
•Oct 22, 2015
I really enjoyed this course. The material was substantive, backed up with studies and ample research. The exercises and assignments were relevant and led to deep insights. I loved the videos, the dynamic cheerful tone and thorough coverage of material. One of the very best!
By Mohammed K
•Jul 14, 2020
These course provide me the actuall definetion of happiness and also the advantages of being happy in life. From these course I understand that happiness mean being light hearted and joyful , but at the same time being responsible and engaged with everything life has to offer.
By Ramam D
•Sep 15, 2020
It was a great learning experience. I must appreciate Dr.Rajagopal Raghunathan for his effort, energy and enthusiasm for making the course quite interesting and informative. I thank Dr.Raj and his team for making it possible for people like us acquire this knowledge. Namasthe!
By Ivelisse G B
•Oct 10, 2017
Excelente curso! Lo recomiendo ampliamente. Es dificil creer que una Escuela de Negocios pueda impartir un curso sobre la Felicidad, pues lo imparte, y de que manera! El Prof. Raj es excelente explicando de una forma sencilla, los conceptos complejos. Me encanto, me encanto!!
By Katarina M
•Apr 6, 2017
This is something out of this world! this is an absolute must ! everyone should go through this it is so so worth it :) it is worth nothing that it is quite long. but I encourage everyone to go through it because everything is extremely scientific and just great! I am thrilled
By kapil k
•Dec 19, 2022
One of the best course and learning on Coursera. Heartiest thanks and gratitude to Coursera and Dr. Raj for such an excellent learning experience. I would like to express my best wishes to Dr. Raj for such an extraordinary way of teaching and he is one of the best person too.
By Pooja I
•Jul 23, 2020
Amazing content. Thank you for exposing our minds to the research on happiness done by professors all around the world. This course helped me to understand, not only the meaning of happiness, but the meaning of life as a whole. Thank you Prof Raj for the wonderful experience.
By Marisol B M
•Mar 28, 2017
Un curso excelente, el Prof. Raj explica en términos sencillos y comunes los pecados que disminuyen la felicidad y aquellos hábitos que la incrementan, los ejercicios son fáciles. Lo que se aprende en este curso se puede llevar de inmediato a la vida diaria y ver las mejoras.
By Kathy S
•Mar 2, 2016
A really well done set of lectures and lessons. Incorporated a great deal of common practices in simple, easy to follow format. Was particularly interested in the Mindfulness piece and you did a great job presenting this practice. Loved being with you throughout the course!
•Jan 17, 2016
Simply Outstanding, my appreciation to Profesor Raj and all his team. Very practical, evidence-based know how about such a subjective matter. Being happy is not that complicated and this course slaps you on the face on how easy that can be... Well done and Many Many thanks!
By Ayman K
•Feb 18, 2018
Great course! It is very thorough and balances the perfect amount of theory and practice. Prof. Raj put a lot of effort into developing this class. Moreover, students will learn about great book recommendations and the guest speakers that appear in the class are excellent!
By Dean S
•Oct 8, 2017
Thank you so much for a wonderful, insightful well thought out and researched course.
I know I have the knowledge to live a happier more fulfilled life and hope to reap the benefits from here on.
Thank you to Prof Raj and his associates and to all who did the course with me.
By Yvonne M
•May 24, 2017
A very interesting, instructive and amusing course! I can recommend it from every point of view. Especially the way how Prof. Raj Raghunathan explains the contents is very pleasant.
It would be nice if there once would be another course of him? Thank you for everything :-)
By Ana L M T
•Nov 8, 2021
Esto es oro puro, realmente no me canso de regresar a leer mis apuntes de este curso cada ves que pierdo mi centro, es un gran regalo de vida porque con esto siempre estamos invitados a la introspección logrando con ello tomar el rumbo correcto de nuestras vidas. gracias.
By sandra m O
•Apr 25, 2017
Very gratifying. I'm working on changing my life and of course, this MOOC arrived to my hands, I really would like to share my findings with people of my community, to create a happy team like yours but with the latin touch. Thank you to life for having put you in my way.
By Horacio D
•Jan 2, 2021
This course is a unique experience, the quantity and quality of information is invaluable.
In parts it becomes a bit complex but it is still clear.
And finally it has a teacher whose carism can only be surpassed by his good vibes!
Fully recommended for every human being!
By Aliya Z
•Sep 2, 2020
Everyone should take this course so that there will be less stress and disappointments in life. I like the way the course is organised - much optimism and energy - as long as many studies and exercises to be done. Not just fun but hard work too. Good luck and thank you!
By Krzysztof K
•Aug 29, 2018
The lessons are not always captivating and tend to be a tad rambling, but I'd do the course a disservice if I rated it lower than 5 stars. There are some great ideas in there and I'm certain it has already changed my life for the better. The future is bright, folks! :)
By Negi G
•Apr 28, 2021
The cource was extremely useful to me. This course should be taught to everyone. My sincere thanks and best wishes to Mr. Rajgopal who has really done very hard work in preparing the course.
Once again a lot of thanks to the each and every one involved in this course.
By Sunita K
•Jul 7, 2020
The course is beautifully designed and explained with studies and researches.
Although many things are known to people logically exp
lanation makes them easy to understand and follow.
Specifically benefits of MINDFULNESS
were explained scientifically and logically
By Esteban U
•Feb 29, 2020
It´s a great course. I like the way to present the topics and the balance between to be a "esoteric" vs "very formal" course. The course is just in the middle and explain perfectly each topic with excelent examples. I'm engineer and to me was very good. Thanks a lot!
By Seema K
•Aug 20, 2015
A common sense approach on how to lead "A life of Happiness and Fulfillment". A very engaging course, enjoyed it throughout, is thought provoking and creates a lot of self awareness. Excellent lectures and Prof. Raj is equally brilliant. Thank you for this course.
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