Dec 12, 2020
I already learnt GKE from Qwiklabs courses. But there are new things that I learnt now, like Architecture of K8s, Edge presence of GCP (GKE), Still there are things that can be taught about Anthos.
Apr 25, 2020
Very nice course that I finished in 5 hours straight! I liked the Spinnaker lab and the fact that it's the first time I have seen 78Gb memory cluster running on a 12vCPUs without having to pay.
By Joaquin M G L
•Jul 22, 2019
There should be an option to download all the labs instructions to PDF format
By Hugo A
•Jun 11, 2018
Simple, y muy introductorio para saber en que consiste kubernetes en general.
By petr p
•Jul 11, 2019
Great practical course, the only - for me was the lack of theory/explanation
By Ravindra
•Feb 11, 2021
Could have added labs for exposing the services, volumes and pod networking
By ???
•Apr 4, 2019
it was good but there were many error and crash in Kubernates's basic lab.
By Oludele A
•Jan 28, 2018
Some concepts are new for non-developer folks who are taking this course
By Gerrit W
•Feb 7, 2019
Good beginner course. Maybe some more resources for students in the end.
By Rohan G
•May 25, 2018
THe course is good. more explaination about the diagrams would be better
By Biswajeet D
•Sep 30, 2018
Excellent !!! course in quick time to get the foundations clear in GCP.
By Jorge W
•Jul 4, 2019
El curso es bueno, pero no me gusta mucho la forma en que se relata.
By Baron K
•Mar 17, 2020
Hubo muchos problemas en los laboratorios que no se pudo completar.
By Deleted A
•Apr 11, 2018
The labs have small issues, but the content of the course is great.
By Adolfo G
•Mar 25, 2018
Interesante introducción a Kubernetes, con laboratorios inlcuidos.
By Pengbo X
•Jul 23, 2019
Labs are good, make it easy to understand containers and K8s
By Jongwon K
•Mar 31, 2019
Very useful, But there are a few errors in Qwiklabs courses
By Junho K
•Mar 20, 2019
It is easy to learn kubernetes using google cloud platform.
By Isaac S M
•Apr 27, 2023
The course it's ok but the exercises need more information
By Keith N
•Jun 23, 2018
Great if you are new to GCP and want to learn the basic's.
By Lucas T
•May 29, 2018
Em alguns momentos achei os laboratórios um pouco confusos
By Victor S N
•May 20, 2018
Necessita de tradução, ao menos das legendas em português.
By Herman D
•Jul 9, 2020
Some aspects of kubernetes could be thoroughly explained.
By Vishakha
•Sep 20, 2019
Great learning experience along with hands-on experience.
By Javier C
•Apr 1, 2018
It is a great course. However the labs were interesting.
By Mohibul H M
•Jul 31, 2018
It is a good foundation course for Docker & Kubernetes.
By HsinCheng C
•Jan 10, 2018
Great video and lab, some content needs update though.