Dec 12, 2020
I already learnt GKE from Qwiklabs courses. But there are new things that I learnt now, like Architecture of K8s, Edge presence of GCP (GKE), Still there are things that can be taught about Anthos.
Apr 25, 2020
Very nice course that I finished in 5 hours straight! I liked the Spinnaker lab and the fact that it's the first time I have seen 78Gb memory cluster running on a 12vCPUs without having to pay.
By Saon S
•Jan 25, 2020
Sometimes the contents of topics were described too fast, or got skipped totally. E.g. Selectors was described like you already knew about it. It was not properly explained.
By Stinemetze,David
•Jan 28, 2022
The GCP section lab did not allocate enough time and I felt like I was just rushing to complete a lab, and wasn't actually learning anything. The rest of it seemed fine.
By Robert F
•Nov 25, 2018
Good content. Constant flubs and backtracking by the instructor could be improved by re-recording over mistakes, but more or less, you'll be able to follow, regardless.
By Kundan S
•Mar 28, 2025
Module 2 lab Step4 instructions very unclear whether to type in cloud console or in cloud editor or ssn. Please work on clarifying it in a much better way. Thankyou
By Deleted A
•Oct 3, 2019
It is a very simple and a short course. It introduces important CI CD technologies and qwiklabs hands-on setup is an extremely valuable component of this course.
By Sahil K
•Apr 29, 2020
The advanced lab was very complex to understand for the very beginner in the technology. Overall Content could have been more informative and descriptive.
By Anuar M
•Feb 3, 2020
Good introduction course for beginners to understand container, Kubernetes and CI/CD. But need more practices to get familiar with the technologies.
By Rafael A
•Jun 19, 2018
Really good course, it's hard to follow since if you don't have previous knowledge of docker and kubectl has so many arguments it's hard to follow
By Felipe P
•May 26, 2018
Even with little knowledge on the platform, the content is very easy to be understood. I am very pleased and looking forward to the next lessons.
By Athanasios K
•Dec 20, 2018
The course contains a lot of useful tutorials and instructions. Lots of time is needed to go throught the labs and understand what is happening
By Aaron P
•Jun 23, 2020
some labs didn't work, though they were quick to provide feedback and fixes. Was great to get to build both a Jenkins and Spinnaker pipeline
By Sai
•Nov 15, 2019
Great course to get started. Would have given 5 stars except that this is a fast paced lab in terms of ramp up needed to complete the labs.
By Rafael D E B V
•Mar 25, 2018
The course was very helpfull to star in this world. I think in the module 3 and 4 must add more basic concepts to get much better the info.
By Milan R
•Oct 20, 2019
While the labs were especially helpful, I feel that I am still missing a lot of the background to understanding Docker and Kubernetes.
By Kamath, V
•Apr 11, 2020
Nice introduction to Kubernetes. The hands-on labs were useful to get a feel of the entire dev-op cycle using google platform.
By Mikhail T
•Jun 26, 2018
Pretty good, but everything could be improved. I would like more details and also some info about Helm. But for intro it's OK.
By Amit A
•Dec 27, 2020
Good course for beginners looking for an exposure in Google Kubernetes Engine. Labs are great place to practice and play
By Paola C
•Aug 19, 2021
The workload section seems to be misplaced. Previous test includes question about volumes which was not taught before
By pavlo s
•Mar 31, 2020
Almost ideal, can have more atomic tasks with a bit more detailed commands explanation and more real usage examples
By Urko M
•May 24, 2019
Good introduction to basic steps using GKE. The last labs had a couple of small glitches, but were still very useful.
By Sulthan S B
•Dec 23, 2018
CLear and detailed instructions by the instructors, enough time allowed to practice them, overall now experience!
By Tom P
•Apr 1, 2018
Good introduction, won't cover anything in depth, but will give an overall view on how to work with Kubernetes
By Jorawar S
•Apr 1, 2018
Labs were great.
But the videos need to be improved, especially the explanations of the topics with the audio.
By Han-Chung L
•Nov 9, 2019
Well designed course with a few slight flaws in the Jenkin's Lab. The Qwiklabs staff are extremely helpful.
By Yevgeniy V
•Feb 2, 2018
A bit difficult for beginners, may have more theoretical videos with explanations. Videos are too fast, imo