Jul 25, 2019
I really think this is a good way to get people that hasn't had interaction with GCP before on track, but it also is of really good use for regular users to discover more capabilities of the platform
Jan 28, 2017
Great course to introduce the specialization. It could be more robust, but it does the job and you are also provided with links for documents that will help you build on what you learn in the course.
By Marcio R
•Oct 1, 2020
The course is very well structrured, with short videos that go straight to the point. The instructors are great, there is an environment used to practical assignments which is perfect to get to know the platform without having to pay any extra. Strongly recommend to anyone wanting to learn more about Clouds and GCP specifically.
•Apr 11, 2020
I was totally beginner in this Google cloud stuff even I wasn't aware of 'what is cloud ' but after taking this course I got to know about a lot more than my expectations.
Just need some patience, consistency and some amount of good efforts....all the best and thanks to Google and Coursera for this awesome content.
By Omar A N
•Jun 16, 2020
Excelente! todo fue como lo esperaba.
Genial todo.
Pude aclarar muchos temas y aprender otros más que solo habia escuchado pero no habia tenido oportunidad de poner en practica.
La plataforma de coursera genial, y la plataforma de laboratorios muy bien concebida y el detalle de la explicación de cada laboratorio es muy precisa.
By Joke J
•Jul 2, 2019
Well paced and detailed. I like the presenter and presentation style. the demo is clear.
I think the lab instructions can be further improved. other than that, the course is awesome!
the dataproc, dataflow and tensorflow, mapreduce, i think these stuff can be further elaborated with example so that its clearer for students.
By Vijaya R
•Apr 15, 2019
Such a Excellent Course Content, I had never seen. Beautifully articulated the concepts in a well organized way. Really appreciate the efforts made by the teachers. I am confident that not only I got good understanding of the concepts, completed labs and hands-on, but most importantly, i am going to pass the exam !!!! :)
By panji d
•Jan 3, 2021
This course is good, detailed and have good mentors. But in practice area, you would be a little bit confused at first time. And it's really recommended for someone who has using google cloud platform before, that will be really helping. More of that this course is amazing and super recommended! thx google and coursera
By Jai C
•May 28, 2018
I really enjoyed the content and especially the delivery by the instructor, he talks about GCP with such confidence and he mentioned my favourite network address,, thanks for the great content Coursera I learnt a great deal from this course, I have more to learn thanks to the team who produced this content.
By satadru s
•Apr 8, 2023
when I submit the quiz shows a Money paid option why?
You're enrolling in Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure, which is available as part of multiple learning programs. These programs are designed to help you become job ready or master a skill. Select the program that is right for you from the list below.
By Anil K
•Apr 4, 2019
Good overview of the GCP Core Infrastructure. Nice mix of videos, quizzes and labs. The transcripts however have some errors since they seems to have been machine generated using voice-to-text technology. Also, in some cases the lab instructions did not actually match what was displayed on Google Cloud Console.
By Kaushik K
•May 15, 2020
Firstly I would like to thank Google for the course and Coursera for delivering through the platform.
Let me tell you an honest review, this is a must course that you must take to increase your knowledge about GCP.
Very well explained by instructors, Hands-on is must and Quiz to make sure you don't forget anything.
By Akanksha S
•Jul 12, 2020
It was good, content was really good, videos helped but lab activity was not at all good. The versions are outdated and due to which codes are not running and to try it again we need to start Qwik labs too many times which in turn exceeds its quota which is too time consuming and also exhaust quota many a times
By Alexander E E O
•Sep 9, 2018
Excelente Curso para introducirse en GCP y sus conceptos, yo ya habÃa hecho unos desarrollos por cuenta propia, pero ahora con este curso he reforzado mis conocimientos aprendidos y he adquirido nuevos que me han abierto los ojos sobre bondades de esta plataforma que he dejado de lado por falta de conocimiento.
•Apr 17, 2021
GCP:core infrastructure course is a great platform for those who really want an exposure to cloud environment. Anyone having intermediate knowledge on networking and basic knowledge on linux and sql query language can easily pull off this course. Thanks for Google for providing this opportunity and resources.
By Hardik G
•Apr 30, 2020
It was amazing Course . Very nicely explain every detail by instructor.This course has developed intrest in my mind that how the whole GCP would be working !! I look forward to do more type of this course and learn more about GCP .
Thank uou so much for the course to instructors , Coursera and Google Cloud .
By Nitesh M
•Sep 23, 2018
First of all course is very big, with all the services GCP has to offer. Trainers try to keep the video short and informative to avoid users to get bored and not missing any information. Second course topics are explained very well. QuickLab helps a lot! Thanks Google and Coursera for such a amazing course.
By Elizabeth N
•Apr 26, 2021
This course was excellent. As an IT professional looking to return to the field, I found this course to be very comprehensive and easy to follow. The instructions were easy to understand and the labs followed up with "real time" experience. I am very much looking forward to week 2! See you in the cloud!
•Jul 21, 2019
As an introductory course, it was a an experience to first of all get to know of all the resources that we had in Google Cloud Platform. I had used GCP earlier but never got to explore as much as I did while going through this course. I hope to learn more about using cloud platforms in subsequent courses.
By Quintin S
•May 1, 2018
This course provides a very broad overview of the different services provided by the Google Cloud Platform. This course is most applicable if you want to know which service is right for you. If you already know what you will be using, I would recommend tutorials geared specifically towards that service.
By aklilu a
•Oct 27, 2020
am not expecting the course before starting but am get experience and skill , also devoted chat descussion , i will revice specially the lab sesioss . also this a well organized and structure of documents like grade , objective , resources , overview , result etc even to show for some one how do i passed
By Elson P
•Feb 28, 2021
Ótimo curso, consegui aprender muita coisa sobre o poder do Google Cloud Platform, para alguém como eu que não tinha muito conhecimento sobre o que era o GCP, o curso ensina bem como funciona seus principais recursos e os Quick Labs te ajudam a aplicar na prática o que foi ensinado nos módulos do curso.
By Yogesh S
•Mar 31, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed the course as it gave me insight into GCP taxonomy and architecture. I certainly wanted to thanks Brian for covering the Labs in a nice and easy way. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is willing to shift jobs or would like to get a promotion in his organization.
By Jake H
•Apr 11, 2018
Great overview of GCP tools for someone with little prior knowledge of the platform, but aimed at an audience that understands the needs of applications they might be trying to build. So it can be brief in some areas, and heaver in others depending on your perspective. But overall, a very solid rundown.
By Marcos S
•Feb 18, 2020
It seems to me a very well explained course in several cases and that gives you a great advantage in the sense of the practices at a real level with which I am very satisfied, thank coursera and google for launching these courses that are very helpful for people who want to dabble in the cloud
By James E W
•Oct 24, 2018
Great course, good way to start learning about GCP. Provides a small taste of everything and the quizzes help keep you honest. I like the fact that Qwiklabs is mixed in to provide hands on without having to set up an account myself, but will eventually do so to continue to learn. Good format overall.
By Michael A
•Nov 20, 2020
I really liked the course. THere was a bump in the way on one of the assignments where I could, for the love of me, not finish then task. I created a review on it explaining what the problem was when I encountered it. I hope this will help me with getting a new job where I can work with google cloud.