Jul 28, 2020
The length of the video lectures are just right and the numbers of exercises or quizzes are just right. Learned a lot of new things about Excel's functionality. A huge step from the Essentials course.
Jun 5, 2020
Wow, I have no word to say about this course. Its video content, Structure is awesome. The tutor is good. Week assignments and quizzes are always ready to make our practice and make concept permanent.
By Rajat M
•Jul 22, 2020
When I saw the video lengths ranged from barely 2 to 6 minutes on average, I thought this would be a waste of time. But, the way the professors have presented and compiled the video. It seems that those 2 to 6 minutes were worth investing my time. I learnt a lot in such a short amount of time. Thanks for such amazing content.
By Sifelani N
•Apr 17, 2019
That was an excellent course for someone who wants to develop essential skills in excel, such as myself. The teaching team is super-excellent and the content is great, I enjoyed learning all the handy new skills and tackling the challenges. I feel empowered and more confident to use Excel. This is definitely a must-do course!
By Kyle M
•Feb 2, 2018
The course was very challenging but also organized to perfection. The way the instructors walked through each lesson step by step, as well as including practice challenges at the end of each week really reinforced and challenged the user to practice, practice, practice! I am already looking forward to completing more courses!
•Jun 30, 2020
The lectures were very well designed and the weekly practice challenges were very fun to solve.
I really appreciated features like Keyboard Shortcuts and Ninja tips.
I learned some cool features that I had never even heard of before: 3D formulas, named ranges, advanced charting and slicers to name a few.
Huge thanks to the team
By Roselle J A B
•Nov 14, 2020
I really enjoyed the sessions and the course practice & assessment. There has been a lot of functions that I have just discovered because of this course. Will definitely make my life easier in work, especially if working with tables/ranges & summarizing data. Looking forward to the next levels! It just keeps getting better.
By Mohammad O B S
•Jul 6, 2020
Wow! can't believe myself i have made it this far. All the topics covered in this course were interesting and felt like it could really increase your skills of excel. I plan to continue moving onto the third course and eventually the advanced one. Thanks to my mentors once again, wouldn't be possible without you people. :))
By Van T
•May 20, 2018
I really like your short videos and constantly providing the practice workbooks. I have tried many other online courses. Their videos are too long. Each video 5-6 minutes max is the best. And practice quiz right after each concept is brilliant. Thanks so much for putting this course up online so I can learn about Excel. :)
By 22-101 M M k
•May 29, 2020
Excellent course to learn excel but assignments are too tough. Need more response in the discussion forum. Lecture should be upgraded with assignment problems. Otherwise sometime it become really frustrating to continue this specialisation course. My humble request is to consider all these problems to the course authority.
By Vipin K G
•May 3, 2020
Myself Vipin Kumar Goyal working with KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad,India as a Laboratory Instructor in Applied sciences Department. This is fantastic experience to learning this course with Coursera. There are very good video and learning materials.All quizzes and assignments were good quality.
Thank you so much!!!
By Shazib H
•Nov 18, 2022
This course is very beneficial even though it is hard to pass let alone full grade. But if you persist and gain full grade 100% you will feel proud on your ability like me 😊. I like the teachers the way they teach is very interacting, God bless them. To conclude, it is worth your time, money, effort of doing this course
By Jayshal S
•Jun 15, 2018
Hats off to the instructors - Prashant and Nikki! I am amazed how smoothly they tutored complex Excel functions so well. I found the course challenging yet fun. I am sure the team must have put a lot of hard work in bringing this course together. This is the first time i am writing such a lengthy feedback! Good luck guys!
By Angie H
•Jul 19, 2024
I found this course informative. I particularly enjoyed learning about linking workbooks, 3D formulas, consolidating by position and reference. The learning path was well-organized, and the pace allowed me to grasp the material effectively. I also appreciated the instructor's clear explanations, and real-world examples.
•Apr 27, 2020
The finest course created to teach Microsoft Excel. At Ikigai Healing Foundation (ikigaiHealth.org) we will be able to add value through the skills learnt in this course and I look forward to the next course in this specialization series. Expressing my gratitude to the course instructors and the entire team. Thank You!
By Margie D
•Jul 25, 2020
I have already taken the previous Excel course in this series, and this course just as the previous one, is on point, covers all the topics in-depth as mentioned in the course outline, and each and every topic is well explained. The instructors are awesome and the whole course is organized very well. Excellent course!
•Dec 1, 2020
The courses are well structured and you never feel overwhelmed by the content. The instructors are very good and they explain every function of Excel in a clear concise manner. I recommend this Course from Macquarie University to anyone looking to polish up their Excel skills for making a career in MIS and Analytics.
By Rakesh K
•Jun 6, 2020
Excellent course. Intermediate I, has really helped me to take the excel to next new level. Did not realize that there are so many things that we can do and actually automate most of our data.
Loved it and learnt a lot of features.
Thanks to the team (Prashan, Nicky, Prof. Breyer and others behind the course), Rakesh
By Syed M A S B
•Oct 17, 2018
Excellent course designed and great instructors. It's the best course I recommend for self teaching. Gave me confidence and ultimate satisfaction. Nice lecture videos and practice modules. The examination is itself a great teaching which covers many other options one can come across. Thanks to Macquarie University,
By Kyle P
•Oct 21, 2022
I went to this course ready to challenge myself and a challenge is exactly what I got. This wasn't easy, not in the slightest, but the amount of depth here is staggering. I learned so much about things I already thought I knew and I already hold a certification in Microsoft Excel. I am so glad I took this course.
By Manisha I
•May 11, 2022
The Excel Training provided by MACQUARIE University is very useful and definitely my Excell skills are improving.
The videos and the workbooks provided to practice simultaneously while learning is very helpful to learn fast.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to learn Excel virtually and for the best teaching.
By Douglas A
•Sep 30, 2020
Excellent course. The instructions were clear and easy to follow. Provides very good summaries on how to use, format and extract data (or produce reports) from regular tables and Pivot tables - which is what I was really looking for. That plus all the other data analysis tools provided makes this course a MUST.
By Bonnie D
•May 8, 2021
I was hesitant going into the intermediate class as my skills lie in writing and not formulas or databases. However, I followed along with all of the videos and though I still struggled a bit with nested formulas, I was able to grasp tables and pivot tables. I feel more confident as I move towards the next class.
By William Y H
•Jul 25, 2020
i learned so much about using excel, and the quizzes and practice were really helpful. as a suggestion though, maybe you should ask for results but not tell users how to get there (or at least, not hold their hands) to challenge their critical thinking/problem solving skills, as no boss will do that in real life
By akinbowale t
•Dec 30, 2020
Actually I am overwhelmed by the teaching procedures and the provision of practice Challenges and assessment for each week. It allows me not to just watch to get certified but involve myself in the understanding of excel. Its been fun and challenging. Thank you facilitators. We move to Course 3- Intermediate II
By Frank C
•Jan 7, 2025
i'm making all the courses that macquarie university about excel, and i say that if you can take this and all of the courses, just do it, im very impressed about all the things i discovered that excel can bring to my life, and specially, when i discover them in a pretty didactical way, like prahan and nicky do
By Izzat A B M A
•Dec 30, 2020
The course and assessments are very well thought out. They make students engage into the content of the course rather than only watching videos. The course makes it so that you actually practice what you learn through the videos via assessment on each videos on top of practice challenges the end of each week