Oct 1, 2022
merci pour ce cours très enrichissant qui couvert beaucoup des aspects de base de langue française et bien sûr donne les clès pour savoir comment bien vivre en france et trouver le bonheur là-bas.
Mar 16, 2021
Great help in continuing my education on the French language. It's also very useful in learning how to navigate some of the things you may encounter as a foreign student arriving in France. :)
By Miliutina A P
•Jan 6, 2020
Bonjour! J'ai terminé votre cours et j'ai vraiment aimé! Le cours est assez complet, intéressant. Mais, je n'ai pas vraiment aimé que mes écrits ne soient vérifiés que par des étudiants. Je trouve leur évaluation très subjective. Ainsi, par exemple, il est clair que lors de l'évaluation de la composition de la semaine 6, une personne pour tous les points m'a mis 1. Dans le commentaire, il n'y a pas d'explication.
By Nguyen V A N
•Sep 3, 2020
Amazing course! I had not been practicing or using French ever since I got my DELF B1 certificate, and this course helped me a lot in reviewing what I have learned/acquired so far. It also taught me a lot of new, valuable things about French language and French culture that I hadn't known before. I learned so much with this course. Looking forward to another French course like this, maybe for C1 and C2 levels.
By Javiera C A A
•Nov 28, 2020
Me encantó el curso, presenta muchos elementos para poder aprender, desde videos explicativos a tareas evaluadas por compañeros/as, presenta grandes desafíos igualmente, como son las pruebas de audición, y suelen saber reforzar las partes que uno podría tener más débiles respecto a este idioma.
Soy de Chile y este curso me sirvió muchísimo para poder mejor mi francés, tanto escrito como oral, lo recomiendo.
By Jem M
•Jul 20, 2018
Ce cours était absolument incroyable. Je dois améliorer ma grammaire française et apprendre de nouvelles choses. Les professeurs étaient très clairs et il était agréable de regarder les vidéos et d'avoir de nouvelles idées sur la France et les Français dans leur ensemble. Mon application de la langue française va s'améliorer pour me permettre de communiquer au sein du poste que j'occupe à l'Union africaine
By Sonia M
•Apr 23, 2020
Estoy muy agradecida a los profesores que han sabido estructurar un curso de lengua on line, con tanta claridad y muy buen contacto con los cursantes. Me ha sido muy útil en cuento al aprendizaje de la gramatica como la pronunciación. Las explicaciones son muy claras y trasmitidas con simpatía, casi como si fuera presencial. Desearía que pudieran organizar una continuación de este curso. Felicitaciones !!
By Krystyna C
•Jul 18, 2021
This is indeed an excellent course and within the confines of the online format, it manages to cover the four requirements for DELF preparation. I particularly found the writing exercises with feedback from one's peers to be challenging, not only the writing of the assignment itself, but the correcting others' work as well. It was so good in fact, that I plan to take it again to reinforce my learning.
By Campbell S
•Apr 29, 2021
Me siento muy satisfecha de haber concluido "Etudier en France: French Intermediate Course B1-B2 y obtener mi certificado.
Lo recomiendo, está super completo e interesante. Lo disfruté tanto que agradecería esto continuara y crearan otro curso a nivel avanzado, sería genial.
Gracial por sus conocimientos y en especial a COURSERA por ofrecer a la comunidad internacional este apoyo educativo invaluable.
By Andres B
•Jun 10, 2020
Well structured and very source material, examples and assignments to learn from. Upon finish it I have found myself much better at reading and writing the language and even listening to it with movies. What I like the most is that modern movies, music and everyday topics and converations. I strongly recommend this course and will suggest it to anyone that wants to imrpove their French. Merci Beaucoup!!
By marina
•Dec 8, 2021
Je recommande cette course. C'est bien conçu, toutes les présentations sont faites de manière claire, et sont également divertissantes, les exercices sont bien pensés. J'ai bien aimé et apprécié ça! Merci!
I highly recommend this course. It is well designed, all the presentations are made in a clear manner, and are also entertaining, the exercises are well thought out. I really enjoyed it!, thank you!
By Stella M B
•Mar 8, 2024
Merci beaucoup de m'avoir offert l'opportunité de rafraîchir mes connaissances du français, solidement apprises au sein de l'Alliance française de Salta, en Argentine, il y a plus de 50 ans ! En tant que pédagogue, je vous félicite pour l'organisation du cours et la mise à disposition de ressources pédagogiques multiples et complémentaires pour favoriser un apprentissage autonome et porteur de sens.
By Gabriel T A
•May 25, 2020
El curso es muy completo, ofrece información relevante sobre los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para comenzar a estudiar en Francia. Al mismo tiempo, el curso permite practicar temas de gramática, fonética, comprensión oral y producción escrita con ejercicios interactivos agradables. Para mí fue muy útil ya que aprendí cosas nuevas y reforcé mis conocimientos previos. Lo recomiendo mucho.
By Rainer K
•Sep 9, 2020
Following the proposed rhythm of weekly exercises is a very good approach in learning a foreign language, the mixture of videos, instructions in grammar and education in culture is an enriching experience and it was a pleasure to complete the proposed exercises and lessons. Thanks a lot for making this excellent course available for free, it is one of the best of its kind that I have ever seen !
By Thong H D
•Aug 11, 2020
This is a very good course for Intermediate level. Through 6 weeks, we are not only improve the French language skills but also gain a lot of knowledge about France culture, gastronomy, place to visits, ... It "extremely useful not only for students who sill study in France but also for whoever wants to know about the France country in general.
Big thanks to the producer team and PolyTechnique!
By Marco B
•Jul 8, 2020
This course is will done, with structured lessons that can be taken at your preferred pace.
The instructors are University professors with a robust experience in teaching the complex nuances of the French language. The enthusiasm they bring into connecting grammar with the practical aspects of everyday life and providing a taster of French culture and customs makes the course even more enjoyable.
By Melinda R
•May 30, 2019
This is an excellent course. It was a bit more advanced than where I believe my skills to be, but the way the material is presented, I was able to do the work and I feel it helped strengthen my abilities. And I felt encouraged despite having to work hard at a few things. The professors are very good, as well. The subtleties of the language are many! I will keep going. Je vais continuer. Merci!
By Наталья Р Д
•Jan 6, 2023
Je tiens à remercier tous les professeurs de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris pour un cours fantastique en français. Conférences vidéo très instructives et intéressantes. Il existe de nombreux matériaux indépendants qui développent la pensée en français, et quelque part la pensée philosophique. J'aimerais étudier en direct dans cet institut. Merci beaucoup encore ! Succès et prospérité !
By amrita k
•Sep 14, 2019
C'est un cours très bien structuré. Les enseignants ont fait un excellent travail en expliquant la grammaire pertinente avec suffisamment d’exercices pour la pratiquer. La variété des exercices a rendu ce cours très intéressant. Le cours met également l'accent sur toutes les compétences nécessaires pour bien apprendre une langue. Je le recommande à tous les étudiants qui veulent s'améliorer.
By Llorenç A
•Oct 31, 2020
C’est un cours extraordinaire, qui permet de mieux comprendre la France, sa culture et ses habitants et explique clairement les parties de la grammaire et de l’expression orale qui sont le plus utilisées pour les interactions avec les autres.
C’était un bon cours et j’ai beaucoup apprécié les professeurs et les élèves qui y ont assisté. Continnuez comme ça. Félicitations à toutes et à tous.
By Víctor V
•Aug 5, 2020
This course made me improve my French skills and I felt no pressure while taking it since I rescheduled the deadlines and I liked this flexibility.
The teachers were amazing and very passionate about teaching which was very motivating!
I would recommend this course for people who have been learning French for about a year, and they now want to push their limits with this intermediate course.
By Ann R
•Apr 24, 2017
An excellent course that I would highly recommend. The best MOOC I have every done for improving my French and great fun too. I love the Coursera Platform, everything runs very smoothly and it is very easy to navigate. This also adds to the pleasure of doing the course. Congratulations to Coursera and the organisers of the MOOC for making this learning experience outstandingly good.
By Farah M o
•Jul 5, 2020
The course has been truly beneficial for me. I have learned French in 6 weeks better than I have learned at school for years, There were really lots of phrases, vocabulary, grammar rules, pronunciations I wouldn't have known without this course. I highly recommend it. I want to thank everyone that has worked on it and all the teachers, thank you for making my language so much better!
By Jennifer S M
•May 24, 2017
This is a well presented French course with very engaged professors. Since they keep you busy with different course materials and quizzes, you never get bored. I wished Coursera or Ecole Polytechnique would offer more French courses like this one. I can recommend this course to everyone who is at least at a B1 level and who is interested in learning French and developing his skills.
By Josh S
•Jul 7, 2020
Cet cours à vraiment aidé mon Français! This was a well structured course that serves as great practice to several fundamental intermediate French concepts. I really enjoyed the bite-sized nature of the modules, which allowed me to allot around an hour each week day to work on my French. Highly recommended! Thanks to Ecolé Polytechnique for putting this wonderful course together!
By Kazi A S
•Oct 23, 2019
Étudier en France: French Intermediate course B1-B2 is an excellent course to improve French language proficiency. It helps to enrich all four skills as well as grammar. The real time examples helps a student to increase his knowledge regarding real life situation. According to my point of view, it is the best course offers in the current market.
Kazi Abu Sanraz
Dhaka, Bangladesh
By Alison S
•Sep 28, 2020
This course is really great as a kind of grand sweep repetition of all the French you already know. It's also a pleasant introduction into French life & culture, as well as university life.
10/10 would recommend to anyone who wants to brush up their French. The only thing it's missing is an opportunity to practice speaking, but that is simply due to the format of this course.