(331 Reviews)
(104 Reviews)
Jan 7, 2021
I really love this trainibng, since it helps me to refresh my knowledge about my professional teaching.I also learned and related a lot from this. You inspire me to teach more effectively . God bless!
Apr 9, 2020
Great course! Nice content and great presentation of the material. Useful not only for ESL teachers, but for all language teachers and even for teachers in general. Thank you for creating this course!
By Edward L
•Dec 7, 2020
I've been teaching for over 20 years and hold a Masters in Adult Education, but lost my licensure due to an out of state move during the Covid-19 crisis. This course reflects teaching skills and knowledge that I wish was presented to me on day one of my teaching and that all teachers should definitely have. It is also well presented and provides opportunities for learners to express their own ideas. I would highly recommend the course to just about anyone who wants to become a skillful student centered educator.
By Cynthia P L
•Nov 11, 2020
It was really interesting, joyful and inspiring. Although I am a teacher myself, sometimes we have assumptions and beliefs that are wrong. I really loved this course and I believe it would help me to change students' view on learning a language and also my approach on how to reach to them. Lastly, also remember that because we want to give the best to our students does not mean to neglect ourselves. Balancing our personal life and teaching will surely have positive effects for both the learners and teachers.
By Taner U
•Jul 23, 2023
This course is a platform that provides well English language teaching. In my opinion this course showed me me how the English teacher taught students the language properly. Using correct strategies to teach English ease teachers burden such as time, hard working etc. Body language and first impressive teaching style affects students decision making for teacher in a just little time. So teacher should prepare his programme and be collective his colleagues to make sinergy for effective teaching style.
By Diana Y
•Oct 22, 2022
I love Dr. Shane and his engaging virtual teaching methods! I am pleasantly surprised with the quality of this course and the entire certificate program. As an instructor of in-person and virtual learning myself, I know it is difficult to captivate the attention of your audience, and I actively avoid virtual learning whenever possible due to so many poor experiences. I love the structure of this course, the way the material is presented, and the amazing instructors. Thank you for a wonderful experience!
By Joe S
•May 13, 2018
Outstanding! I love the enthusiasm Dr. Dixon brings to this MOOC. This course is taught by people who really understand how to teach at the most basic level, which has made taking this course so informative. Not only did I learn the foundational principles of EFL instruction, but simply watching HOW this whole course was setup, executed, and designed has been a learning experience in and of itself. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is or is thinking of teaching English as a foreign language.
By Bishoy T
•Aug 22, 2022
This one's course materials are excellent. In addition, professors' explanations and methods are enjoyable, simple, and perfect.
Thank you to the University of Arizona for providing this first course of the TESOL certificate of TESOL programme and allowing me to study there, as well as to the Coursera platform for providing us with this scientific momentum. I thank the professors from the bottom of my heart for their hard work with us and for the valuable scientific material presented in this course.
By Andres F M D A
•Sep 26, 2016
Thanks, this course is an evidence of the advantages of a mooc and a good use of the technology, i learned a lot and i'll keep in mind all your advice. I want to go through all the courses of the specialization, even though i don't have the $$ to purchase for the courses certification, the important thing is that i'm learning a lot and my future first students will be the real certification and rectification of what i have leaned, giving my best self to teach them. Teachers. You are awesome. thanks
By Sara Z
•Jun 25, 2023
In my considered opinion, the course under discussion represents an exceptional example of pedagogical excellence. Throughout the duration of the program, I have acquired a considerable amount of knowledge and am deeply appreciative of the instructors' efforts in crafting a comprehensive and insightful curriculum. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Shane Dixon, in particular, for their exceptional dedication and commitment to delivering a course that is truly exemplary in all respects.
By Daniela C
•Jan 25, 2020
I enjoyed the video lessons. I found the system of rating my classmates and my classmates rating me an interesting and stimulating activity. It was interesting to read other peoples' opinions, rate them and give feedback. I became aware that my feedback improved and was more constructive over the duration of the course and I hope that it was a bit helpful to the classmates that I rated. It gave me a sense of practicing something that will be part of what I do when teaching a language. Although,
By Hakan A
•Jan 30, 2020
The course combines theory with practice in an organized and effective way. After a quick and understandable information about the teaching principles, course teachers really illustrate how we can apply these theoratical information into our classroom environment. The course also handles every aspect of teaching process: Methodologies, Learning Strategies, Students Autonomy and even Teacher Burnout. Really useful course for all language teachers. Thank You Coursera and Arizona State University.
By Carolin C
•Nov 29, 2016
It is a recommended course for any teachers out there. Even though this course is focusing on teaching English language, I find that it is still helpful for teachers of any other subjects, even other languages! I thoroughly enjoy weekly assignment even though I have to admit that I didn't complete some by the end of the week. But, it is all on me because I am responsible for my own learning. Good luck to everyone who is taking this course and anyone who will be taking this course! Cheers!
By J A K
•Aug 10, 2016
The Foundational Principles portion of this specialization is really comprehensive, but also not complex enough that a new learner can't complete and understand the material. There is a strong focus on teacher technique that I appreciated. There is a good combination of audio-visual material and reading material. I prefer to learn through reading so it was nice to intersperse articles and authentic research with the lessons. Would definitely recommend this to new and seasoned learners!
By Ijeoma U
•Sep 27, 2020
It was an amazing experience! I must commend Dr. Shane Dixon's level of creativity in making the course interesting and very easy to comprehend. His ability to explain the most complex ideas in simple forms is quite incredible. I never thought that taking an online course will be so rewarding and educative, my experience has cleared all my doubts. I also appreciate Coursera's efforts in putting this wonderful courses together, and I look forward to taking my courses on this platform.
By Francis Y
•Oct 18, 2019
Although it was an introductory course, the foundational principles were very helpful, even as an experienced teacher. Because I did not have any formal training in education (i.e. did not major in the education field), the principles taught offered a lot of insights into why I have been doing what I did in the classroom and why I was trained in particular ways of teaching. This is a great course to start the TESOL certification process or to see if this is what you really want.
By Saida H
•Jun 13, 2020
The course was very useful and gave me a lot of ideas that I didn't know as a future teacher and also it gave me the opportunity to discover more about the teaching field making it seem like an exciting journey to take. The tutors were very spontaneous and not strick at all, they are friendly and have a smooth message delivery way that the student understands what they are talking about immediatly. I really enjoyed the course and looking forward seeing you in real life. Thank you
By Ana L
•May 9, 2022
Great course. The only thing I would change is the peer review process. It would be great to add another review question. Something that establishes if the answer is readable, looks plagerized, looks to be written by someone who doesn't have the language level needed to be in this course.
I am a very simpathetic reader/listener, and I don't look for accuracy or correct grammar. Even still, many of the assignments I reviewed showed huge gaps in comprehension and comprehensibilty.
By Gennie V
•May 7, 2022
That was an incredible experience! I got so much useful information, advices, examples and even practice in expressing myself while writing essays every week. And even more than that, I started to feel myself integrated in a global community of talented teachers and gained more confidence in my teaching practice. Sending my gratitude to Dr. Shane Dixon, Dr. Justin Shewell and Jessica Sinco for creating this beautiful course and to Coyrsera for giving us the opportunity to study.
By Натали Н
•Jan 27, 2021
I enjoyed this course a lot! It has really meaningful and useful content, interesting video and thought-provoking assignments. Getting through this course I gained a great deal of knowledge and got to know teaching techniques and strategies. I can’t thank the creators of this fabulous course enough for the opportunity to participate in it and want to express sincere gratitude to all teachers who were behind the scene. I am looking forward to going in-depth of the next course.
By Mark A C
•Sep 27, 2021
I am really grateful and thankful that I was able to join and have this course. I learned about how teaching English is, what are the methods, strategies and the principles. How teachers, students, and class are compared to some objects to emphasize and explain every thought in an understandable way. I am also thankful for the faculty and the Coursera itself for granting me the privilege to be one of their student in this course, which will be a great plus for me in the future.
By Brant T
•May 23, 2017
Having both taken Barbara Oakley's coursera course about learning as well as reading her book, I was already familiar with the ideas about focused and diffuse learning modes. This course applied not only that information that I was aware (and quite fond) of to the idea of language learning, but also pulled in a number of other useful pedagogical resources and presented them in a coherent and cohesive manner. I am looking forward to the next course in the TOEFL specialization.
By Fernando B M
•Nov 22, 2020
I took this course to learn how to teach myself better. I feel stuck in my english learning and I'm currently learning a third language, so this was a pretty nice oportunity. In the end... I actually feel motivated to get into teaching, and even better, what I learned here can translate (Pun intended) to any other topic, not only language teaching, something that will come very handy as a Software developer and musician... I don't know, after TOEFL, I might just go for TESOL.
By Rosa F
•Sep 8, 2020
I gave a 5 starts rate because i really like the way you presented the part 1: materials and videos was so precisely ant not too long, that study was not feel like taking a course but reviewing things that we may be achieved a long time ago but we had forgotten somehow. it has a personal approach to me as a person and as a teacher, in order to never forget how ridiculous we have to be while teaching to help our students to feel really comfy with their learning process.
By Engaisi P
•Aug 25, 2018
I loved and enjoyed the teaching style of this course. It modeled the way I should be teaching perfectly and so I was able to connect the content I was learning to the way the teacher was teaching. Lots of teacher talk and body language and scaffolding was modeled.
I also learned very useful information which I look forward in using in my own classes in the future.
All in all, spectacular. Keep it up and I hope those who come after me will enjoy it just as much.
And thank you!
By Larry N C W
•Dec 13, 2023
I enjoyed the course. It was a little more difficult than I imagined it would be though. It comes back to a principle we spoke of in the course where students need more real-world experience. The introduction to some of the scholars, such as Francious (among others) was just so brief that I found it difficult to retain which one said which thing. Overall, I think being able to feel this is important as it allows one to experience what their learners might experience as well.
By Hong L
•Mar 19, 2022
Teaching English now! Lessons have created an unforgetable life-long impact on my teaching with its solid, professional, theoretical and practical instructions. It has spread a complete new scene of teaching before my eyes and guided me in teaching successfully and in designing consecutive nation -wide certified teaching plans for the rest of years ever since I started the lessons in 2015. I admire the teachers with their profound knowledge and their beautiful smiles!