(331 Reviews)
(104 Reviews)
Jan 7, 2021
I really love this trainibng, since it helps me to refresh my knowledge about my professional teaching.I also learned and related a lot from this. You inspire me to teach more effectively . God bless!
Apr 9, 2020
Great course! Nice content and great presentation of the material. Useful not only for ESL teachers, but for all language teachers and even for teachers in general. Thank you for creating this course!
By Sachini J
•Dec 22, 2020
it is such a previilage for me to learn how to teach English under such experienced language teachers. I am honored and humbled to let you know that this course has given me more than i expect and has enhanced my knowledge more precisely. I would like to pay my gratitude to all the producers of these lessons and the course and also i would like to wish you all the very best.
By Lien V
•Sep 1, 2023
I just love the course and all the professors. The courses are designed in ways that are not too long and the content are emphasized and repeated so it's much easier to remember. The professors are also interesting, and they definitely use the techniques that they teach such as body language, teacher talk and scaffolding. I find the stories also very fun to read. Thank you!
By Jorge L
•Jan 20, 2023
Excellent course with excellent teachers who have awesome expertise by engaging us through communicative approaches based on real-life situations alongside the teaching-learning didactic pedagogical process, tutoring how to become an English teacher, critical thinker, and mediator in the face of this globalized generation, where English has become the second world language.
By Jingyi L
•Jul 8, 2021
I am an English teacher from China, I highly recommend this course because it benefits my career. From the course I learn foundation principles that I have never heard before. After learning, I reflect my own teaching and implent what I learn to my students. So this course not only benefits me, but my class, and I believe they can spread the positive energy to more people.
By Mycah B
•Mar 5, 2016
I looked forward to each week's newly posted lectures and other content. This is a well-organized course, and one learns the various principles, including the more technical, without much effort. Also, Dr. Shane Dixon is a gifted teacher: his success at teaching this class proves that the teaching methods he presents yields successful learning indeed. A recommended course!
By Katie
•Sep 25, 2017
The class is definitely what it claims - an overview of foundational principles. I have a degree in education, so it was a bit tedious going through all the things I learned freshman year of college, but the class would be excellent for someone new to the field. The videos are cheesy, but don't waste too much time, and the quizzes/peer reviewed assignments are reasonable.
•Nov 30, 2020
I have an English language at the elementary level, despite studying it at school and university. Therefore, for me this course is the best stage and the most productive period of learning English. Every video, every text, every task of this course has become just incredible for me. Cool, thanks to the organizers of this course who were able to make it concise and useful
By Carolina E R H
•Jul 21, 2020
This course allows us to visualize how important it is to teach, allowing students not only to receive knowledge, but also experiences that will help them to face their future with the best attitude, practicing good principles, with values that give them the confidence to believe in themselves and to model with passion and motivation for their own development and future.
By kiyingi i
•Nov 19, 2019
Great foundation to teaching indeed. Thanks. As warm language and the tilt of warm language and metaphors was greatly explored to make content sticky in our brains. Great job, as MuD worked out. Language is like a cake, a camera, basketball,a door, the students are young birds, , teacher a couch, a candle and so more. Keep the light (students) remain ignited. Thanks alot
By Michelle M
•Apr 22, 2018
This entire course was entertaining, engaging, and well-structured. I obtained new skills and learned the history of skills I currently use. Each week's theme made the information imparted easy to incorporate into everyday life as well as the classroom. I feel like I have a solid foundation upon which to build further education upon and I look forward to the next course.
By Saleem B
•Jul 24, 2020
I find pleasure in doing the course. Tutoring is very impressive. Felt as if the mentors were next to me and guiding the concepts in a more understanding way. Very comfortable. Excellent learning. No boring at all. Fun in learning as notice evergreen smile on mentors' face which makes me no deviation from the course. It's a real edutainment. Thank you for your efforts.
By Bella B
•May 17, 2020
I have enjoyed the most of the presentation of Shane Dixon!
Other teachers are also very good indeed, i really appreciate, but this fellow is very close to my pedagogical philosophy and really touched me, my general values in life.
I want to thank everyone who worked on such great smart project!!
My sincere love and respect for you guys,
Baktygul Baikozha from Kazakhstan
By Ali M A
•May 4, 2020
Although it just the firs instalment in this TESOL specialisation, this course is enough by itself to revise, improve, and maybe totally change your understanding of what it means to be an English teacher and actually teach with passion and success. I do recommend this course without reservation for Dr Shane and his team really know how to prepare and serve their cake!
By Guillermo A M L
•Feb 20, 2019
This is an excellent course. It helped me a lot by teaching me a lot of basic principles about teaching that I didn't know. I think that the information given in this course is key to understand the role of a teacher and stay motivated, so we can help students learn and develop the best they can. I'm completely satisfied with this course and I recommend it 100 percent.
By Francisca R R
•Feb 21, 2017
¡¡Maravilloso!! Este primer curso es inspirador, enérgico y sus contenidos están muy bien organizados. Siento que he aprendido muchísimo. Ningún otro curso de los que tomado, me había pedido reflexionar como lo ha hecho este curso. Es más que teoría, es introspección, es detalle, es también, una instancia de auto-revisión profesional. Gran curso, grandes profesores.
By Malaya C
•Mar 1, 2016
This course was beautifully made, the content was rich and meaty and yet not overwhelming. The modules were compact and yet well paced, presented using the very same principles being taught. My children (ages 8,10, 12) would even sit down and watch Dr. Shane's lessons with me, every week!
Thank you very much to the team behind the Teach English Now specialization.
By Марина Р
•Jan 24, 2021
That was my first time to study online. And I want to say that it was amazing! First of all - teachers! That is incredible how interesting can be videos about education. Then I wanna motion that the platform is so interactive. Coursera and ASU did everything to give you an opportunity to study. Ive learn a lot about teaching and communication with students. 100\100
By Molly E
•Nov 2, 2017
I've "taught" both kids and seniors informally before (swimming lessons, writing, computer classes) and this course helped put in clear perspective the things I'd learned by trial and error. Wish I'd known some of this stuff back then. It was pretty easy and broken down into tiny bits, and while it's a 6-week course, you can very easily do it in a week, like I did.
By Rodney H S
•Jul 23, 2022
It's easy to get lost and feel burned-out by the burdens that language teachers all over the world share, but via this course, I was able to find myself and my reasons for teaching English. Thank you for being a guiding star! I hope that more ESL teachers find this course and feel reinvigorated after completing this fulfilling introductory/reintroductory journey!
By Dilnoza S
•Sep 29, 2022
Hello I am Dilnoza
I express my great gratitude for the fact that ("TEACH ENGLISH NOW!"). I am studying in this course. With this course I was able to learn a lot of useful information and this course helps me to learn a lot. And I will work well in the same spirit and use these methods to teach students. Thank you for the wonderful and useful teaching methods.
By Amanda M
•Aug 14, 2023
What an amazing journey! I absolutely loved taking this course and having the opportunity to engage in so many interesting activities and discussions with teachers from all over the world. All my love, appreciation and gratitude to the tutors and the team involved in creating this amazing course. I will be forever grateful for the knowledge I've acquired here.
By Alison H
•Jul 3, 2022
I have taken many on-line courses and found this course to be at the top of list! I look forward to moving forward and earning a professional certificate in TESOL. I found the instructor exceptional and informatitive, while at the same time, entertaining. Teaching should be enjoyable for both the teacher and student; this course definitely promotes this ideal.
By Kumiko M
•May 12, 2020
The course is very well thought out to provide the basic concepts and principles of teaching. These concepts are logical and easily understood. However, I was able to easily understand these concepts because of the well-thought out organisation of the course. The pace of the course is also suited for those who can make time on the side in their busy schedule.
By Allan d l C E
•Jan 1, 2018
The course was very educational from beginning until the end. Using all kind of metaphors thru the entire course was really an eyeopener. Thumbs ups to the team Arizona State University who developed this training program. Good luck with sharing this inspirational teaching technique in the future. Allan de la Cerna Enriquez from Terneuzen, The Netherlands.
By Kristeline M
•Jul 14, 2020
I love it. I learned a lot and I specially like the fact that the presenters are very empathetic to teachers. I appreciated the last module personally too since it caters a topic that not all courses offer. More than information is emotional stability of teachers so I love it when they talked about teacher's burn out. I am looking forward to the next course!