Aug 11, 2020
It was wonderful experience to know the special theory of relativity from Larry, who has presented the course in very simple way to understand. Thanks a lot to Larry for providing such a good session.
Dec 8, 2019
Almost anyone can learn about the special theory of relativity from these lectures. I actually can't believe that I studied from a professor who teaches in the USA and in so simple way. I am grateful.
By Gigi
•Dec 5, 2020
Feeling a bit emotionally as I depart from this class. It was truly an enlightening experience and I walked away truly having a grasp for quantum mechanics as a novice.
By Marko S
•Aug 21, 2020
Really great course, it can be seen that professor really puts in great effort and repeats key concepts throught course so you never go astray of main ideas. Thank you.
By Patrick M
•Jul 2, 2017
Very good introduction to the topic without going too far in depth into the calculations. This has inspired me to take more advance physic courses to continue to learn.
By haltersweb
•Feb 4, 2019
This was an extremely interesting course. Thank you for offering it. You really made it understandable while still maintaining the wonder of such "weird" phenomenon.
By Aman M
•Jan 26, 2022
Absolutely phenomenal. I had watched some more mathematical lectures on youtube, but my conceptual understanding of the basics was lacking. This course cleared it up.
By Soham C
•Jul 6, 2020
Best Astronomy Course Ever. I love Standford and would even like to choose Standford University for my higher education and research. I highly recommend this course !
By karen o
•Feb 14, 2017
though i have read lots of popular physics before, nothing ever explained lorentz contraction and time dliation like dr lagerstrom! really helpful new understanding.
By john m
•Feb 4, 2023
Great course, a little hard to follow at times. The lectures where excellent and very informative.
By Themistoklis V B
•Jan 26, 2021
Excellent from start to end. Maths level required is very basic and still possible to understand only with words a lot of things that would seem complicated before!
By Abrish G
•Oct 10, 2020
Provided a very beautiful insight into non-intuitive concepts and the struggle to understand the marvelous structure of reality was indeed an ennobling experience!
By silvia f
•Jun 18, 2020
Me ha servido mucho.
He comprendido de que se trata cuando hablamos de Relatividad Especial
De como llegamos a las paradojas y como salimos de ellas
Gracias Profesor
By Vishal P
•Mar 31, 2017
By Pierre-Yves B
•Jul 2, 2022
Great course for whoever wants to understand the theory of relativity in a simple way thanks to the great course structure and explanations from Prof Lagerstrom.
By Pablo E
•Jul 24, 2021
Una excelente manera de aprender por primera vez la teoría de la Relatividad, me parece que cualquier amante de la ciencia, del conocimiento lo debería realizar.
By Yan A
•Jun 27, 2020
A wonderful course that will enable literally anyone, even without any sort of mathematical background to grasp the idea behind the Special Theory of Relativity.
By Devarshi T
•Jul 8, 2019
This course is excellent. I want to know and learn about Einstein's special theory of relativety. This course tech me everything about it. Sir Thank you so much.
By Ilias T
•Apr 28, 2017
Great course!
Mr. Lagerstrom thank you very much for giving us your insight about Special Theory of relativity and more generally for your learning initiative !
By Kunal L
•Jan 16, 2018
A great course for beginners. While it does not cover a large number of topics, the ones it does, it tries to do slowly, thoroughly and with clarity of thought.
By Venkataraman K
•Dec 29, 2016
Very methodical & lucid way of explaining the concepts. Understanding of Special Theory of Relativity made relatively easy, pun intended! Thank you Professor...
By Nisnat C
•Aug 31, 2019
It was a great experience to learn such fascinating things in such a beautiful way, I believe it increased my eagerness even more towards this beautiful topic.
By Sivasankaran
•Jun 23, 2017
Fully Packed with knowledge !!. Best Course for First year students in physics and general people who are interested in physics and with no background in math.
By Pablo P
•Jul 31, 2020
Very formative for those without mathematic knowledge. It addresses the key concepts of special relativity at a very reasonable and undemanding pace. Thanks!
By Thomas H
•Nov 27, 2017
It is a great course for anyone who wants not only to learn the theory but to understand it and how it's creator Albert Einstein came to these discoveries.
By Dr. M U
•Feb 26, 2019
Best course to understand the basis of the Special Theory of Relativity, mainly for such guys who mean to understand this theory only by using mathematics.
By William H J
•Nov 3, 2020
A superb course that goes into an excellent amount of detail on the Special Theory of a Relativity, with well paced and engaging lessons and problem sets.
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