Feb 14, 2021
Thank you for giving me excellent information on digital thread components. It is very helpful course for me. Thank you University of buffalo, The State University of New York and Coursera.
Apr 14, 2017
Thank you for giving me excellent information on digital thread components. It is very helpful course for me. Thank you University of buffalo, The State University of New York and Coursera.
By Prakash S
•Feb 15, 2021
Thank you for giving me excellent information on digital thread components. It is very helpful course for me. Thank you University of buffalo, The State University of New York and Coursera.
By Meetkumar P
•Apr 15, 2017
Thank you for giving me excellent information on digital thread components. It is very helpful course for me. Thank you University of buffalo, The State University of New York and Coursera.
By Senthil k J S
•May 28, 2020
Thank you to Dr.Ken English who provides excellent insights on digital manufacturing. I am inspired and motivated to do contribute for this digital manufacturing environment.
By Héctor L
•Jan 27, 2021
By Jimish S
•Apr 12, 2018
Let me start with thanking the faculty and Coursera for breaking down the course in a structured manner. The course was good as a starter pack for anyone who is new to the field and has little or no information technology background. For existing practitioners much of the content would be known, specially topics for Week 2.
I have found publication from CIMdata informative and relevant in the context of Digital Thread and Digital Twin.
By Konrad G R R
•Aug 4, 2019
This course is all about showing what components are involved in seeing an integrated view of everything about an asset or product throughout its life cycle -- the Digital Thread. You can see the 30,000ft view or look at the nitty-gritty details using the resources the course provides. It's all up to you.
By Dr. M A G
•May 3, 2020
This was one of the most well executed courses that groomed me to grasp the concepts of the components of a digital thread in the Digital Manufacturing scenario. I loved the delivery and the illustrations and the reference material which talked about what actually is happening in the industry right now.
By Johnson N
•Oct 27, 2017
The concepts in this class are also applicable in many other fields and practices. Basically, the course emphasizes the importance of digitizing and quantifying our data and models so that we can make well informed decisions with much better precision than randomly guessing.
By vishal c
•Apr 30, 2020
thanks for detailed information about digital thread components. It is very helpful for me in the future and this course deals with different components of digital thread and various advantages and disadvantages of the component in the industry
By Vancho D
•Jan 10, 2018
This program is a must for every mechanical engineer and industrial engineer involved in product development and manufacturing in general.
You must take it! It provides great information about Digital Thread Components
•May 20, 2020
Digital thread components took my broad goal into specifics. With the discussions along the way, I was able to took the needs of data sharing, semantic data and interoperability.
Thank for such nice Course
•May 2, 2018
To understand thoroughly how Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the means of production, we must understand the components of this revolution. This course explains a number of them.
By Matias G
•Dec 14, 2021
Muy completo e interesante para iniciar tus conocimientos en manufacturing 4.0, Creo que un valor añadido sería poder compartir más ideas con profesorado y estudiantes de SUNY.
By Joswin C
•May 4, 2020
It was really informative about how digital thread plays and important role in the product life cycle. Got a knowledge base updated. Thank you!
By ajay k v
•May 24, 2020
Especially for manufacturers, there are quite useful like TDP, data sharing and framework process for strategic planning.
By Tushar S
•May 2, 2020
it is an amazing course for new aspirants to enhance their knowledge in the field of data sharing and data transferring.
By Devang S
•Jun 14, 2020
Properly Designed Course for any type of learner. Proper video and website examples to understand the concepts of DMD
By Maria S N
•Nov 5, 2017
The course gives a good overview about the digital thread components and supports learning with real life examples
By hareesh c
•Feb 23, 2020
By Akhilesh K K
•Nov 24, 2017
It was an awesome experience with ken English sir
And the course covers all contents which are required for us.
By AnkurS
•Jun 3, 2017
Fantastic!!....Great course for learning the basics of Digital manufacturing & Design as well Digital Thread.
By Robert N
•Oct 27, 2020
The course in general was great for me, I was able to learn many new things. and involve in my work.
By Rakesh.K
•Oct 25, 2020
clearly explain about data transfer and handling then storing by using the digital thread concept
By Rama
•Oct 13, 2017
Very Good course on Digital Thread, gained lot of knowledge in digital thread. Thanks to Ken.