Jan 21, 2021
very good, very intuitive course material. however doing something in full python environment within the course would have been even better. thank you professors and all others from UMich and coursera
Oct 9, 2019
This was a really excellent course. The functional project at the end helped me understand how recommendation systems work and now I'm very excited to try to build a similar system for books I love.
By Michael H
•Sep 30, 2022
The only reason I don't give this course 5 stars is some of the limitations of the Runestone learning environment. There were times I wished I could run some of the code in a seperate environment for troubelshooting and practice but for some exercises this wasn't possible. However, overall I found the course to be excellent.
•Mar 16, 2024
The videos and corresponding textbook is awesome as ever, but I have a small suggestion. If the APIs in the final project can actually work to retrieve data from the internet, that would be most exciting because I would be really using it. But within cache, I can only search for a few things.
By Josh J
•Sep 6, 2019
The final on this one was a mess. You could not move the code out of runestone and it was impossible to step through in codelens. So, if you got stuck, good luck getting past it. I really enjoyed the assignments and videos, super helpful. Just didn't like the final.
By Jon L
•Feb 20, 2021
This is overall an excellent course, although the last assignment was significantly more difficult than the assignments in the previous courses. Also, Skulpt posed a problem because it has limited imported ability. But I would still very much recommend this course!
By Muhammad A
•Apr 12, 2020
Introduces you to using APIs, JSON data, and ZIP files - however, I felt it stopped a bit short of dealing with complex APIs. The example APIs used were fairly simple. Would have liked to see the use of some more complex use of APIs to build practical applications.
By Majid B
•Dec 21, 2021
The course was wonderful. But there were too many errors while getting feedback after submitting the answers in final assignment. This problem should be resolved as the students do not get the correct feedback after attempting the task in the final assignment
By Michael D
•Mar 28, 2021
I found the API portion of the course difficult. I think we should have had more interactive exercises to better prepare for the final exercise. I felt it was rushed. This could have been a four-week course. Having said that, I learned a great deal.
By Susanne L
•Feb 9, 2022
The videos were very detailed and step by step. The final project was challenging. You had to apply a lot of knowledge and sometimes there were effects in the Runestone environment that I couldn't explain. I am proud that it worked out in the end.
By Luis F R C
•May 13, 2020
Great insight into obtaining data from the internet, however, a few functions could have been explained better for use in the final project. Nevertheless, by the end of the course I feel confident about the use of APIs and nested data structures
By sabriousahmed
•Dec 20, 2019
i loved this course , i learned many things . but week 3 about APIs it was strange to me , there's no enough exercises to solve or problems just final project , maybe because i don't know enough knowledge APIs
but anyway this course is awesome
By Nitesh S
•Jun 14, 2020
the course is excellent .. but my personal point of views is that is should have some more wide variety of question so that students can practice more question and more varieties of question .. but at the end the coerces is excellent
By ahana d
•May 10, 2020
it is an amazing course with hands on practice assignments. professor teaches in a very interesting and understandable way and makes things fun.
the objectives of this course were made very clear and were completely met at the end.
By Chris J
•Aug 14, 2022
The class has great content or real-world use, and would easily get five stars if not for the final project having what seemed to be significant variation in data being returned by an API. It was causing the autograding to fail.
By John M
•Jun 5, 2020
Great course. Last question was challenging. I couldn't recall that there was a little tidbit in the tie breaking sort video/reading from the last course. Eventually I saw that and it clicked but I totally forgot about it.
By Kefei W
•Jan 10, 2019
The course material is OK. The instruction for API session is bit rushed, but I learned a lot more than I expected after spending more time than I expected by repeatedly troubleshooting the coding in the final project.
By Anastasios P
•Jan 12, 2020
A huge improvement from the two previous courses of the specialisation. Lecture time is more normalised, assessments not always the same or solved in the preceding video and more challenging graded assessments.
By Mood G
•Jul 5, 2019
All in all, I really liked the course . I feel like the part about the caching and the module that was provided could be done better than that so student themselves could get involved with making that module.
By Deepa M
•Apr 27, 2020
Final assignment is not working as expected , there is some bug in runestone interactive page and therefore there is an invalid error being thrown and I am unable to finish this module because of this bug
By Rob C
•Jul 4, 2023
This course presents useful concepts, but as with earlier courses in this specialization, it is geared toward learners who are new to programming. Experienced learners may expect a greater challenge.
By erik w
•Apr 24, 2020
Very good course until the final project. There are a lot of bugs that caused me and what seems like a lot of other students to have to spend a great deal of time on it. This time wasn't productive.
By Deleted A
•Jan 30, 2021
This course seemed a bit rushed and less well organized than the prior two.
I would have appreciated more practice especially with RESTful data collection before jumping into the final project
By Juan C A
•Feb 11, 2020
Excellent understunding of programming. Advanced concepts such list comprenhension, map and zip make me review my way of thinking, producing better and shorten coding.
Thxs to the Instructors.
By Dakore P
•Feb 5, 2021
Good course like the others in the specialization! I found the end of course project unnecessary difficult because there were some subtle errors from the assessment questions and grader.
By Jason S
•Feb 11, 2021
I thought the material was presented okay. The exercise examples are now out of date and should be sourced elsewhere (tastedive is going away and OMDB now requires an API Key).
By Danny C
•Oct 16, 2023
I think it is a great course. They only thing I would add is that it needs a better practice tool and the rumstone environment is not very good. But I'm happy I took it.