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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cyber Security in Manufacturing by University at Buffalo

644 ratings

About the Course

The nature of digital manufacturing and design (DM&D), and its heavy reliance on creating a digital thread of product and process data and information, makes it a prime target for hackers and counterfeiters. This course will introduce students to why creating a strong and secure infrastructure should be of paramount concern for anyone operating in the DM&D domain, and measures that can be employed to protect operational technologies, systems and resources. Acquire knowledge about security needs and the application of information security systems. Build the foundational skills needed in performing a risk assessment of operational and information technology assets. Gain valuable insights of implementing controls to mitigate identified risks. Main concepts of this course will be delivered through lectures, readings, discussions and various videos. This is the seventh course in the Digital Manufacturing & Design Technology specialization that explores the many facets of manufacturing’s “Fourth Revolution,” aka Industry 4.0, and features a culminating project involving creation of a roadmap to achieve a self-established DMD-related professional goal. To learn more about the Digital Manufacturing and Design Technology specialization, please watch the overview video by copying and pasting the following link into your web browser:

Top reviews


Jul 8, 2022

It was a great learning experience.  This course was well organized, and the instructor was so great and gave all the relevant information.


May 11, 2020

Excellent course with a ton of great information and resources. I learned a lot about cybersecurity and its role in digital manufacturing systems.

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1 - 25 of 141 Reviews for Cyber Security in Manufacturing

By David C

Jan 28, 2018

Excellent course with a ton of great information and resources. Learned a lot about cybersecurity and its role in digital manufacturing systems.

By Rama

Nov 7, 2017

Very Good Course...

By Sergio A F

Mar 5, 2021

As a security practitioner, I struggled through the first week of the course. The content is highly loaded with acronyms and apparent frameworks that can be summarized as "security is an important consideration during production and should be assessed carefully". This is a very (VERY) valid message, but I found the supporting content weak and unstructured. I finished first week without any further insights.

My suggestions to improve this course include:

- Detail: one hour worth of videos should have much more nuance than "security is importance and companies are increasingly recognizing this importance".

- Examples: a case of study showing how to identify, prioritize and address risks would be much more valuable.

- Less lingo: excessive references to standards in different industries, acronyms and specialized terms make the content less accessible to students without a background in manufacturing.

- Cleaner visual support: excessive animations and bloated visuals detract from the message.


May 2, 2018

This course addresses an issue that not to be overlooked in Industry 4.0: Cybersecurity! System security is a key strategy for an Advanced Manufacturing project.

By Dr R S

Apr 16, 2020

Learned good number of cybersecurity terminologies, thanks to Prof.Shambhu Upadhyaya for the wonderful coverage and interactions.

By Vancho D

Jan 24, 2018

great material and course as part of the DMD specialization!

By wittaya s

Aug 2, 2017

Unexpectly so good and a lot of detail to learn.

By Tejash y T G

Dec 13, 2018

thank you for the course

By Kevin K

Apr 4, 2019

Overall a good course- the final section (which applies to the DMD specialization) should have had a gate where folks who were only interested in the Cyber security portion could escape.

By Nguyen A T

Nov 18, 2019

increase mindset of security

How to show off yourself to get more opportunity

By Jachin C

Jul 27, 2017

I really appreciate

By Alireza Z

Jul 25, 2018

The course is informative but not properly organized. The most important things missing is not having presentation available for the students to use

By Amit K

May 3, 2021

Nice overview of the topics related to cybersecurity in manufacturing. Good information with lot of valuable resources.

By Guy G

Jun 12, 2017

A very educational course .

By suresh k

Nov 30, 2019

great course , i

By Atichat P

Nov 27, 2018


By hareesh c

May 7, 2020

This course has been so carefully crafted to take us through the potential threats that are being faced by the world in the Cyber-Physical domain. It provided all basic information which is required to understand and respond to such kinds of threats. It equipped me with more knowledge on methods to secure a Cyber physical system in DMD paradigm


May 2, 2020

Metals, capital goods, chemicals and electronics industries are fast becoming prone to cyber security risks as investments in manufacturing systems that incorporate connected devices, or Internet of Things (IoT), increase. ... Increased digital connectivity means manufacturers face threats from various quarters, they said.

By vishal c

May 12, 2020

Excellent course with a ton of great information and resources. I learned a lot about cybersecurity and its role in digital manufacturing systems.

By Arunkumar D

Apr 20, 2020

The course clearly explains about How to protect Intellectual Property's of a firm. And every should know about this.

By Robert N

Oct 27, 2020

The course in general was great for me, I was able to learn many new things. and involve in my work.

By Akshay A B

Jul 23, 2020

Great Course to learn various aspects of cyber attacks and security of manufacturing systems


Apr 16, 2020

This course has given me an indepth outline about cyber security in digital manufacturing

By Kitti K

Aug 19, 2021

thie is very good and I can know the concept to be the foundation fo cyber security