Jul 11, 2020
I really enjoyed this course, it would be awesome to see al least one training example using GPU (maybe in Google Colab since not everyone owns one) so we could train the deepest networks from scratch
Sep 19, 2020
Excellent, solid insights into working of models as well as providing references to the original work. THe assignments give practical examples of models one might want to implement for their own use.
By Emanuel D
•Sep 3, 2020
All video content of this course where great, but i can't say it about programing assignments. YOLO and Neural Style transfer are by my opion advanced topics. I would more appreciate longer programming excersice, not only something where i only add some piece of code and i hardly understand what is going about. For example, convnets were clear, i could implement it by myself, but yolo no.
By Santosh N
•Jan 3, 2018
Course lectures and questions are very good. The programming assignments are also good questions wise, but the grading mechanism is quite annoying. We had to find out clumsy workarounds to get the correct grading, in one case, the code change needed for getting the correct grade did not result in the expected output. Coursera needs to change the method of grading programming assignments.
By Sinan S
•Dec 22, 2021
In this course the material/resources regarding Keras is highly insufficient. So far I have made little progress in the programming assignments related to Keras and I achieved this by figuring out stuff by googling which took a long time. If the instructors could extend the course with stuff related to Keras it would be great. At least there should be references to sufficient resources.
By Jayson W
•Jan 26, 2019
I can't believe the number of technical problems I've had with notebooks not saving my work on homework assignments. It's very frustrating. The content is good and I will continue with the course, but this is the first Coursera course I've had (actually, the whole series in this topic) where I have experienced the lost of work - I just lost about an hour on a homework assignment.
By David C S
•Jul 16, 2020
I am very annoyed with the evaluation of the notebooks. Not with the content itself, but with the support from instructors, which is non existent.
It took me two days and 10 re-submitions to solve a problem that was unrelated to the code, but to the behavior of the grader system. No one replied my cries for help in the discussions.
Very disappointed with the lack of support.
By Stephen W
•Dec 7, 2017
The content of the course is very good, as with all the Andrew Ng / deeplearning.ai material. However production standards seem to have slipped for this one. Repeated sections in video material and a final notebook exercise that contained errors and required finding a work around that was posted in a discussion forum. I hope these things can be corrected for others.
By Murad O
•Nov 17, 2017
I have mixed feelings about this course in particular, although one learns many interesting and useful concepts, I did little implementation on my own. Also the involvement of Keras I found annoying, yes it eases the implementation of ConvNets, but while learning I would have preferred to use tensor flow instead, or even implement a simple NumPy ConvNet on my own.
By Francesco B
•Apr 2, 2020
The content is very good. The exercises are a bit useless. Don' expect to be able to use tensorflow after this course. Furthermore, they teach the syntax of tensorflow 1 rather than the new 2. Therefore, when you try to solve the exercises you don't understand the discrepancies between the online documentations and what they want for these exercises
By Boyi Y
•Dec 5, 2018
Excellent course! I have learned the skills to combine image processing with machine learning.
However, the assignment of the Week 3 has a problem that you have not fixed for a long time, and thus it wasted some time. And the assignment in Week 4 has problems of submitting, and that's why I only rated three stars. Hope you can fix the problems soon.
By mike b
•Feb 4, 2021
First, there should be an upgrade to TF 2.0. In at least one instance the documentation for a function was non-existent. Second there are many places the videos can be cleaned up eg. transcriptions are just wrong like a machine did it, or the speaker repeats the same thing twice in rapid succession. Overall the course felt unpolished and dated.
By Ayush S
•May 17, 2020
The Face_recognition assignment was a tough one to solve, i only got grader problems but still i wasnt able to figure out how to pass grader even though my code yieded right answers. That's my only complaint otherwise the videos from Andrew were really easy to understand and the programming assignments were very well documented. Thanks :)
By Chris M
•Aug 1, 2019
The assignments are less copy paste and some allow the student to explorer different NN architectures. However, most of the videos are still a waste of time. And the methods needed to complete the assignments aren't taught to the student. Instead you have to spend a lot of time searching and hoping you find the right method.
By André N
•Dec 2, 2018
video courses were really good, but the programming assignments drove me nuts. I am a senior software developer and I am writing software for more than 10 years now. I had a really hard time understanding the Tensorflow code. I think it is better to suggest a student to learn the basics of Tensorflow before doing this course
By Tuấn T L
•Dec 22, 2021
This course is well organized with CNN knowledge. However, it seems like the team is overwhelmed to maintain both a big Tensoflow tech stack in programming assignments while keeping academic science core concepts. Some code comments are outdated and the mentors definitely can not follow up all the issues raised by students.
By Mladen M
•Jan 20, 2020
Couple of suggestions: 1) fix the artwork via neural networks assignment as there is a bug in your code 2) With the lectures I would suggest that you do a summary explanation of how the whole process works (all steps and motivation - a review) at the end of each group of lectures (one for artwork one for face recognition)
By Cristian G
•Oct 13, 2022
I think this course lacks hands-on experience, and for that I think it should improve the labs, people would learn much more from a youtube-kind tutorial than from these "#your code starts here / #your code ends here"-labs.
The quiz interface is horrible, i need to refresh my browser many times before it loads properly.
By Do Q B
•Jun 11, 2018
The theory is very good but the exercise part is not good enough for me (For example in the Face Recognition exercise, I'd like to build (even a simple model) and train the triplet loss function... However, all that I can do is only loaded a trained model and then apply some simple similarity measure on encoding vector)
By Ernesto G d l P
•Apr 11, 2021
There is major room for improvement on the automatic grader, under some particular cases, the answers are correct but the grader will give you zero with no feedback (in my case, I made a mistake with declaring local variables as global in the code). This issue is quite frustrating, the forums helped a lot though.
By Anthony M
•Dec 4, 2017
Great class and amazing assignments. I really enjoyed learning about CNNs, YOLO, and Neural Style Transfer.
Errors with submitting the assignments, particularly weeks 2 & 4 took away considerably from the overall satisfaction with the course.
Thank you once again for providing a rich learning environment. :)
By Christopher C
•Sep 9, 2020
Programming assignments were not to the level of the prior courses in the series. Should have more illustration of using Keras/Tensorflow. Assignments either were too spoon fed or there was too little reference information whereas prior courses had a good balance. Many of the keras links are dead.
By Luis F A
•Jun 9, 2019
Theoretical content was very informative and high quality. However, some problems with the programming assigments were annoying. For instance, for the last programming assigment some weights would not load and it was necessary to go get the weights from the github repository of some other person.
By Shreyash W
•Jan 6, 2020
The week 1 and 2 were perfect, then week3,4 had some issues with the lectures- Andrew sir was repeating some parts and the problems/corrections in the slides.Also the week3 object detection was tough n the hints were not enough, with the errors in the assignment submission costing me a day
By Achille H
•Jul 6, 2020
Great content, veerything is clear and concise. Only downside is the grading of the exercises, which sometimes requires you to use a very specific syntax (even though another syntax gives the exact same results) and causes hours of painful debugging and reading through the forums.
By Cory N
•Feb 2, 2020
Model implementation is abstracted in many exercises. Many helper functions are created to just make things work. TensorFlow feels a little foreign still, not enough of an overview. Higher level APIs like Keras and/or PyTorch might do better here instead of mixing in TF randomly
By Cristina B
•Feb 7, 2018
The last two weeks sometimes bored me and sometimes I had hard time in doing the assignments. The intuition behin object detection/face recognition and neural style transfer are well explained, but some more details for understaing how these models work is missing in my opinion.