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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to the Biology of Cancer by Johns Hopkins University

7,595 ratings

About the Course

Over 500,000 people in the United States and over 8 million people worldwide are dying every year from cancer. As people live longer, the incidence of cancer is rising worldwide and the disease is expected to strike over 20 million people annually by 2030. This open course is designed for people who would like to develop an understanding of cancer and how it is prevented, diagnosed, and treated. The course introduces the molecular biology of cancer (oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes) as well as the biologic hallmarks of cancer. The course also describes the risk factors for the major cancers worldwide, including lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, and stomach cancer. We explain how cancer is staged, the major ways cancer is found by imaging, and how the major cancers are treated. In addition to the core materials, this course includes two Honors lessons devoted to cancers of the liver and prostate. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: - Identify the major types of cancer worldwide. (Lecture 1) - Describe how genes contribute to the risk and growth of cancer. (Lecture 2) - List and describe the ten cellular hallmarks of cancer. (Lecture 3) - Define metastasis, and identify the major steps in the metastatic process. (Lecture 4) - Describe the role of imaging in the screening, diagnosis, staging, and treatments of cancer. (Lecture 5) - Explain how cancer is treated. (Lecture 6) We hope that this course gives you a basic understanding of cancer biology and treatment. The course is not designed for patients seeking treatment guidance – but it can help you understand how cancer develops and provides a framework for understanding cancer diagnosis and treatment....

Top reviews


Jun 22, 2020

Sensational course !!! It redirected me to the future specialization in pharmacotherapy of antineoplasic. I only have to thank the professionals involved in the teaching of classes and engaging tests.


Sep 3, 2022

Good basic course for begineers, who are from other fields.Covers in detial as basic aspects and do not overwhelm self, by getting into multiple detials.Stick to the curriculum provided and its useful

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126 - 150 of 1,429 Reviews for Introduction to the Biology of Cancer

By Gurjot k

Jul 3, 2020

I am thankful to the entire team for providing such detailed basics in cancer biology, which cleared all my doubts. Each and every week's lectures was well organized, planned and cogent. Thanks again for all the efforts. Looking forward to learn more in this field. Many thanks.

By Mariana S D

May 10, 2020

Very nice introductory course! the lectures are easy to follow and the diagrams used are very helpful. Overall, I would really recommend this course to anyone who is thinking of going into cancer research or even Medicine students like me who wanted to know more about the subject

By Elisa C M

Jul 26, 2020

Extremamente didático, sendo um curso ótimo para ter uma visão geral sobre o câncer. Muito bem planejado e contempla questões importantíssimas. Estou muito satisfeita, agradecida e com a certeza de que esse curso fará total diferença na minha graduação na faculdade de medicina.

By Rohit P

Jun 8, 2020

Very well compiled information for anyone who is willing to invest a little energy into understanding cancer and it's dynamics. Might get a little complex for people with a non-medicine background in the last week but learn to ignore what you don't require and you'll be great!

By Natthapat A

Jun 10, 2020

This course really ensures me to get to the univerity in this related field which I do aim to be a doctor of medicine.In terms of knowledge, I believe the content is quite suitable for those who are beginners, like me, and the arrangement of these lessons appears appropriate.

By Polina M

Apr 14, 2020

Amazing course. I enjoyed every bit of it! Although it is said to be for beginners, I loved that the course included more in depth information for those who are interested (for example, names of specific proteins, tumour suppressor factors, oncogenes, mutation, ligands etc).

By Saina V

Nov 15, 2020

I absolutely recommend taking this course. Everything was extemely well explained and it is very informative. However, I would not recommend paying for a certicifate since you only recieve a digital copy and your end result or any relevant details are not mentioned on it.

By Jessica A J

May 15, 2020

New NP, hoping to branch in the world of surgical oncology. I have a critical care background and took this course as both a refresher for some concepts and an introduction to oncology. It was very helpful and informative, I glad I did this as a type of independent study.

By Andrés C R

Aug 29, 2020

Im a biotechnology student who is looking forward to working towards finding a cure to genetic diseases such as cancer, and this course sets a really good base in cancer principles. I would reccomend 100% if you are interested in medicine, genetics or biology in general.

By Mariia K

Jun 6, 2019

Sehr interessanter Kurs, alle Grundlagen der Biologie der Tumoren sind sehr ausführlich erklärt. Die Statistik bezieht sich auf die Vereinigten Staaten und ist ein bisschen veraltet, veranschaulicht trotzdem die Aktualität des Themas sehr gut. Ich fand es faszinierend :)

By Víctor H

Oct 1, 2020

es un curso muy genial y interativo, abarca cosas puntuales y necesario que cualquier persona sea o no del campo de medicina pueda comprender y obtener conocimientos. he aprendido a reconocer a describir ciertos puntos básicos del tema llamado cáncer, se los recomiendo

By Michael S M M

Aug 26, 2020

Excellent review about this disease, Thanks to all professors. I really appreciated each lesson even these contribute to my career where I'm constantly with patients, I consider a great tool to offer confidence about this disease is the knowledge you have about it.

By حفص ر م

Dec 19, 2022

yes i benefited a lot from this course thank you very very much i did not stop here i will continue with more and more specialized course the course really met my needs but on some points it should have been better focused specialized points such as anti-apoptotic

By Larissa

May 20, 2016

Interesting introduction, very detailed with screening, staging (TNM) and treatment steps per most common cancers worldwide. Very clinical and with a glimp of promising research (clinical trials), only the counselling part of the patient is missing in this course.

By Alharith H A

Jun 18, 2020

It was an amazing course with simple explaining of the main principles of cancer starting from definition to the different types of treatment.

I have benefited from this course and I fully hope to join more courses about caner.

Thank you very much for all doctors.

By khalid I

Dec 2, 2019

It was really a good decision for me to use my time in logging in for cousera giving me a better understaning of basics of cancer and i would love to join other courses if their there is a support of finacial aid to students like me who have no source of income.

By José A M E

Sep 17, 2017

It was really good, very basic though. You can learn new concepts. It´s a course that any person can take, actually, most people should learn about the concepts and new theory about cancer because it is a problem that we all are going to deal with in the future.

By Jenniffer V M

Sep 24, 2020

Eu gostei muito de ter feito esse curso pois ajudou de maneira significativa para a minha área de trabalho e além de que foi super didático e acessível. Obrigada pelo esforço de vocês em nos proporcionar um curso com essa qualidade excelente de maneira online.

By Cristina Z

Jun 2, 2020

Aprendí muchísimo con este curso. Ha merecido la pena hacerlo. El contenido es de buen nivel y la forma de explicar que tienen es genial. Te hace interesarte mucho por el temario y con los vídeos se hace mucho más sencillo el aprendizaje. Muy contenta, gracias!

By Michael T

Feb 23, 2020

It is a well organised and great structured course! However, it would be helpful to have some questions improved and proof-read. Also, there could be more extra information included or, otherwise, I am looking forward towards the advanced course from your team!

By Miao G

Jan 28, 2020

It is a very good introduction course for someone who has no background in biology or medicine. The course content is very well so that it is easy to follow and is a joy to learn all the important aspect without feeling frustrated for unable to understand.

By salil g

Jun 30, 2020

I really enjoyed the course and by the end of it i was feeling a bit more confident than before. I would like to thank those who gave the lectures :)! I highly recommend for those who wants to have a strong foundation about cancer. Very satisfied overall.

By Yash T

Jan 20, 2024

I highly recommend it everyone. I enrolled in this course to get the better idea of how the world of oncology works and it was definitely worth the time. I am about start my Master's degree and it helped gain an insight in this ever evolving discipline.

By Georgios P

Dec 18, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the class. I am a grad student in immunology and I was curious to learn more about cancer. In this course, I found exactly what I was looking for: An introduction to the hallmarks of cancer and the problems with treatment in cancer.

By Ranya S

Apr 8, 2020

Highly recommend this course to anyone interested in Biology or the practical applications of this subject to the real world. Very enjoyable lectures combined with challenging quizzes thoroughly engaged me and pushed me to research these topics further.