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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Inferential and Predictive Statistics for Business by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

860 ratings

About the Course

This course provides an analytical framework to help you evaluate key problems in a structured fashion and will equip you with tools to better manage the uncertainties that pervade and complicate business processes. To this end, the course aims to cover statistical ideas that apply to managers by discussing two basic themes: first, is recognizing and describing variations present in everything around us, and then modeling and making decisions in the presence of these variations. The fundamental concepts studied in this course will reappear in many other classes and business settings. Our focus will be on interpreting the meaning of the results in a business and managerial setting. While you will be introduced to some of the science of what is being taught, the focus will be on applying the methodologies. This will be accomplished through use of Excel and using data sets from many different disciplines, allowing you to see the use of statistics in very diverse settings. The course will focus not only on explaining these concepts but also understanding the meaning of the results obtained. You will be able to: • Test for beliefs about a population • Compare differences between populations • Use linear regression model for prediction • Use Excel for statistical analysis This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at

Top reviews


Dec 10, 2020

I find the use of Excel after the lecture to be more useful in the real life.The professor has a slower speaking speed so you may need to use 2x the speed.The content is super useful.


May 19, 2017

Very good introductory Statistics course. The topic selection is very pertinent to meet the need of a manager to analyze data and to make decision. Quality of teaching is GREAT.

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1 - 25 of 167 Reviews for Inferential and Predictive Statistics for Business

By Sunny S


Jul 11, 2020

Great Statistics course on Hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Awesome experience. Very well explained by instructor at a normal pace. Very informative videos. Excited and overwhelmed by attending and successfully completing this course.

By Emi K


Dec 8, 2019

Great course! Incredibly well organized and clear. I was terrified of Stats before I took this class, now I feel confident and am seeing my entire world differently. Thank you!

By Bensen A


Nov 12, 2020

Honestly, this course is BETTER than my regular college's classes on Statistics for Research. The Instructor of this course explains the concepts using simple explanations and many examples. I finally understood all those concepts. Excellent Job. I really LOVE this Course. Thank You so much.

By Viola B


Oct 21, 2020

The course is amazing and very helpful because it gives a clear vision of actual problems and the correct solutions for each case. Very good for all those students or professionals who are going to work in the field of economics, chemistry and medicine.

By David F


Dec 29, 2019

Very well produced. The modules are clear and easy to follow. Maybe I missed it but it would be good to supply all the related example data in Excel to be able to practice.

By Laleen D


May 9, 2018

For business students and professionals who really want to understand and apply statistics to their business, there's no better course series that Professor Taghaboni-Dutta's Coursera Series. This course is particularly a unique gem because it integrate statistics lessons into actual practice. The lessons also include great little video clips on how to use Excel to run calculations. Professor Taghaboni-Dutta's lessons are easy to follow and understand; so don't worry, you don't have to be a quant or know calculus to get through this. Just be prepared to spend the time, it's not "statistics light. It's worth the effort!

This class teaches inferential and predictive statistics and the early steps of model building. What really makes this course sizzle is that students also learn how to integrate statistics into business management. Professor Taghaboni-Dutta a phenomenal teacher with a good sense of humor. Students at the UofI campus consistently rank her as one of the best teachers at the school. (How many times have you heard of a statistics professor getting high reviews from students?) I can't imagine how many hours were spent making these videos, but she's thought of everything.

One of my friends is an engineer who has recently moved to management and had been struggling. "They just don't understand anything," she cried. She took the course as part of the iMBA program. She told me that it has helped her learn how to talk with her non-quant executive board and tweak her messaging so that they understand. The course contains tons of of actual real-life problems, such as analyzing Flint Michigan's Drinking water data, testing to find out if a discount store is really the cheapest; figuring out if a marketing plan is working and all sorts of interesting problems.

Honestly, this is a home-run course !

By Jai P


Sep 28, 2018

Very well taught and explained. One of the best statistics courses I have taken. As a non math student I have tried many books to understand statistics, but they were all intimidating. This course and the prior course on Exploring Data are my Holy Grail to learning and understanding Statistics. Hats off to the Prof. FATANEH TAGHABONI-DUTTA for the wonderful course and the way she helped approached it.

By Dmitriy K


Jul 14, 2017

Great course for decision makers with no prior experience in statistics and modelling. Lots of real life examples used to illustrate the steps needed to build a model that could predict and explain ones data. Step by step examples in Excel make the life easy for those with no math background in statistical calculations. I liked the professor's focus on the interpretation of the models' results.

By Farhad F


Aug 15, 2023

This course is practical and it is great not only to improve your statistics knowledge but also can help to understand and analyze different models in economics if your studies are related. In addition, the use of Excel for statistical tests and analysis which you learn in this course is a useful and practical tool that you can continue to learn more about it after the course.

By Cian O


Aug 28, 2020

Genuinely surprised at the quality of the course and the teaching approach. Stanford's Databases & SQL MOOC might still be the gold standard for me (it has more interactive assessments, that forced you to show your workings), but even with a multiple choice approach dominating here, I did feel the course pushed both for real understanding and knowledge of how to apply it.

By Matthew W


May 3, 2020

The first two weeks are tough, but be patient with yourself and trust the instructor. She does a great job of connecting the dots between the different modules. I really enjoyed the last two weeks of this course and seeing everything we have learned come together for practical applications. I plan on immediately applying the lessons I've learned in this course at work.

By Ibrahim N


Jun 14, 2023

I enjoyed continuing with the second part of the Statistics for Business course by Professor Fataneh Taghaboni-Dutta. She explains everything in a clear way and the repetitive course structure is very helpful to digest the material. You will definitely have the fundamental knowledge of statistics to develop something great and significant in the future.

By 阳 汪


Feb 11, 2017

Very good class that teaches you the basic statistic models and its use in real life. The instructor is extremely clear in teaching and the examples she used are really helpful for understanding and applying. Highly recommend this class!! Take it if you wanna have some knowledge about statistics. And its use in real life is more than I imagined...

By Andrei S


May 15, 2020

Great job with this course! I think it's just challenging enough to give people with not that much statistics experience some foundational knowledge on the material while not overwhelming them with minutiae and difficult statistical concepts. This course does a good job of teaching students how to interpret the results of statistical analyses.

By Mike C


May 2, 2020

I'm taking this course as part of the University of Illinois iMBA program. The content is extremely useful for business, and the instructor's authentic, no b.s. teaching style is fantastic. I'm one year into my two year program, and so far, this is the best course that I've taken. Challenging content, but great content. Outstanding. :)

By Andras I


Dec 28, 2019

It was a good (re) introduction to the basics of statistics with some more practical applications in Excel.

I had a couple of issues with the first course that his one builds on but I felt this second one was a bit better, relying less on the external reading material to get the points across and felt a bit more practical.

By Ammar K


May 3, 2020

Best Statistics course I've taken (I've taken 4 of them).The focus was on understanding the basic concepts, not how to look up values from statistical tables as some of my previous courses focused on. You learn the basics here. I wish it went into ANOVA, but I guess that would require a separate course.

By Dhinesh A D


Jul 11, 2020

It's a great course. The concepts are explained in a compelling manner that one can immediately apply statistical concepts to any complex data models, and do the analysis. Though statistics may appear strenuous topic, the instructor effectively handles the topics in a sequential manner. Kudos.

By Bo L


May 7, 2020

I learned alot from this course, especially on different ways of analyzing data, and how to read chart and graphs and study results intelligently. above all, the class is fun, and the professor's excel examples are very practical examples, and helps alot in understanding the concepts.

By Andrew P


Dec 9, 2019

Well paced course with lots of real-life examples to try in Excel. This course helped link the terms we all throw around (r-squared, correlation, etc.) too liberally and helped provide the tools leaders need to dig into an analysis we're using to make business decisions.

By Andre A M


Sep 28, 2020

Very interesting course. Covers up to linear and multiple regression. Covers intuition and mostly focuses on the interpretation of excel results. This is not a very rigorous and mathematically quant course but still useful if you don't have a strong math background.



Feb 1, 2017

Excellent Course!! Ms Dutta has profound knowledge and it helped me to implement the concepts learnt in my profession. I'm a Business Analyst and look forward to enrol in all of her courses. Thanks to Coursera for hosting such a great portal!!!

By May S L


Dec 17, 2019

Professor Fataneh Taghaboni-Dutta is a great educator. Her goal is for her students to really learn what she is teaching and she explained it in every possible way that she can. I never thought I will enjoy stats class until I had this.

By David H


May 19, 2017

Great class, very useful for deeper thinking into ways to approach problems in my organization than anyone including the upper management team does today. Fly by the seat of the pants decisions cannot suffice for good data approaches!

By Feng X


Apr 26, 2019

Excellent as an intermediate level statistics for business analysis. Great teaching by Professor Fataneh Taghaboni-Dutta. If you have taken engineering or science majors, you may find the content not challenging.