Jul 20, 2022
This course was well put together. I used to feel so intimidated by finances. The interactive videos and practice exercises do a fantastic job of explaining concepts learned throughout this course.
Nov 28, 2022
Wow! I was really impressed with the videos and information that was presented in this course. I learned alot and I have been doing bookkeeping for awhile. It was a great refresher course for me.
By Molly E
•Nov 22, 2023
Don't enjoy the cartoon videos, would prefer text to study.
By Alan C
•Dec 8, 2024
Experience required: 2-3 mons O.J.T. as Bookkeeper
By Kristina S
•Oct 24, 2023
A lot more hands on exercises are needed.
By Liudmila
•Nov 19, 2024
good theory but absolutely no practice
By Emily M
•Apr 9, 2022
I am not the target audience.
By Stephen H
•Mar 6, 2024
Not that great for the UK
By Savannah A
•Nov 12, 2024
This course is awful. The exercises are way too easy and do not help you retain anything, and there is no real preparation for the exam at the end. The exam is extremely complex and there is nothing and no one to help you figure out what you're doing wrong if you can't answer all of the questions correctly. In the end I passed with an 80% but still have no idea how my calculations were wrong on one question, and there is nothing to help me understand. I went over the numbers probably four times. I've done a lot of online courses and this is both THE WORST and the most expensive. DO NOT DO THIS COURSE. Do literally ANY other course on the subject. This will help you learn next to nothing.
By Sara H Z
•Feb 3, 2024
As someone with no prior experience in bookkeeping i feel like this course was very hard to follow, the cartoon was entertaining to watch but did not provide much detail, while the recordings from experts were too detailed and not well prepared or well-spoken making then hard to follow. After watching videos from other sources (youtube) i was able to understand the difference in crediting and debiting in double-entry accounting. Overall I feel as though this course was made as a quick reminder course for those already aware of bookkeeping or a course that was created very poorly and quickly with little outside rating from those who are new to the subject
By Abigail F
•Jul 14, 2024
I have a growing list of errors, inconsistencies and topics on the quizzes that were NOT taught in the course material. The video recordings of the real people rarely provide thorough instruction that ties to the test questions. In order to take any notes, the student must pause the videos frequently while attempting to transcribe any notes that might make sense. You should provide a fully comprehensive set of procedural reference material for the student to utilize when taking your quizzes and review the quizzes for accuracy. Several things do not make sense!
By Deleted A
•Feb 4, 2023
This course if a lot of rushed book knowledge about bookkeeping but no actual hands on work/assignments. When I got to the case study, even though I passed all the quizzes, I still feel like I didn't have the hands on experience in order to complete the work correctly. This is perfect for people who don't need hands on teaching or brushing up on prior knowledge of bookkeeping. Disappointed with this course especially when this seems like it could be the answer to cheaper education but it's not. Overall I would have to say don't waist your time or money
By Meghan F
•Aug 21, 2024
The information is not consistent and not presented professionally. The videos are very childish and the "Bookkeeper" example, Bianca is condescending and unprofessional to her client. The course flops back and forth between talking to you as if your a bookkeeper and as if you're an accountant. This is not the course to take if you have any experience in accounting/bookkeeping. It should be called "Quickbooks Accounting for 2nd Graders".
By Valeriia R
•Jan 13, 2025
I live in Canada and I can't pass the exam and also get a certificate. Why did I study with you then? You should have informed me at the beginning of the training that I wouldn't be able to pass the exam and get a certificate, since I'm not in the United States. I feel sorry for my time.
By Zak E
•Nov 30, 2023
a lot of talking and not enough practice. the only practical application you get to do is at the very end and they dont even let you know if you did it right. the course is far to concerned with a made up story that doesnt really help you understand the concepts they are trying to teach.
By Renee G
•Feb 18, 2025
It is a sales pitch to sign up for intuit academy. Lots of accounting terminology and not much actual quickbooks instruction. They just want you to sign up for their software anyways. Oh and you cannot get the certificate until you pay for Coursera. So it's pointless.
By Heather C M
•Sep 29, 2023
When I signed up for these classes, nowhere did it say that I would have to have specific subscription to take these tests to complete the course work! I have just spent hours watching videos and all other work and NOW I can not take the test because of the cost!
By Craterfist
•Oct 29, 2023
This course can't even get the basic definitions of debit and credit correct. It keeps listing money flowing into an account as credit when it should be debit, according to every other reputable course in existence.
By Hristo G P
•Oct 30, 2023
I had to stop watching it after the first 5 videos. Presentation of the content like for 5 year olds with animations and of course a WOKE character that talks like she's on the street. Not professional at all...
By Cliff R
•Feb 11, 2025
for the most part the information is clear but just give the information i do not want this cute framing stuff that just adds time and does not cover the information better
By Private N
•Jun 15, 2024
Course was confusing. questions on test did not reflect material covered in class. I do not recommend spending your money on this course. On the job training is better.
By Dale T
•Jan 30, 2023
The content is great. The narrative is horrible. It's cheesy. The accent is annoying. I like the concept but the entire thing is ruined by the horrible narration.
By Kathy M
•Dec 5, 2023
Why would you show how to use Quickbooks, then have an excel spreadsheet for the case study that doesn't have at least the formulas when entering info?
By Laz A
•Jul 21, 2024
It is a waste of time; why do all the videos that I have seen so far from module 1 have 70% filler and only 20 % content? The 10 % being questionable!
By Amanpreet k S
•Oct 2, 2023
Not for someone who already knows the basics. The course is a very beginner level & does not provide the depth of any topic, just an overview.
By Matthew T P
•Aug 22, 2024
What a waste of time. So much of this course was useless filler. The person who approved this should be ashamed of themselves.
By Nelson J
•Aug 17, 2023
Please inform me how many days the system will be blocked, I haven't been able to log in for two days.
Sincerely Nelson.