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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Machine Learning With Big Data by University of California San Diego

2,488 ratings

About the Course

Want to make sense of the volumes of data you have collected? Need to incorporate data-driven decisions into your process? This course provides an overview of machine learning techniques to explore, analyze, and leverage data. You will be introduced to tools and algorithms you can use to create machine learning models that learn from data, and to scale those models up to big data problems. At the end of the course, you will be able to: • Design an approach to leverage data using the steps in the machine learning process. • Apply machine learning techniques to explore and prepare data for modeling. • Identify the type of machine learning problem in order to apply the appropriate set of techniques. • Construct models that learn from data using widely available open source tools. • Analyze big data problems using scalable machine learning algorithms on Spark. Software Requirements: Cloudera VM, KNIME, Spark...

Top reviews


Oct 24, 2020

Excellent course. It teaches the basics with a great method and with practical exercises, involving real data. The sctructure is clear and it covers a good amount of topics. Well done San Diego!


Jan 8, 2017

The course was the best introduction I had for machine learning. Helped me a lot to understand different concepts from people who already know about the subject and I didn't have any idea.

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476 - 500 of 508 Reviews for Machine Learning With Big Data


May 12, 2020

El curso es introductorio no ahonda en los temas, me hubiese gustado que hubiese mostrado mas temas.

By Agne B

Oct 5, 2023

The theory is great, but hands on exercises are expected to be performed on outdated applications.

By Miguel T

Aug 17, 2018

I miss some technical information about machine learning techniques such as neural networks.

By Luis A

May 14, 2020

Very basic in terms of statistical techniques but liked the use of big data tools

By Akash R

Jun 6, 2020

this is more about ml classes, very less practical, only theoretical........

By Juan S H C

May 3, 2020

The Cloudera must to be checked. Too many errors in the Hands-On exercices


Mar 15, 2018

It was a basic course for initial understanding about Machine learning.

By Giorgi B

Sep 13, 2020

Very basic, and if you know machine learning only good for using knime

By Francisco J H A

Dec 24, 2019

The last week in my point of view is not linked to machine learning.

By Atharva J

Sep 21, 2020

Low volume for lecture videos, System setup is long and tedious .

By Carlos A

Apr 24, 2020

We dont see how to use things like hadoop map reduce or clustering

By Rahul P

Aug 2, 2019

The Hands-On exercises were good. The theory part was too shallow.

By Kartik K

Nov 23, 2018

The course should cover more topics about Machine Learning.

By Ivan S

Mar 1, 2017

Very basic things... Any examples for regression.

By Andrew H

Dec 29, 2016

It's ok for an extremely high-level overiew

By Palash S

Jan 26, 2018

Not hard, a very beginner-level course.

By Artur L

Oct 27, 2017

Nice knowledge refresher

By shraddha s

Aug 25, 2020

nice course

By Tobias O F

Jul 31, 2017

The parts including KNIME was not interesting or educational, it was just an big grind. I feel once you are on a level to use KNIME you know that it is better (and easier) to use other frameworks where you have more control, therefor missing customers the program is meant for.

Additionally the last hands-on felt rushed and just copy-paste to some extent (to being able to complete the tasks), even for me having a lot of jupyter and machine learning background.

By Csaba O

Oct 4, 2017

This course is more "the very basics of machine learning" illustrated with some examples. The lectures were clear and logical, but honestly, very basic. Unfortunately the big data handsons (the ones with pyspark) are not explained very thoroughly, often they just state that "do this or do that" instead of explaining what is going on. All in all, I have expected more big-data related topics and less introduction to machine learning.

By Bani C N

Jun 12, 2020

The course was thrilling with a lot of hands-on activities..but the downside was that there were errors especially in the second and last hands-on and those bugs are so annoying giving the fact that some of us are still new in the big data world and have no clue to solving such problems

By Anirudha A M

Aug 20, 2020

It should have been made clear that good experience in Spark is required for this course. I struggled with most of the commands and had to watch, re-watch most Spark related videos, google meanings of commands etc. The course experience was not very pleasant. Nevertheless, thank you.

By E P

Oct 17, 2017

The virtual machine in this course no longer is functioning. PySpark update seems to not play nice. I think the content also needs some updating for more modern machine learning techniques.. like using big data with deep learning systems like tensor flow or PyTorch.

By Manfred K

Jul 14, 2017

I expected course with more in-depth and more difficult examples, I learned about a few new concepts, most methods were repetitions for me.

By Alfonso A G

Dec 3, 2016

Machine learning is too simplified and spark part is not even explained, also very little relation of all course with Big Data.