Jan 13, 2018
Superb insight gains from the world of analytical. Course have advance my skill in incredible 4 weeks of time. Great work from Duke University. Special thanks to Daniel Egger & Jana Schaich Borg.
Apr 19, 2020
It's a great course because even it's based on theory not practical(Which cover in next courses in specialization) but still, at final assignment submission, you feel great that you tackle a problem.
By Libraflora
•Oct 26, 2016
I think you should have the basic English skill to join this course.From this course,you can learn how to distinguish different business metrics.
By Daisy K
•Oct 15, 2019
Very inspiring content, though I found the financial analysis part is rather heavy and boring (Maybe because I am not so interested in finance).
By arafat i
•Jan 5, 2018
It is great but please let the auditors do the tests :( we can learn but as we cant give the exams we cant keep track of what we are learning :(
•Aug 27, 2019
I want to complete my assignments as i was not well so i have not completed the assignments , Please give me time to complete the assignments .
By Jason M
•Jan 30, 2016
This course gave us more basic concept of business metrics and many of them are brand new for me. Professor introduce this course very clearly.
By Keep i S #
•Sep 29, 2015
Great course! But they don't provide weekly summary of content despite number of people have already requested this :)
Would definitely suggest!
By Palak k
•Jan 14, 2019
Concepts are provided with great clarity. However,some real case studies would have been the cherry on top. Overall nicely structured course
By Chris O
•Jun 15, 2017
Good introduction to business metrics, how they're used, what professions use them most and how you can become a professional in that area.
By Charles W
•Aug 21, 2017
Good course overview, great resource materials, good structure, well presented by the professor. I would recommend this course to others
By Alexandre B
•Jun 26, 2016
I learned new concepts to use not only in business, but in my life. I would suggest the availability of the material that is presented.
By Jiaqi S
•Jul 30, 2020
This course provides detailed introduction of business analysis, which is so great for people who are interested but new to this area.
By Mseddi S
•Nov 28, 2018
It is a good course as a first level. but it is very theory.
For this Reason, I think that other courses will be more practical courses
By Linda C
•Sep 24, 2016
Coursework enhanced my knowledge and armed me with information to speak with confident about the job I am pursuing next in my career.
By Wen
•May 28, 2017
Good introduction to the role of business analyst and its related roles. This course sets a good foundation for the courses to come.
By Praveen G
•Aug 26, 2020
Easy to follow. Could have have little better if we could download authors video explanation as a pdf version for future reference.
By Phani M G
•Jun 27, 2020
Interesting case studies and relevant examples. Simple yet effective explanation of each concept. Final quiz is designed very well.
By Wayne S
•Dec 6, 2015
This course starts off slow and gradually goes very deep into business metrics which provides a valuable view-point on the topic.
By Aazir M
•Dec 3, 2017
Great course content, but could be improved by having more assignment and opportunities to test and share learning among peers.
•Nov 9, 2019
This course is really useful for someone with non-technical background. Thank you professor for making such beautiful course.
By Henry Z
•Nov 8, 2017
A good overview about the requirement of each of the data analyst job roles and the business metrics identified for analysis.
By Tong Y
•Mar 4, 2018
The course is good for technical persons to start learning business language, however, it's too basic for business persons.
•Oct 23, 2019
A good starter to understand business metrics. It would be better if include some new companies as the example to analyze
By 이상수
•May 24, 2020
It helps me to study Business Metrics. This course contains many examples of Business Metrics of Data-Driven Companies.
By Eamonn F
•Mar 21, 2016
a very good course.
i would like more questions in each video though - and more problems to solve too.
but great overall