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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Women in environmental biology by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

135 ratings

About the Course

Have you ever wondered how humans relate to other living beings and what do you need to know to be able to understand current environmental problems? Do you know that many of these researches and knowledge have been described by women? This course gives answers to these questions and it is addressed to anyone interested in the relationship between humans and other living beings, as well as all those concerned about the global change situation that the planet is suffering. We will learn key concepts of environmental biology, what does the word biodiversity mean, what are the main types of living organisms that exist on the Earth and the importance of these for human beings. We will also learn that the gender perspective plays a key role in how we understand the world and in how science, and in particular, environmental biology, progress. What is this course useful for? In the current context of global change of the planet, sustainability is a key and transversal concept in many aspects of our life: education, politics, legislation, etc ... Knowing to appreciate the importance of our relationship with the natural environment will facilitate to work on issues related to sustainability with a solid knowledge based on evidence. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that the gender perspective is a key element in the transformation of many environmental problems on the planet. This course has been designed and developed by a team of women researchers applying the gender perspective in the content and structure of the course. In addition, with this course you will discover many other women who, throughout history, have made key contributions to environmental biology and that will surely allow you to start stretching the thread to know more of them....

Top reviews


Nov 2, 2020

I love how the course tackled the great contributions of women in Science and as well as in environmental and conservation biology, to advance it as to what it is right now.


Jul 12, 2020

This course is really an inspiration and advocating the importance and role of women in Environmental Biology. I really enjoyed the course. Thank you.

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1 - 25 of 39 Reviews for Women in environmental biology

By Грона О В

May 4, 2020

A great course for women about women! Thank you very much! As a student of the Faculty of Ecobiotechnology I was really lack of the representativeness of women in science, especially in environmental biology. However, this course showed what a great contribution women have for science! I also especially pleased to note the charisma and competence of the teachers. It was a pleasure to take part in this inspiring and powerful course!

Who runs the world? Girls!

By Ksenia D

May 4, 2020

My friend and I study ecobiotechnology, so we were really interested in subject of this course. I enjoyed it, the lectures were really interesting and provided us with a lot of new and relevant information. Especially was really amused to learn how many amazing women took part in both development of environmental biology and in creation of this course. Thank you for the experience!

By Devyani R

Apr 21, 2020

Informative, inclusive and eye opening. I appreciate that I was taught by women, about women. This course has inspired me to do better work in the field of environmental conservation and has made me realize that it is women that will change the world, for the better.

By Tukelo “ N

Feb 26, 2021

This course has enlighted me that I as a woman I can do so much in the studies of our Environment. And now I believe I am part of Nature. Thank you

By Sara R

Apr 23, 2022

Very thorough study of environmental biology. Enjoyed hearing all of the stories of women in conservation.

By Deleted A

May 7, 2023

tons of spelling errors and could hardly understand what was being said

By Ariadna R

Apr 27, 2020

Poor English skills

By Ana K R L

May 11, 2020

m'ha encantat molt el curs, he après molt i he empoderat a moltes dones i aquest curs m'ha servit de manera tant professional com personal, ja que com a dona, ambientalista i feminista estic a la recerca de millores per al planeta i per ser una millor persona i així mateix per donar poder a dones a través de la ciència, m'ha ensenyat molt aquest curs i el recomano altament. m'ha encantat, gràcies pel contingut i per tot.

By Andrea F L R

Sep 12, 2020

En estos tiempos de crisis, es fundamental conocer y promover los esfuerzos históricos de las mujeres en el conocimiento y la acción por defender los ecosistemas, territorios y especies recordando que las personas también somos parte de la naturaleza y la estamos destruyendo. Las mujeres han hecho propuestas y acciones muy importantes para atender las crisis ambientales y sanitarias que vivimos hoy en día.

By Marina d L

Mar 2, 2021

As a biology student and a woman, this course was very inspiring. I also really enjoyed the materials that were recommended. I am also taking a teaching degree and I found the approach for all those topics that are very broad and complex, really helpful for when I have to talk to students about them, especially the younger ones.

By Maria P S F

Jun 15, 2021

Muito bom! Excelente conteúdo, com ótimas professoras que trazem um novo olhar sobre temas tradicionais na biologia a partir de contribuições de grandes cientistas, ativistas e pesquisadoras mulheres. Realmente um curso enriquecedor.

By Milenka R R

May 9, 2020

Excelente curso, hoy me di cuenta que las mujeres han y hacen muchos esfuerzos por proteger y mantener el lugar donde habitamos, trabajando desde diferentes campos de acciòn pero con un solo objetivo, el bien de la naturaleza.

By Bernardita P

Dec 30, 2020

Muy inspirador! lo recomiendo, a la vez que se aprende sobre diferentes temas relacionados a las ciencias medioambientales puedes conocer el rol que han tomado las mujeres en su desarrollo, lo cual normalmente se desconoce.

By Nataly Y S B

Jul 22, 2021

Me gustó mucho conocer más acerca de nuestra biodiversidad y del aporte individual para el cuidado del mismo, además de conocer todo el trabajo de tantas mujeres preocupadas por el medio ambiente

By Akimbekova N

May 4, 2020

Thank you very. It was very interesting and help me improving some professional questions also my English. Really I saw mostly women names first time and I think threre are many,

By Jay-Ann T

Nov 3, 2020

I love how the course tackled the great contributions of women in Science and as well as in environmental and conservation biology, to advance it as to what it is right now.

By Abhishek K

Jul 13, 2020

This course is really an inspiration and advocating the importance and role of women in Environmental Biology. I really enjoyed the course. Thank you.

By Natalie M

Jan 21, 2025

Loved it, thank you very much. The course provided all the informations I needed. I now ffel ready for my new study subject environmental sciences.

By Fatima S G

Aug 31, 2020

Fue un curso interesantísimo y de gran ayuda para la carrera que actualmente estoy estudiando, el trabajo de las expositoras fue increíble

By Crista Z

Jun 9, 2021

Muy buen curso, las maestras son claramente expertas en el tema. Me gustó muchísimo, muchas gracias y felicitaciones.


Jun 26, 2020

High knowledge on environmental biology and the contribution of various women personalities towards it.


Aug 5, 2020

The course was really interesting and i felt so attached ,feeling like it was a classroom session.

By Felip L

Feb 28, 2022

Un curs genial per entendre la biologia, l'ecologia i la ciència amb mirada feminista.

By Sheeza R

Sep 1, 2020

The course content was excellent and upto the mark.Thank you so much.

By Aigul A

Mar 9, 2023

I am grateful to each teacher of this course.