Jun 11, 2020
The course is worth the time , the faculty teaches you about some complicated advance formulae with so much clarity and ease that even beginners can be pro in excel related to business and finance.
Jun 21, 2017
This course has made me understand cost accounting, has provided a fresh perspective on how to solve some of the challenges i had with management accounting and as a bonus, made me love maths again :)
By shail
•May 24, 2020
Quiz's were more theoretical than practical, overall intermediate level and need prior basic knowledge of finance.
By Hari S
•Nov 20, 2020
Instruction can be more precise and quiz 2 and 4 can be improved. This course is a letdown compared to Course 1.
By Arnot B
•May 13, 2018
Bit of a large step between very simple weeks 1 and 2 and more complex weeks 3 and 4 but mostly easy to follow
By Aeshvry R
•Feb 17, 2022
The question paper is not properly desinged. And few concepts for people who are new are tough to understand.
By Long K C
•Aug 30, 2020
course content is great, quizzes not so. Some questions are very confusing and needed further clarifications
By Christian M
•Mar 24, 2019
I enjoyed the difficulty of the quizzes, but found that the material could've been explained in more detail.
By Davide B
•Jun 9, 2016
Few tools on Xls has been shown.
More extensive and complex problem are required on use of Monte Carlo method
By Dehan A
•Sep 20, 2020
unlike the previous course this was more vague , its was not detailed enough to get a good comprehension.
By Sriram V
•Sep 6, 2020
Found the course a little ineffective. The wording of the questions were confusing and not clear at all.
By Lars O
•Oct 10, 2018
more examples of the different topies would have been useful to solidy the kowledge newly learned topics
By Joe Z
•May 22, 2017
Slides did not add value. I prefer the slides summarizing the lecture so that I can keep them on file.
By Clayton A I
•Jan 20, 2025
The Quizzes seems to not be working correctly. I saw several members in the forum say the same thing.
By negin k
•May 21, 2020
The videos were so short and not comprehensive and the quizzes were way hard compare to the materials
By Arush K
•Apr 11, 2020
Module 2 specifically was really cut down in comparison to the quiz taken.
felt a little unstructured
By Nhan T
•Feb 27, 2022
Quiz questions are not well written. Also, would have loved to see a Monte Carlo simulation ran.
By Tracy N
•Aug 9, 2021
I think the quizzes are not really related to the content of the course and needed to be changed.
By Alan Q
•Jun 27, 2021
The Quiz requires an exact correct answer which is not reasonable on formulating excel formulas.
By Vinayak S
•Jun 9, 2020
Coverage seems less and test questions have some vaguely worded questions that get you confused.
By Patryk E
•Mar 23, 2016
It seems to me like the course could have like 2 or 3 times more video concerning tasks required
By AzureSun
•Jan 16, 2021
The design of the exam is not good. Sometimes need to review the video to find the exact words.
By Sergio D
•Feb 18, 2018
The course itself is interesting and can be done in 3-4 hours in total max. Slides are useless.
By Ben G M
•Apr 28, 2016
Wharton's online MD can not have a course so poorly develop (lectures vs quiz vs material)
By Silvio J R G
•Apr 25, 2016
It was a good course. The quizzes should be corrected since some questions are ambiguous.
By Angus S
•May 16, 2022
Would like to have seen more use of google sheets. Other than that, it was pretty good.
By Rahul R
•Jun 25, 2017
In my opinion, this course is more information oriented rather than knowledge oriented.