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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There by University of Michigan

3,429 ratings

About the Course

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to the most powerful engineering principles you will ever learn - Thermodynamics: the science of transferring energy from one place or form to another place or form. We will introduce the tools you need to analyze energy systems from solar panels, to engines, to insulated coffee mugs. More specifically, we will cover the topics of mass and energy conservation principles; first law analysis of control mass and control volume systems; properties and behavior of pure substances; and applications to thermodynamic systems operating at steady state conditions. COURSE FORMAT The class consists of lecture videos, which average 8 to 12 minutes in length. The videos include integrated In-Video Quiz questions. There are also quizzes at the end of each section, which include problems to practice your analytical skills that are not part of video lectures. There are no exams. GRADING POLICY Each question is worth 1 point. A correct answer is worth +1 point. An incorrect answer is worth 0 points. There is no partial credit. You can attempt each quiz up to three times every 8 hours, with an unlimited number of total attempts. The number of questions that need to be answered correctly to pass are displayed at the beginning of each quiz. Following the Mastery Learning model, students must pass all 8 practice quizzes with a score of 80% or higher in order to complete the course. ESTIMATED WORKLOAD If you follow the suggested deadlines, lectures and quizzes will each take approximately ~3 hours per week each, for a total of ~6 hours per week. TARGET AUDIENCE Basic undergraduate engineering or science student. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - What are the prerequisites for taking this course? An introductory background (high school or first year college level) in chemistry, physics, and calculus will help you be successful in this class. -What will this class prepare me for in the academic world? Thermodynamics is a prerequisite for many follow-on courses, like heat transfer, internal combustion engines, propulsion, and gas dynamics, to name a few. -What will this class prepare me for in the real world? Energy is one of the top challenges we face as a global society. Energy demands are deeply tied to the other major challenges of clean water, health, food resources, and poverty. Understanding how energy systems work is key to understanding how to meet all these needs around the world. Because energy demands are only increasing, this course also provides the foundation for many rewarding professional careers....

Top reviews


Feb 24, 2021

Courses from the University of Michigan are always awesome. Hats off to Margaret Wooldridge, mam. Thank you so much, Coursera and the University of Michigan for making this outstanding experience.


Jul 23, 2019

Great course. But I was also hoping to get an in-depth analytical understanding of the second law of thermodynamics and the zeroth law as well. But I really enjoyed it and definitely learned a lot.

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76 - 100 of 698 Reviews for Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There

By Rahul J


Feb 8, 2019

Just awesome , I am writing this just after first week of course and i have learnt a lot like a lot without a doubt these are the best courses to learn.I can say that i have learnt more than what i have learnt in 4 years of engineering.

By Varun T


Jun 24, 2018

I have completed only four week now, but i can be pretty sure that rest will be good too. Excellent presentation and good teaching material. I have learned a lot and will continue to study this subject to gain more and more information.

By Shishir S P


Apr 18, 2017

I would really like to appreciate coursera and Prof. Margaret Wooldridge and lastly University of Mighigan for providing an opportunity to underwent through this which has cleared all the basis and conceptual theory of the subject

By J P


Aug 25, 2021

Excellent ! Concepts were explained clearly. Professor Margaret Wooldridge is a adding lot of value to the program. Her talent is extraordinary. Thank you to Coursera and Professor Margaret Wooldrige for offering this program.

By Matthias R W


Jun 29, 2017

A brief but great introduction to Thermodynamics!

Prof. Wooldridge explains the issue in a very understandable way, with appropriate pace and good examples. I hope she will teach some more courses on Coursera in the near future.

By S R S


Aug 13, 2020

It is very descriptive and informative program. It followed new trends in teaching.The teaching methodology itself is appreciable. I want choose one more course from this university.I am very thankful to the University.

By Meetkumar P


Mar 28, 2017

I am very thankful of University of Michigan and Coursera. Thank you sir for giving me a chance to study in your institute.I have no words to say about your institute. Just say thank you.

once again thank much..

By Miguel A M


Jun 29, 2021

excellent introductory course, I was probably oping for a slightly advanced material but indeed it was great. It would be nice to have the slides available for the hurried learner, but teacher and material were great

By nashim m


Apr 1, 2022

It was a very rich and practical period. The content was excellent and the teacher was very good at conveying the concepts. What I had learned in the past at university was re-taught and I learned many new points.

By Shriniwas B R


Jul 21, 2020

Course is very good .I learn lot from this course . But Course duration is not mentioned in the certificate Course duration is very essential for my promotion .So please mention Course duration in my certificate

By Jamal A K


Jan 12, 2021

This course is a good way to get started in thermodynamics and the study of phase transitions/equilibria. In my case I had studied much of this in a chemistry degree, and the course was useful revision.

By Aluko O C


Jul 4, 2020

Very informative and I love the flow of progression. It never suddenly got too hard and was always do-able up to the end. There was also a lot of useful information given in the last week of this course

By Patel Z Y


Aug 18, 2020

It is a great course for Mechanical Engineering students. You learn good concepts from this course. Also you get to know various fields of energy where Research can be pursued. Instructor is very good.

By Deleted A


Apr 12, 2021


By Benjamin G


Aug 29, 2017

I really enjoyed this course. The lecture contents are clear with a lot of examples. It gives an overview and different possibilites from the first and second principles of thermodynamics.

By Phuc N


Aug 28, 2020

This course is very theory-heavy, but that is what makes it so entertaining and engrossing. Professor Wooldridge was able to connect the course material to real-world applications.



Apr 4, 2020

Best teacher i have had till now,clear explanation of concepts and understanding and examples based on real life problems and analysis.Best course the start thermodynamics with

By Qaiser A


May 5, 2020

The course was best though, the content was incredible. I learned alot of new things from this course. And specially the instructor was best. Hope more courses from Margarate.

By Joaquim L


Jul 6, 2017

The course was a great refresher for my upcoming FE exam. I have been out of school for almost 10 years so I really needed this course. Overall the teacher was easy to under

By Rishabh S


Mar 30, 2020

By end of this course i've learnt more about the energy transfer in different medium.This course helped me to clear my concept about what is the role of energy in jet engine.

By Byungkeun S


Jan 18, 2017

I wanted to learn cycle part in Thermodynamics. The professor gave me a new insight in terms of renewable energy, consumption of energy, etc.

Thanks. I appreciate your class.

By Mark M


Dec 12, 2020

A good course for engineering students. It teaches thermodynamics in an efficient and simple way and give a good foundation to those who wants to explore the energy sector.

By Hiren G


Dec 12, 2020

After completing this course i revised my subject thermodynamics which was i studied few years ago and now i got fundamentals of the the subject by completed this course .

By Gustavo G P


Sep 2, 2018

Excellent course for anyone needing an introduction to the main concepts in thermodynamics. Crystal clear explanations from an excellent professor. Highly recommend!