May 17, 2020
This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.
Jun 2, 2019
I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.
By Ivette G
•Oct 4, 2020
Es una excelente maestra , explica muy bien todo en este curso. Meditacion como ayuda esta practica diaria. Dormir bien para uno no sentirse infeliz 7 horas de sueno es bueno para el cuerpo. Muy buen curso para esta pandemia la recomiendo a todos los estudiantes y de todas las edades. La Dr. Santos explica muy bien y con ejemplos. Los libros son muy buena guia y se consiguen faciles tambien.
Muchas gracias a coursera por esta clase que en momentos de pandemia ayuda mucho en el diario vivir.
By Mary S
•Aug 24, 2020
This class was exactly what I needed to hear to have the confidence and excitement to go back to school. I have found a new way to be happy and am not so focused on what is making everyone else happy. I now know what makes me happier. A lot of the material is validation in things that we might hear all the time but need to be reminded of how important they are to your well being. You will not be disappointed in this course if you take the time to listen and pay attention to what speaks to you.
By Warren D
•Jul 13, 2020
The content is excellent and comprehensive. The lectures are spot on -- very little Default Mode Network action when I was watching and listening. This course prompted me to read Seligman's book "Flourish" and Michal Cz..'s book "Creativity" (And I listened to his Youtube about Flow.) Laurie introduced me to a world overflowing with important, vital knowledge. The structure of the course is also excellent -- it is human friendly -- intuitive and enjoyable. Laurie Santos -- you are the best.
By Maya A Y G M
•Apr 24, 2019
I am SOOOO FRUSTRATED!! I loved the course. BUT IT KEEPS TELLING ME I HAVE NOT COMPLETED IT WHEN I HAVE SUBMITTED ALL ASSIGNMENTS, DONE MULTIPLE PEER REVIEWS, AND HAVE COMPLETED EVERYTHING I CAN FIND TO COMPLETE. and worst of all, THERE SEEMS TO BE NO HUMAN COMPONENT TO HELP WITH THIS ISSUE. I liked the idea of Coursera, but the fact that one cannot contact a live human for assistance and there is no way to find solutions to my issues makes me never want to take an other course here. GRRRR.
By Raymond W
•Nov 26, 2020
This was an outstanding course. I enjoyed the journey and the outcome was more than I expected. My Authentic Happiness Score improved from 2.8 to 3.46. Meditation is now a part of my day. Dr. Santos is a treasure. I am a member of a teaching circle at Ivy Tech Community College in Kokomo, Indiana. I am going to suggest that all of the faculty take this course, When we improve ourselves, it is amazing how much better the students become. Keep on doing the great work that you are doing.
By Sally E E
•Aug 16, 2020
This course was excellent and the video-lectures by Laurie Santos were highly informative and clearly presented. I loved the way the research was closely coupled to practical implementation in my own life. I feel this course helped to stabilize and motivate me to face up to the many challenges that covid-19 has caused me. I feel better, more informed, secure and able to confront issues in my life now. I cold not recommend this more highly for anyone who needs to find more meaning to life.
By Nicole C
•May 26, 2020
I loved Laurie! She was very real and relatable. I enjoyed the subject matter. I found many of the surveys and studies extremely interesting. I feel like I've learned over the years that what we think is going to make us happy, especially when we're young...perfect body, marriage, material items...doesn't. I just wish I would've learned those lessons at the same age as the students in this class. I'm on a mission to incorporate many of these rewirements into my life. Better late than never!!!
By Clifford G
•Aug 17, 2022
This course was a delight. It provided a lovely introduction to the field of positive psychology and the constituent parts of "well-being". More importantly, it provided a set of tools that one can use to improve one's own well-being. Although the course was originally targeted to university undergraduates, the content is equally applicable to 63 year olds like me. There is an extensive list of references as well so if you want to learn more you can "nerd-out" on the books and articles.
By Bette A E
•Aug 5, 2020
The course was wonderful for me. I haven't studied or reflected on life for a long time. I needed to learn and practice new habits. Thank you for the opportunity to do these things.
I found the computer programming a little confusing at times, especially when I took a break for a few days. I had trouble returning to the previous lesson. If you, by chance, omit a section or some questions, you are locked in and cannot progress. This was frustrating. But, I did manage to work it out on my own.
By Paula L
•Aug 3, 2020
Loved this course! I began it to find wellness during covid and have ended up sharing WOOP with my kids (who are all home right now) to help them with their goal setting. The strengths and practice of gratitude has become a nightly conversation with my husband. We don't write them but we each share 5 things we are grateful for while we are walking our dogs or having a glass of wine after dinner. It has helped us both be mindful of joy that is present daily if only you focus. Thank you!
By Jérémie M
•Jul 3, 2020
Where to begin. Might be cheesy, but I really feel well, my well-being has greatly improved! Learning about what makes me happy, has been eye-opening… I want to continue using all the tips and tricks I have learned, they are easy and very meaningful. This course should definitely be mandatory to all students attending all types of post-secondary education schools and also in schools of all ages. I definitely recommend this course to all people, no matter your background, no matter your age.
By Sheryl A
•May 25, 2020
I like the instructor. She has an engaging and positive vibe. There was a couple of occasions where the lectures became a little monotonous, but overall it was interesting and informative. A lot of data and statistics, but I suppose that is to be expected with the "science" aspect. The course was also easy to follow and well-organized. What I found most beneficial were the activities and assignments. Although simple concepts, it changed my entire outlook once I began doing the work.
By Elizabeth L
•May 21, 2020
Professor Santos is a talented educator who brought the science to life in an accessible format in this incredible life changing course. The professor's lectures were engaging, fun and the perfect length. I appreciated her discussions and humor throughout. Also, the added use of the rewi app helped set my new habits of happiness. Thank you for offering this course and helping make the world a better, happier place. This should be a required course for all students freshman year! Kudos Yale!
By Billie Y
•May 10, 2020
I took this course beginning the first week of the COVID-19 virus causing social distancing. I had no idea at the time how critical this course would become to my mental and physical well being. I did the work and set and reached milestones that I had not thought possible before. But this course taught me to create opportunities out of the worst situation! I am happier than I was before COVID-19 hit and it’s not over. But I have the tools to get me through , smiling! Thank YOU Ms. Santos!!!
By Baheramgor D
•Nov 2, 2022
At my age (89+) and experience as a teacher, columnist and author of over 100 books on self help, athletics, motoring, management, marketing, Zen, Sufism , humour, healthcare etc. many topics served as a welcome revision. WOOP was new to me and I am bowled over by its very simplicity and effectiveness. I have installed respected Gabriele Oettingen as my Guru. Not as a criticism, but as a two- penny worth opinion, I feel, the course is highly Americanized and cultural diversity is lacking.
By Natalia M
•Jul 19, 2020
It was not like any other course I’ve done before and I really liked how we actually put all the strategies learnt into practice. I feel like this element of the course really helps with making a positive impact in someones happiness and wellbeing. As I practiced the rewirement challenge as well as did all the other assignments I feel . The course helped and I enjoyed learning all this information about wellness and happiness and most of all. Also Laurie was extremely engaging and awesome!
By Francisco G
•Jun 1, 2020
This course is outstanding for everyone. This should be mandatory. I have learned that I was doing things right all along but, this structured it and explained why. What I have learned in the past was what I felt good doing but never truly understood why it was.
The US is terrible when it comes to implementing more social sciences. But, I have a hunch it is part of the economic growth strategy.
You have a done an amazing job and look forward to taking more classes with you. Cheers Senora!!
By Harbhajan S
•May 16, 2020
Really helped me with issues I have been dealing with emotionally and mentally. I really enjoyed the layout of the course and it was very will structured. The activities, pro tips and tools to accomplishing my goals helped a lot. Professor Santos has a deep understanding of her field and the interviews with her peers in her professional were also great to listen to. Overall the course was very well done, would recommend to anyone who is trying to find some balance and peace in their lives.
By Anni T
•Jul 20, 2020
I have found this course extremely valuable and it has re-enforced some of the things I was doing already but I have also found many other evidence based methods of supporting my well-being.Over the last 6 weeks I have found myself to be happier , healthier as well as highly motivated.
I have started a new path in my career and also developed a new skill of typing which has improved my productivity at work and home. WOOP is something which is helping me a lot as well.
Thank you so much.
By Jeff I
•Jun 2, 2020
When I started the course, my overall happiness indices were relatively high. I did not know for sure which behaviours were positive influencers and which ones were not. I enjoyed the lectures and challenges combined with thorough research and analysis. It me helped to understand outcomes that would normally seem opposite to my intuition. Even though we are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, by following the material and completing the challenges, my overall happiness scores improved.
By Mariana M
•Jun 6, 2018
It was a wonderful experience to be able to have access to such a high-standard education what was accompanied by a high quality and engaging professor. It is a light course to watch but at the same time a eye-opening one giving you lots of insights of happiness that we tend to not recognize or misunderstand amid this society we are part of. Despite the lightness of the classes, the activities require some effort and they are indeed really important for you to get the most of this course.
By Afia E E
•Nov 4, 2022
I've really learnt so much from this course. There are positives as well as negatives but the goal is the experience and knowledge you get. During the course of the lectures, we were given some rewirements to participate in. At first it was difficult to implement but Mrs. Santos's focus was solely on the practical aspects than the theory. I believe without putting the techniques into action, one cannot get a satisfactory outcome. To cut this short, thank you SO MUCH for this opportunity.
By Aditi S
•Jun 9, 2020
I enjoyed learning and doing this course.
Even though I was aware of some of the rewirements which were discussed, the insights and research taught in the course further helped me to adopt these practices as part of my daily routine. Especially during these uncertain times, it really helped in keeping oneself focused on positive practices.
I hope to be able to participate and continue to learn more about the Science and Psychology of Well-Being in the future too.
Thank you for the course.
By Lisa M
•Jun 1, 2020
I loved this course; very informative. The content can be life changing if one is open to adjusting common preconceptions about what makes us feel happy and fulfilled.
The instructor is knowledgeable, authentic, and charismatic. Dr Santos's humility about her own journey to happiness through the scientific research is refreshing and inspiring.
I would recommend this course to anyone - from high school students through retirees. There is great value in the concepts taught in this course.
By Michael M
•Sep 12, 2021
I was not sure what to expect for this course when I registered. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the lectures, the supporting sciences behind the key points and the thoroughness of the quizzes & exams. Truthfully, my favorite part was the peer reviews - I may have gotten just as mush out of those as I did the course itself. Well done Ms. Santos ! Oh and at the outset I did recommend the course to four of my friends - they each got as much or more than me from the content.