May 3, 2020
It goes through a good amount of foundational information for IT. It goes with the technical side as well as the soft skills and resume/interview information which are just as important as technical.
May 3, 2020
Still a great refresher to me and listed in a comprehensive manner which I am thankful for even though I knew some or even a lot of these fundamentals already in a distant and previous life of mine...
By Mohamed A I A
•Sep 3, 2021
One of the most valuable courses ever, it simplifies the information, starting from scratch, instructors also are professional, and you will never get pored from the material, I highly recommend this material for the beginners, also the professional people they will find new information. thanks for this short journey, I really enjoyed this course.
By sam i
•Dec 30, 2020
Good course. On a difficulty scale 1-10, I'd say it bounces around, back and forth from about a 3 to 7. If you have a ComSci degree or something, probably too easy. As an intermediate computer user, probably about right for me. Of course, there were parts that could have been clearer, broken down better, but all considered a good general overview.
By Sereion H
•Dec 6, 2020
Very beginner friendly, the videos are short, but concise and details. You'll also get hands on practice with building computer, installing programs from both Linux and Windows. Finally they also give tips on scoring a job in tech. Highly recommend. Not sure, if this will help me land a job, but I can now use the tools and apply them if necessary.
By Marcos d M G
•Jun 29, 2020
Olá, meu nome é Marcos e eu fiquei muito feliz em ter a oportunidade de realizar este curso. Com uma abordagem muito intuitiva, com muita informação, no final de cada módulo através de testes de laboratórios, levando o aluno a aplicar na prática o conteúdo aprendido, faz do curso um diferencial em busca do conhecimento. Parabéns Google pelo curso.
•May 20, 2018
Excellent course, it very easy to follow considering I am a beginner. It was very interesting and engaging. I learned a great deal, some of the most interesting things I learned are how the binary system works how to build a computer, ow to install an operating system, what the internet is and how it works and basic problem solving skill for IT.
By Jasmin N
•Oct 1, 2023
Even if you have a Master's degree in IT, you'll still find new stuff here. A great way to brush up on your 1st semester lessons. The tips to deal with customers and resume writing greatly helped me modify my CV and eventually being shortlisted through ATS. In my opinion, every Computer Science student should enroll the course as a pre-requisite!
By Deleted A
•Jul 8, 2023
As someone who's always been interested in technology but never had the means to be able to really dive into it all myself this course was a great introduction and even someone with no knowledge of IT or technology beforehand could grasp all the info shared with them.
Really satisfied and can't wait to learn more and deepen my understanding of IT
By Eggy S W
•Jul 25, 2022
Saya seorang dengan 3 tahun pengalaman di IT Support. Kursus ini sangat bagus untuk me-refresh hal hal penting pada IT Support dan ada ilmu baru yang bahkan saya tidak sadari sehari hari. Tips untuk orang Indonesia yang membaca ini: Sangat bagus untuk mengenal dasar dunia IT, seperti pelajaran TKJ waktu saya SMK. namun lebih ringkas dan padat.
By Deleted A
•Jun 29, 2022
This course is well constructed, always on point. It's not just aimed at passing the course. It contains content that you can refer back to even after you have finished the course. It is all references.
I now have a place to come back to whenever I am stuck,or need more understanding especially with regards to the Customer Service and interviews.
By Joshua R
•Nov 25, 2021
I have learned and gained more skills through this course. I recommend that all people learn them for it will be essentials one day in your life time. Instructors have done great analysis and have made the course really fun. I enjoyed breaking apart my personal computer and putting it together as per the course and truly enjoyed myself doing so.
•Jul 22, 2021
Great course either for those who have never really dug into what makes computeres, networking, etc., work; and a great refresher ourse for those of us who have used them for a long time, repaired some of our own issues, but never really went much further. Gets you up-to-date if for some reason you've been out of touch in this field for a time.
By Michael S
•Dec 17, 2020
Este primeiro curso me fez voltar à 2004, aquela sensação de nostalgia, revendo calculos de bits e bytes.
Também me trouxe uma perspectiva atualizada sobre como atender o cliente de maneira eficiente, tendo empatia com o problema do usuário, afinal, se ele não consegue trabalhar por uma falha no computador, o problema é do analista técnico de TI.
By Cassius H
•Apr 23, 2020
Loved this course, was well rounded and you are able to take your time with items that you are unsure of. Had some confusion with timing just because i went ahead due to me knowing I would be stuck in some items longer then others. I found that timing wasn't from the start of the program (as in your first classes) but by each individual section.
By Deleted A
•Dec 9, 2018
Easy to understand, very good explanations.
Even me - as a social scientist without any technical computer knowledge and only moderate english skills - was able to understand every piece of information because of the practical examples and the good wording. It's easy for me to transfer the knowledge in this course into praxis.
Thank you very much!
By Christopher S
•Feb 1, 2018
A solid introduction to IT support, this is an extended overview of the major areas of understanding that need to be leaned to perform as an IT Support Specialist. My only issue with this course concerned third-party software to access WIndows VM and be graded properly for work done. That being said, make sure to read the instructions carefully!
By Eunice C
•Nov 12, 2022
I've learned so much about this course. As an entry-level in IT industry, taking this course is a big step for me. Every content and videos are informative and helpful. I am glad that I was able to take this course. Hope that I can encounter and learned even more from this. I am also hoping that I may apply in the future what I've learned here.
By Upanishath U
•Sep 21, 2020
Wow Wow Wow! this course refreshed my all knowledge on the fundamentals of IT what I have learnt in my lower semester and got extra tips on soft skills too. I refer this course to IT or non-IT people who want to learn/refresh some fundamentals on computer you must enrol to this course . I promise you will never get bored throughout the course.
•Jun 19, 2020
The course was very helpful in some retraining I really needed in customer service. I also learned some new skills which would be helpful for future roles. I learned quite a bit and the quizzes during the video are helpful. Linux was more difficult than Windows PC to install the software but now I am more comfortable with new operating systems.
By Julia T
•May 4, 2020
This is a GREAT Course! I just finished the first one and I filled up almost an entire notebook of notes. Everyone explains everything so perfectly and explains every step. I have definitely LOVED working on the labs so that way I could also learn hands on and that is the best way I work. I can't wait to see what's in store in the next course!
By Laura S
•Jan 28, 2019
Exactly the content that I was looking for! Technical introduction for IT support fundamentals. The graded assignments of building a CPU and calculating bits/bytes are all very helpful and hands-on (considering this is an online course). I can see myself going back to review some key videos for future interviews. Really informative and concise!
By George O
•Feb 24, 2018
I thought this was a well put together course. I learned a lot and I am looking forward to learning even more. Thank you for providing the virtual option for the assembly portion. It made it a lot easier, and still provided the opportunity to go through the process of learning and showing the newly acquired skills required to complete the task.
By Ashish K
•Feb 5, 2018
Super quality content.All instructors seems to know what they are teaching and knows how to make someone gain the same knowledge as they have.
Very satisfied with the quizzes and grade assessment exams.I had to watch the whole week course every time to pass the test which helped me to grasp the knowledge very well.
Thank You, Google and Coursera.
By Syrick G
•Oct 16, 2023
An outstanding foundation course about IT Support. I've learned a lot from someone like me who doesn't have any background in IT. The course is easy to learn and is of high quality given that it was created by Google. The instructors are easy to understand. I also like those people who have given their time to share their personal experiences.
By Richard W
•Jun 19, 2021
If you have a passion for computers, or technology, this is a great place to start. Very affordable and comprehensive. Going to a class would've been much more time consuming and costly. Thank you Google for making this possible! I can't tell you how proud I am, and the great sense of accomplishment I got from completing this course. BIG SMILE
By Tina L C
•Apr 1, 2021
This course is exactly what I have been looking for and I can't believe I actually completed this program. I wish I learned this incredible information when I graduated from high school. However, I am truly grateful that I actually have a chance to become an IT Support Specialist. It's never too late Big To complete your goals and achievements