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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Technical Support Fundamentals by Google

157,419 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● understand how the binary system works ● assemble a computer from scratch ● choose and install an operating system on a computer ● understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world ● learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer ● utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting...

Top reviews


May 3, 2020

It goes through a good amount of foundational information for IT. It goes with the technical side as well as the soft skills and resume/interview information which are just as important as technical.


May 3, 2020

Still a great refresher to me and listed in a comprehensive manner which I am thankful for even though I knew some or even a lot of these fundamentals already in a distant and previous life of mine...

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926 - 950 of 10,000 Reviews for Technical Support Fundamentals

By Jussara L

Jul 1, 2020

Excelente, mais que excelente na verdade. Conteúdo maravilhoso, assim como a didática. Eu tenho muita dificuldade pra absorver conteúdo. E a didáticos dos intrutores é fazer referência do conteúdo com a rotina do dia a dia e dessa forma o conteúdo fixa melhor. Com certeza, me tornei uma profissional melhor com o conhecimento adquirido nesse treinamento.

By Zohaib Q

Nov 11, 2023

I took the Technical Support Fundamentals course as part of the Google IT Support Professional Certificate program. I found the course to be very informative and engaging. It covered the basics of computer hardware, software, networking, and troubleshooting. The course was well-structured and easy to follow. The instructor was clear and knowledgeable.

By Alexandra S

Jun 4, 2023

It was a good experiences but a bi difficult too . espercially when one lives in a village and doesn't have opporunities of having someone to borrow a computer . I experinced such and really it was tough to complete coursera 1 week 5 but finally , I have to relaxed and come back again to complete and I am happy I never give up.

thanks for the chance .

By Jude P

Jan 10, 2023

A good course overall, but it really needs to have corrections applied. There are mistakes referred to in various videos, and it's actually a hard digest to have both the false information and the proper information in front of you. Overall though, it seems like a good way to brush up on the skills one already has, and maybe even learn a few new ones.

By lotfy s

Jun 15, 2021

I joined the course without any prior knowledge about the computer or the youth. I learned a lot from the course and got a lot of excitement to complete the rest of the course. I thank all those in charge of this course and I thank Google for giving me the opportunity and thank Coursera for accepting the financial support and giving me the certificate

By Matthew C

Feb 23, 2021

An excellent overview of the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for IT, as well as some particular specifics in each category. I am excited to continue the specialization and earn the certification necessary to keep moving up. This course (and the subsequent courses) will grow my knowledge and expertise in the field of IT and computer science,

By Ethan T

Dec 12, 2020

There are few surprises in this course. It's informative and useful information, and if you use a computer a lot, it isn't very complicated. It's a good way to understand the why's and how's of a lot of stuff you may have been doing already with your own computer, and it helps to make you think about what area you may want to direct your interests in.

By Nicole W

Nov 30, 2019

Overall, I think it is essential that you know the fundamentals. Without knowing the basics and the understanding the ground work it will be difficult as you go along. I think Course 1 was good at touching on the areas that are important to know. Whatever that was not mentioned supplemental reading is recommended. Course 1 was very good in my opinion.

By Binderjit S

Oct 16, 2021

This course in partnership with Google is one of the perfect examples of technical primers for an intermediate tech support person which revises all fundamental concepts of IT. And the course material provided here is quite relevant and that too with lots of clear examples and assignments on the way. Overall, it is worth time spending on this course.

By Jason S

Oct 14, 2020

I am enjoying the program so far. My favorite parts were the building a computer lessons and the labs. Although the labs were really basic, I thought it was cool to be able to log into a virtual machine remotely and get an idea of how this tool may be used for more complex scenarios later. Personally I could do without all videos on personal stories.

By andre v

Aug 14, 2020

I felt that this was an excellent introductory course. The content was at just the right complexity that I needed getting started. It’s hard to make a course tailored for everybody so some lessons I didn’t really need, but overall, everything was really relevant. I really enjoyed doing the labs. I look forward to taking the more advanced courses now.

By Luke T

Jul 22, 2020

This course made me realise just how much I don't know about the tech world!

I loved learning about all the fundamental concepts of IT in this course and I cannot wait to dive deeper and keep learning more, I feel I have gained so much insight already and I'm supper excited to complete the whole program.

Thanks to everyone who put this course together.


Jul 15, 2020

Introduction to It: Digital logic and practice on Binary

Hardware; Hand on Simulation

Operating System; Creating a folder with Windows

Creating a folder with Linux

The Impact of the internet; Internet of A thing(IoT)

Software: Installing, updating, removing software on Windows

Installing, updating, removing software on Linux.

Troubleshooting Best Practices.

By Kendrick W

May 30, 2020

Excellent course, learned so much during the weeks, this course is something i would highly recommend starting if your searching for a career in IT Support. I'm now capable of understanding and applying a few skills in the field of beginners IT Support, yet its only the beginning I'm excited about learning more and the course suite me perfectly well.

By Julian M

Mar 5, 2020

This is a great system that google has put together. The lessons are well thought out, the information is simple and they really care about teaching the world of IT to others. I found this program stumbling through an ad, and I wouldn't have thought I'd actually push myself to enroll in the program. I love it and plan on finishing the entire program!

By Abraham M

Oct 1, 2021

The Google IT Support Specialization course is one big and straight question: Do you wish to work in the IT Support industry?. The answer to the questions, regardless of it, is going through this course. The users will have a clear answer and will be wiser in such way they can make a better decision on their next carrier step. Very well done Google.

By Huxley H

Aug 31, 2021

Easy to use interface and great intro into IT support fundamentals. I wish the intra-video quizzes are saved for the end of the video instead of in the middle of videos. That not only disrupts the flow of learning, it also makes the webpage to jump back to the top of the page if you have the video displayed in picture-in-picture mode.

OS: Windows 7

By Tsui M

Apr 11, 2021

I wasn't expecting such high quality of teaching in the course. Things are short and easy to understand, short videos are full of contents, explaining everything in easy way and everything is practical and useful not only in IT field but in our daily life. I am glad that I enrolled in the course and I am looking forward to learning more from Google.

By Patry T

Apr 29, 2018

The course is informative and engaging. All instructor does a good job introducing subject matters for the first time so that they're easy to understand. Nice pace in delivery and also fun to follow along with. The quiz can be a little more difficult because I feel they were somewhat easy for me. But that's also because I'm already working in IT. :)

By Abin A K

Aug 23, 2023

Amazing Course that teaches us all we need to know about the basic fundamentals of a computer. Would recommend it to all my friends. I sincerely thank Google for making this course easy to understand and learn and providing the lectures with highly knowledgeable lecturers who know a great deal about the subject and help us understand it thoroughly.

By Ayham T

Oct 14, 2021

It was a wonderful course, the explanation of the information was wonderful and understandable, and the training is excellent, especially that after each topic there is a full test for that topic, and this helps to consolidate the ideas. The virtual labs were wonderful, they are completely realistic. I am excited to continue in the upcoming courses

By Jared G

Feb 22, 2021

Very light introduction to the world of IT with lots of inspiring stories from the instructors. Lots of positive attitude and friendly faces throughout the course. The instructors felt like good friends and the lessons laid a foundation for the upcoming courses in this series. Qwiklabs is a pretty cool web application and I wait to use it again.

By Ben J

Jun 18, 2020

This is a wonderful introductory course. It covered so much information and gave a really good idea of the many different aspects of the IT field. The tools and methods used are top tier, and they are very easy and efficient. This is truly the best online class I have ever taken, and I am excited to explore the other courses Google has to offer!

By Sharon S

May 19, 2020

This has been an amazing course for me, it challenged me to step outside of my learning comfort zone. never would I have imagine that I would be able to complete all my quiz with passing grades that in itself bring a smile to my face. I'm looking forward to the next phase of this course I can't wait to see the challenges that about to come my way.

By Lorrie G

Jan 31, 2018

This IT Support Professional course is challenging, however the coursework is presented by trainers in a format that makes the content easily digestible. I appreciate the personal connections given in the video presentations as well as the ancillary materials to extend my own learning opportunities in areas where I don't have background knowledge.