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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Sports and Society by Duke University

1,284 ratings

About the Course

Sports play a giant role in contemporary society worldwide. But few of us pause to think about the larger questions of money, politics, race, sex, culture, and commercialization that surround sports everywhere. This course draws on the tools of anthropology, sociology, history, and other disciplines to give you new perspectives on the games we watch and play. It's the new and improved version of Professor Orin Starn's original "Sports and Society" for Coursera, which drew more than 40,000 students. We will focus on both popular sports like soccer (or “football,” as anyone outside America calls it), basketball, and baseball, and also lesser-known ones like mountain-climbing and fishing. You will never watch or think about sports in the same way again....

Top reviews


Nov 11, 2016

I loved this particular course. The topics are relevant. Each topic is supported by historical facts and examples and how is it relevant in the present time. It was a great learning experience!!!


Jan 6, 2020

One of the best courses that mixed interesting facts with theories. I study sports management, it's really intriguing to see how sports social values entwined with each other in history!

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1 - 25 of 337 Reviews for Sports and Society

By Meghann J

Feb 20, 2020

I loved this course. The content was well-designed around key themes, the readings and lectures were entertaining, and the course felt rigorous even though it only took a couple of hours to complete each week (including all of the reading). I will definitely think about how I participate in and watch sports quite differently from now on. There have been many recent developments related to gender and sport, and I'd love to hear what Professor Starn has to say on this - is he any more hopeful about gender equality in sport in 2020 than he was when he developed the course? I'd also be interested in a deeper discussion around cheating in sport. Thanks so much for offering this course!

By Priyesh S

May 31, 2019

This was a really interesting course, gives lot of insight into the various types of sports in the world, explains the science and detailed theory behind some of the worlds most popular sports, not to mention a lot of trivia and history behind the sports and how it relates to society and the various cultural relations it has all across the world.

A wonderful course and a very fun ;earning experience.

Special thanks to Professor Orin Starn and everyone at Duke University for bringing this course and making it possible. Cheers

By Akash K 0

Jul 24, 2020

I Enjoyed the course the most.

Best part of the course is the it involved the professors to enhance our knowledge and understanding about sports and its relevance in the society.

By Allison S

Oct 30, 2016

This is without a doubt my favorite class that I have ever taken (especially online)! The videos were well done with the right balance of lecture, visuals, and videos. The quizzes were challenging, yet not impossible. My sincerest gratitude to Professor Starn and his team. I'm hoping Professor Starn creates more courses like this one! Thank you for stimulating my mind and keeping me intrigued!

By Rohan C

Jul 23, 2017

Orin Starn has a unique and interesting way of communicating his ideas and knowledge. The course has helped me to deepen my knowledge about the relation of sports and society.

By Niki X T

May 4, 2020

Really interesting course, definitely one of those I would recommend to everyone, especially sports enthusiasts around me. The course is not very deep or difficult in any sense, it's more about providing you with a comprehensive structure of questions that modern sports are associated with, and then offering a wide variety of materials that you can explore on your own, that includes both popular movies and academic publications. So for people planning to enroll, please don't forget to check out those amazing resources listed in the discussion section. I am very much looking forward to a more advanced version of this class. Thank Professor Orin Starn and the team from Duke University for the amazing work, it's been a great journey for me!

By Чаава И Р

Apr 23, 2020

I would like to extend lots of thanks to the author of the course, professor Orin Starn and the whole team who helped in creating this course. I enjoyed and learned a lot about sports world and the society who is keen on sports. I would like to say that it was a great idea to provide us with the list of words beforehand( though I would have provided them not in one list but in separate sections right before watching videos) And I also enjoyed reading articles and extracts from books. Special thanks for the list of movies about sports that I unfortunately haven't seen earlier and thanks to the quarantine I will have time to do.

All in all, I would like to say that it is one of the best courses that I've takn om foursera.

By Elizabeth D

Oct 8, 2017

An academically challenging, and remarkably insightful course, suited both to those who seek greater understanding and/or enjoyment of observing, documenting or participating in sports. Professor Starn puts his whole self -- literally, socially and intellectually -- into his teaching, making this one of the best courses I have ever taken up-close-and-personal or online. Thank you and bravo, Dr. Starn! You just may find me on campus at Duke in the not-too-distant future . . .

By crys l

Jul 6, 2018

This was a great course! I went in not knowing much at all about sports, and I think I learned a lot. Everything was easy to understand, and the lectures were easy to follow. Some of the readings were challenging, but in a "hey, I learned a lot and this made me think" way rather than a "this is too hard, I give up" way.

By Deleted A

Aug 27, 2019

Sports and Society is tied for my favorite course that I have taken on I majored in Sport Management, so I was familiar with a good portion of the materials. However, I learned new and interesting facts in the lectures and readings. Orin Starn made the lectures informative and the class very enjoyable.

By Ravi K

Jan 14, 2017

This course tells us about how social customs and traditions have contributed to the evolution of sports and how sports has vice versa reflected the changes in social order of any age.

By Joseph S

Jun 14, 2022

This course was outstanding! Professor Starn is excellent. He's very knowledgable, very engaging and genuinely excited about the topic of sports & society. The lectures were interesting and easy to follow. The readings provided a good supplement to the lectures and the quizzes were straight forward. So far, this is the best course I have taken on Coursera. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

By James Y

Mar 25, 2020

A terrific professor with various-angled knowledge of sports. This course offers me a chance to know more about sports theoretically and comprehensively. I very appreciate all the hard work of Professor Starn. Wish I could meet you in person one day! Thank you!

By Joachim T L

Apr 11, 2016

Professor was awesome. Very knowledgeable about various sports and how sports fits into the bigger picture of life. I really enjoyed the lectures and felt the reading was perfectly matched to the videos.

By Maithili M

Nov 12, 2016

I loved this particular course. The topics are relevant. Each topic is supported by historical facts and examples and how is it relevant in the present time. It was a great learning experience!!!

By Liu K

Jan 7, 2020

One of the best courses that mixed interesting facts with theories. I study sports management, it's really intriguing to see how sports social values entwined with each other in history!

By Ashwien H

Dec 29, 2019

I got insight in a whole new part of sports. I am a sports journalist, but did not know in depth about extreme sports and USA based sports, such as American Football and Baseball

By Андреев А В

Aug 31, 2024

Широкий охват тем: Курс охватывает широкий спектр тем, начиная от истории и культуры спорта до социальных и политических аспектов. Это позволяет получить комплексное представление о том, как спорт взаимодействует с другими сферами жизни. Историческая перспектива: Вопросы о древних Олимпийских играх, например, показывают, как спорт был организован в прошлом, а современные примеры, такие как секс-скандал Тайгера Вудса, демонстрируют, как меняются взгляды на спортсменов и их личную жизнь. Социальные и культурные аспекты: Концепции, такие как "товарный фетишизм" Карла Маркса и "империалистическая ностальгия", показывают, как спорт и другие культурные явления могут быть связаны с более широкими социальными и экономическими теориями. Разнообразие вопросов: Вопросы касаются различных видов спорта и аспектов, включая бейсбол, гольф, и Олимпийские игры. Это помогает увидеть, как разные виды спорта влияют на общество и как общественные и культурные тенденции влияют на спорт. Актуальность: Вопросы о современных спортсменах, таких как Леброн Джеймс и Тайгер Вудс, показывают, как современные спортивные звезды взаимодействуют с общественностью и медиа. Социальные контексты: Вопросы о расовых и культурных аспектах, таких как "расовая сделка" или влияние племени семинолов на название спортивных команд, помогают понять, как спорт может быть связан с социальными и этническими вопросами. В целом, этот курс кажется не только образовательным, но и провокационным, стимулирующим размышления о многих аспектах спорта и здоровья, а также их влиянии на общество.

By Evan B M

Sep 10, 2022

"I enjoyed this course!" - Evan

Orin Starn (Professor at Duke) gives a great presentation over the seven weeks in the course (wow, seven... heheh). I truly learned about the 'societial component' of sports and that [people like to play] ...that 'play' is an intregal part of human culture; that sports 'evolved' out human's 'need for play' (for lack of a better way to put) ...and that... has become something truly 'phenomenal' in our 'modern age.'

"There were also many great 'tid-bits' about sports and human culture in here too! Thanks!"

By Shandelle C B

Jun 23, 2021

I know I won’t be the first to say, Orin, you have made this course so easy & fun! The incorporation with your family & letting us into your home & life was honestly, so relieving & comforting. I’m here in 2021, & all of the content was still so very relatable. Everything was SO organized, SO well put together, the combination of inside & outside scenes was flattering to the eye…. It all just worked together so well. Thanks again! Nothing but success & happiness to everyone taking this course!

By Sabrina P

Feb 19, 2025

Loved This Course! I seriously enjoyed every second of it! Orin Starn is such a great instructor—his personality, storytelling, and real-world examples made the class super fun and engaging. He has a way of making big topics easy to understand while keeping things interesting the whole time. The readings were great, too! I’m honestly sad it’s over, but I’m so glad I found this course. Highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about the impact of sports on society!

By Marie B

Apr 7, 2020

This course provided so much information and Professor Starn, with an anthropologist's perspective, including so much interesting information. This is not just a course for athletes, but for all learners who enjoy learning about the intersection of many different aspects of life - from sociology to pop culture, fine arts, biology, anthropology and history. Professor Starn has a wide breadth of knowledge and an approachable lecturing style - and a good sense of humor.

By Santiago C G

Jul 11, 2020

excelente , si eres amante de los deportes , disfrutaras cada modulo , cada lectura . Considero que después de realizado el curso no solo tienes este gran conocimiento acerca de el deporte su historia y relación con la sociedad y el hombre específicamente , también tendrás esa visión critica acerca de los temas tratados , acerca del deporte.

Literalmente no seguiré pensando de la misma manera acerca de los deportes ahora que finalice el curso .

By Robert C

Oct 3, 2020

Professor Starn is awesome! Clear, concise, and super knowledgable about sports and its connection to all sectors of society. I recommend this course to anyone that is either really into sports or is just looking for a fun and informative class to take. While some lectures did last a little longer than I wished them to be, they were still, for the most part, engaging and fun to watch. Overall, an awesome class to take!

By Ane J

Aug 20, 2020

It has been great to dive into topics that is not at all work related, for the sheer pleasure of learning something new. I enjoyed both the lectures and the readings for the course. I believe there are few bug en two of the quizzes (one being the week 7) but other than that I only have one comment: include womes as more than the minority, and maybe even some more reading material by women on women in sports