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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python by University of Michigan

6,259 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the learner to information visualization basics, with a focus on reporting and charting using the matplotlib library. The course will start with a design and information literacy perspective, touching on what makes a good and bad visualization, and what statistical measures translate into in terms of visualizations. The second week will focus on the technology used to make visualizations in python, matplotlib, and introduce users to best practices when creating basic charts and how to realize design decisions in the framework. The third week will be a tutorial of functionality available in matplotlib, and demonstrate a variety of basic statistical charts helping learners to identify when a particular method is good for a particular problem. The course will end with a discussion of other forms of structuring and visualizing data. This course should be taken after Introduction to Data Science in Python and before the remainder of the Applied Data Science with Python courses: Applied Machine Learning in Python, Applied Text Mining in Python, and Applied Social Network Analysis in Python....

Top reviews


Jun 26, 2020

its actually a good course as it starts from fundamentals of visualization to the data visualization,the assignments this course provide are exciting and full of knowledge that you learn in course ..


May 13, 2020

I am going for the specialization and I know this is just the second course in it and I haven't even seen the further courses yet, but this is already my most favourite course in the specialization.

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126 - 150 of 1,044 Reviews for Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python

By Aino J

Feb 2, 2020

I found the course very rewarding, and I was surprised how easy it is to make nice looking graphs in python. Extra points to teachers for putting substantial emphasis on good design and aesthetics.

You can pass the course without making any animations or interactive graphics; however, I found those assignments most rewarding so I recommend you give them a try.

Workload-wise, this course took me about double the amount indicated on the course website, but it would have taken considerably less time if I had set the bar lower for myself.

As with Course 1 of this specialisation, the lectures only give an introduction to the topics and you'll have to look up matplotlib documentation and answers from stackoverflow to complete the assignments. I found this course less challenging than the first one (but still challenging enough for sure!).

By Ilya R

Jul 25, 2017

Perfect, insightful, deep, challenging! I love the way prof. Christofer Brooks teach Data Science. Interactive IPython notebooks enables creativity to implement lecture notes right in the browser during watching lections.

I enrolled to "Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python" course right after finishing the first "Python for Data Science" module. This is one of the best experiencies I got during my online education.

There are a very active forum discussions on this course, people and course staff are helpful.

Next, I want to enroll next courses of the Specialization.

Also I would like to say "Thank you" to course team and Coursera for the financial aid opportunity.

By Vinayak N

Jul 4, 2019

This course helped me understand the basics of Data Visualization unlike any other internet resourses.

It starts with one module completely dedicated to the theory behind data visualization and how to present data in a genuinely insightful manner and then delves into matplotlib and eventually seaborn to implement the same.

I enjoyed Dr. Brook's teaching and the exercises. With a solid pedagogy, challenging exercises (the last one is especially fun and gives you a feel for the subject) and insightful lectures it's a great course for people looking to gain knowledge about basics of python data visualization.

By Han C

Aug 28, 2017

I really enjoyed this course. As a python novice I had to spend lots of times in googling commands for arguments, options, examples. Well I see many peoples are only relying on course materials but the considering this course as a motivator. I often felt frustrations and pressure, but not tried to be defeated by myself. Hope you guys find your own way to get it done. I still see lots of thing to learn, but I am not worried. This is only the beginning. Course is not a magic pill, it just gives a start point. As a start point, this is really nice cource to take.

By Hari G S

Sep 12, 2019

This is an excellent course on visualization in Python. The videos are brief and covers just the right amount of information. Reading resources and assignments are carefully chosen and perfectly complements what we've learned in the lectures. Assignments, most of the time, require us to read the matplotlib documentation but is easily understandable once gone through the lectures. Assignments are not very easy/simple, but completing it with real data and help from documentation, stack overflow and discussion forums is deeply satisfying.

By David C

Jul 12, 2017

This was an interesting course. The professor was excellent and the practical exercises, in particular, were beneficial in learning the material. My only complaint would be that a lot more time in the exercises was spent formatting and manipulating Pandas dataframes than applying the matplotlib libraries to produce charts and graphs of the data. I would have preferred to spend more time experimenting and using the graphics libraries and less on trying to manipulate data to get it into formats acceptable for grading.

By Sabu J

Oct 17, 2017

U-M and Coursera together brought a great and very interesting course. Great that the learners get exposed to various aspects of DS, be it the concepts , trends etc. A great platform for participants to learn together and experiment. Course introduces what is relevant in the industry and provide multiple opportunities to apply the learning. On top that it is laced with interesting challenges, not a cake-walk -:)

My sincere thanks to U-M, Coursera, teaching staff and all who made this happen

By Varun S T

Jul 24, 2020

Great Course. The best part about it is that you are forced to dig deep into various resources and work hard on your assignments, which helps you to apply everything you will learn from the lectures. Extremely practical and totally hands-on. Looking foward to the remaining courses in the specialization. I feel so much more confident about not only creating amazing visualizations but also about acquiring datasets and preparing them, which we learnt in the previous course.

By Silvia G T

Nov 24, 2022

This course is really amazing! I loved the focus on the practical realization of visualizations, because I think that Matplotlib seems a really difficult library at first, and this course gives a good overview of its functions and some suggestions to find out more advanced topics. Before taking this course, I avoided using Matplotlib and I relied much more on Seaborn and other libraries that offer pre-made visualizations, but now I think I'll use it a lot more.

By Kenia S

Apr 4, 2017

I continue to like the way the Prof. Brooks explains the different topics, the selection of the topics themselves and the scientific articles are very enriching. I was previously an HCI researcher and it was a pleasant surprise to find such great art Thanks for sharing them! It was defenetly a challenge for me, learning it all and doing the assignments. At the end, I'm proud, I've learned a lot and l'll definitely share what I've learn so far. Thank you!

By T.V.S T

Aug 30, 2020

The best course, that i would recommend for if anyone wants to cover a lot of basics in the field of Data visualization, The course assignments and emphasis on self learning, and making us familiar with many top websites like stack overflow and geeks for geeks to ask and clarify our doubts.

I recommend the beginners doing this course to document each of their assignment and make a repository in Github that would add a good value to your profile.

By shail

Apr 16, 2020

I was skeptic about this course since I am beginner to applied plotting and charting. After watching all videos, i felt overall course is intermediate level and well organized. I went through online search to understand all details mentioned in video, moreover I gained knowledge by looking at the assignment and solving myself with the help of stack overflow. I wanted to learn something new, and it did.

Thank you so much, Christopher Brooks !

By Allyson D d L

Nov 1, 2021

This course is amazing! The assignments are really challenging and force you to work hard. It could be longer, with more information about Seaborn but it's okay. In the final project you are free to choose what chart you want to create and what data you want to use. The peer-reviews are fast. The most interesting thing in this course is to learn how to create dynamic charts with interactivity.

By Luiz H C d S

Oct 4, 2021

It shows exactly what is expected, it is similar to a master's class. The teacher explains the main concept and some methods to solve specific problems, but there are much more to learn. Therefore, look at this course as a guided course, more you search, better you become; Thus, it gives you hints, makes you think in a different perspective and allows you to understand what you have to do.

By Bhavesh B

Apr 11, 2021

This course is extraordinary. The faculty initially explains you the basics and then requires you to do some digging from the documentation and on the forums, but it was all worth it. I couldn't have asked for a better faculty than Mr. Brooks for this course. His explanations of the concepts is perfect and to-the-point. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the programming assignments in this course.

By Jiongnan L

Dec 2, 2019

In addition to giving practical guidance in plotting and charting, the professors also give a simple but comprehensive explanation of the structure and functioning of the matplotlib.pyplot module, even though it doesn't require you to understand the deeper structure when you use the function, it certainly doesn't hurt you for learning more, especially when you want to be an expert in this.

By Val A B

Sep 22, 2018

I found this module to be the most enjoyable of all the Data Science courses offered by UMich. The method of instruction isn't only aimed at plotting data in various charts but it also focuses on the subjective part of visualization. I had fun doing the assignments, especially the 3rd and 4th week assignments, and I could say that I have improved a lot with my visualization skills. 10/10

By Jaladh S

Apr 18, 2020

This course is excellent because it teaches not only how to create customized visualizations using matploltlib in Python, but also what principles one should follow to create an excellent visual. The assignments are designed in a way that you get to enforce those principles on the visualization you create - making them memorable throughout your Data Viz career.

By Pranav P

Jul 26, 2020

To all of you who have done the first course under this specialisation - you have GOT to do this! Its simply amazing, and will mostly deal with the practical side of things. You will learn skills to be able to clean, analyze and plot data beautifully on your own! I'm a student of grade 12, studying under the CBSE curriculum. If I can do it, SO CAN YOU!

By Krishna P B

Dec 25, 2019

Taking up this course is a great way to understand how visualization libraries are organized in python. Instead of just stating down functions, the instructor has actually gone through the trouble of explaining the whole underlying architecture of how data is stored and rendered from back-end. Great work! And thank you for organizing a superb course.

By Brandon H

Dec 26, 2017

There are so many components to plotting that I didn't take into consideration, and this is after having gone through a Master's program in statistics. I have taken many of the simple things into mind each time I create a visualization at my job. Thus far, I have found the first two courses in this series invaluable and highly recommend it!

By Daniel M H B

Apr 30, 2019

Very clear explanations and wide range of tools to know different ways of data representation. I like a lot it is more a practical than a teorical course. Also, is very interesting to learn some kind of 'rules' for data rep (truthfulness, beauty, insightful, and others. Congratulations and thank you for this really good learning experience

By Jin T

Mar 1, 2021

I learnt a lot from the course especially in the visualization and data analysis. The assignments are challenging but the things are covered in the courses and the recommended essays are quite useful. Hope the project can cover more dimensions of the visualization, and be more specific when giving the instructions on the assignments.

By Paweł R

Apr 3, 2017

Very good course, solid introduction to matplotlib and interesting assignments. I was skeptical about the peer review format at first, but then I embraced it - good choice! I liked how the course built on the foundations of the previous one. To pass the assignments I had to use Python, pandas, matplotlib and other tools combined!

By Ching-Hwa A C

May 21, 2020

Teaches the fundamentals of how to make a truthful and readable chart/graph, as well as how to consider the audience for the chart. This course introduced me to how to make a lot of different types of charts in Matplotlib that would be so useful in grad school or work, but which would have been daunting to navigate on my own.