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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Photovoltaic Systems by Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

151 ratings

About the Course

This course offers you advanced knowledge within the field of photovoltaic system technology. We'll learn about the solar resource and how photovoltaic energy conversion is used to produce electric power. From this fundamental starting point we'll cover the design and fabrication of different solar cell and module technologies, the various photovoltaic system components, how to design a photovoltaic plant and carry out energy yield simulations, essentials in energy economics, O&M and reliability assessment, as well as the role of photovoltaic energy in sustainable energy systems. This course is unique in that it takes you from the nanoscale physics of a solar cell to the modelling of a utility scale solar farm. The course is made up of 9 sections with an estimated workload of 2-3 hours each. The academic level is targeted at master students at technical universities and engineers from the energy industry. Passing this course offers you a great basis for a career in the field of photovoltaics....

Top reviews


Mar 21, 2021

Excelente curso, Excelente forma de abordar los conceptos básicos y fundamentales que un ingeniero debe dominar para empezar a realizar proyectos relacionados con sistemas fotovoltaicos.


Jan 30, 2023

incredibly informative but also very fast in explanations - i would increase the reading material and the examples to support individual study

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1 - 25 of 46 Reviews for Photovoltaic Systems

By Mateo G A

Sep 22, 2021

Excellent course. Thank you to all lectures who taught throughout this course, as well as the learning material provided. I would like suggest that at the end of each module to have a section for practical exercises, because there were some numerical exercises in quizzes that were hard to solve.

By Pedro J R R

May 7, 2021

It is indeed a very interesting course, I took interesting knowledge out of it and I enjoyed most of it. The first teachers, specially Rasmus, are very clear and very easy to follow. But in the middle of the course there are some quite technical issues and the teacher was very difficult to understand (in addition to a monotous tone) that made me watch it several times to be able to answer the quizzes correctly... in adittion the subtitles do not help, because they seem to be generated automatically and very often misunderstand words (or directly indicates "inaudible"). There is for sure a script for the course, why don't you give the students the script directly, to avoid misunderstandings?

By mehmety

Apr 11, 2021

This course was very detailed and informative that I learned so many new stuff related with the PV systems. The lecturers were qualifed and taught the course content very well. Thank you for all.

By Pushpa K A ( R - R A

Jun 29, 2021

It's great course. Learned interesting stuff little deeper in the subject. Thanks for the team.

By Ahmad A A S

Sep 21, 2022

Highly informative, but still recommend to take beginner course before taking this.


Jun 3, 2023

I had some issues that prevented me from follwing this cours , but when gave me the ability to reset deadline, you asked me to submit upgrade and buy for the course and I really find it hard to pay! I truly hope I could complet this cours and get my certificate !

By Daniel L

Aug 17, 2022

The contents are instrumental in creating a basic understanding of the PV systems! Highly recommended for anyone who's interested in this filed. However, some video narrations were made with heavy accent and too fast a pace for students to catch up.

By Sheikh S

Sep 23, 2023

I have completed this course. This course gives you complete understading of Solar PV systems. From physics, design, manufacturing, power electronic integration and impletemtation of PV system all details are fully covered in this course.

By Alex T

Apr 19, 2022

Rigorous and you will find that having a background in calculus / linear algebra and AP Physics equivalent will help a lot. Worth the trouble though and think they have fixed a few quirks of the autograder on on of the quizes.

By Vedant K

Sep 13, 2021

This Course has offered me advanced knowledge within the field of photovoltaic technology. It also enabled to learn how photovoltaic energy is used to produce electric power and also the various PV loading Techniques.

By Ashish P

May 1, 2021

The course is a must for anyone who is planning to enter the solar industry. It has a mixture of theoretical and practical information which helps students to understand the basics vividly. Highly recommended!!

By Juan D P R

Mar 21, 2021

Excelente curso, Excelente forma de abordar los conceptos básicos y fundamentales que un ingeniero debe dominar para empezar a realizar proyectos relacionados con sistemas fotovoltaicos.

By Heinz D

Oct 16, 2022

One of my greatest MOOC experiences ever. I recommend this 5 weeks course to everyone interested in the subject and not afraid of in-depth material science and electronics.

By Federico K

Jan 31, 2023

incredibly informative but also very fast in explanations - i would increase the reading material and the examples to support individual study

By Alessandro F

Jul 28, 2022

Very clear explanations; the difficulty level is adequate, although it took me some more time than estimated to complete the course.

By Nithin S

Nov 1, 2023

The course is very inspiring, informative and descriptive enough so that the attendees can get a clear review of each topic.

By Deniz G

Aug 25, 2022

Lecturers were clear, quizzes were hard but well prepared. Overall, that was a nice but a bit hard one. Highly recommended.

By ארז ל

Apr 18, 2021

Highly detailed and advance course on photovoltaic systems..great lactures and clear presenting...Thank You

By K.Anderson L

Jun 10, 2022

Very technical especially the Solar semiconductor technology, challenging but enjoyable

By Almas C

Dec 15, 2023

one of the best course i have ever done online. Superb, immaculate quality content.

By Luis G J D

Aug 11, 2021

Accurately explained course on Photovoltaics. I'm very satisfied.

By Diego A

Oct 29, 2021

Excelente curso, muy bien explicado y con contenido fundamental

By Thera c r

Sep 23, 2024

this course was well-structured and perfect for beginners.

By Royyan N J P

Aug 10, 2022

Good materials. Let's make the energy transition faster

By Ahmed a e

Feb 22, 2023

it is great course that i learn a lot from it