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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Tropical Parasitology: Protozoans, Worms, Vectors and Human Diseases by Duke University

685 ratings

About the Course

This course provides students an understanding of important human parasitic diseases, including their life cycles, vectors of transmission, distribution and epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations, treatment, and prevention and control. Tropical Parasitology is taught by faculty from an area highly impacted by tropical parasites- the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College in Moshi, Tanzania. The faculty include Drs. Frank Mosha and Mramba Nyindo (and two lecturers, Drs. Johnson Matowo and Jovin Kitau). Dr. John Bartlett, Professor of Medicine, Global Health and Nursing at Duke University, joins his faculty colleagues in this effort....

Top reviews


Apr 26, 2021

it was a very good experience with international doctors. The course I think was designed for me. 😁 At last I am very thankful to all of the instructorsSpecial thanks to sir Dr. Mramba Nyindo


Aug 23, 2023

This journey has been an exciting one. I have really learned so much from this course and also unlearnt some things I thought were correct but weren't. To the organizers of the course, Kudos!

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26 - 50 of 216 Reviews for Tropical Parasitology: Protozoans, Worms, Vectors and Human Diseases

By Patricia M N V

Jul 9, 2023

Thank you

It has been the most complicated, difficult and long course I have taken, but in the end in the exams, with the cases I think I understood the importance for public health.

I appreciate the work you do, it must be very difficult but also exciting to meet every tropical parasite, protozoan, worm, vector that causes diseases in humans.

By Henry H

Jul 5, 2018

Fantastic course, I learned a lot and really enjoyed all of the presenters in the course! The only thing I could see making it better would be to incorporate more photos and field/patient videos into the course, but this doesn't detract from how well presented the course actually was. Anyone interested in parasitology, this is for you!

By Marc B F

Apr 19, 2020

Probably one of the most interesting courses I came across in this website (and I say that after 4 years and 9 completed courses here). It is very interesting to see some of the videos showing the situation in situ to understand better where the parasites can be found or how some prevention methods work. I do highly recommend it.


Aug 4, 2020

I like this course and I can understand many diseases that coused by different types of protozoa, nematodes, ectoparasites like ticks,mites,louse and I can understand different medicines that given to different diseases. And iam careful in this disease and I surely keep personal hygiene . This course is very good and I like it.

By B J T

Jan 7, 2019

The outside videos were most informative. The lecturers were often easy to follow and the presentations logically and very well presented. There were several times that words were listed inaudible, that could be heard (and mis-hearings of a few terms). An excellent course, well worth the effort of taking it. Thank You!

By Mark S

Aug 1, 2017

If you want to expand your knowledge in an (for most people) unknown field, this is the course you'd take. You'll definitely be amazed by the multitude of parasitic diseases and their ways to invade and infect our bodies. Medical knowledge is necessary if you want to understand all lectures.

By babo a

Jan 28, 2019

Bonjour à tous!

Je suis ABBA Babo, ingénieur des Travaux en science vétérinaire et je suis ravi de participer à ce MOOC, car j'ai enfin eu la chance de comprendre les enjeux des maladies parasitaires auxquelles je travaille dessus. Ce cours mérites d'être inscrit au programme Master.

By Juan P

Sep 23, 2020

This course is definitely one of the best I've taken. It have great contente presented in a very smooth way (not very dynamic nor boring). The videos where they visit the high transmission sites are very cool and important. It's a must take course if you are in the health field.

By Zhou X E

Aug 10, 2023

very good course, I like the interview with the local doctors, give you a perspective how it looks like in the clinic, and how the patient looks like with the symptoms, really like the interview part with experience doctors, give medical students a sense of practice.

By Elizaveta P

Sep 22, 2020

This course was great - with an easy layout and navigation, and the amazing professors! Thank you so much! An absolute beginner can definitely enjoy and follow along also. Wonderful in depth and real world videos, and interviews with proffesionals in the field.

By Felipe R

Jun 11, 2021

Excelente contenido, he aprendido lo esencial que debe abarcar esta carrera llamada control de vectores, muy afortunada de poder completar el curso de la mejor manera y llevándome estos conocimientos adquiridos, Gracias por su tiempo y dedicación, Saludos.

By Melinda S W

Nov 7, 2022

This was an exceptional course. I have had difficulty getting a comprehensive parasitology course in Utah. Thank you very much. I admit that I wasn't familiar with many of the organisms featured, but I know this information will be very valuable.

By Aya A

Apr 19, 2020

Create course . It helped me a lot reviewing my knowledge about Parasitology . The most I liked were the field lectures as it is like someone is attending a field trip . Case studies in the final exam were exciting . Thank you for your efforts .

By Adi P

Dec 10, 2021

A very practically oriented course! very very well structured. The final exam quiz is based on case studies and is a real pleasure to apply what is learnt in the course. I also appreciate the efforts put in to structure the course so well.

By Ruphin L M

Aug 10, 2024

C'était une expérience incroyablement enrichissante et inoubliable pour moi, en tout cas j'ai aimé le moment passé pour cette formation et aujourd'hui ça m'a permit d'avoir une vision étendue sur les Maladies infectieuses

By nyamwiza b

Apr 13, 2018


By Joshua S

May 26, 2017

I very much enjoyed this class and would only have preferred that it be longer and that more organisms were discussed. Thank you for this engaging opportunity and I look forward to future opportunities as they may arise!

By Juan A G S

Apr 21, 2021

It is a great course to know more about parasites and how they are around us. Honestly, I realized how good it was until the middle of the course. Biological, Clinical and Social implication of each disease. GREAT WORK.

By George A

Jul 14, 2023

it was great to have enroll for this course although it require thorough study , i was really taught about causes of many disease which it will be useful me in my future as a prospectus student in line of medicine !

By Kym T

Jan 27, 2025

Very thorough. Wished some of the videos were a little easier to understand what the lecturers were saying though. By printing out the transcripts (which I would advise) it made it a little easier to follow along.


Jun 11, 2021

A very nice course for those that like this area of Microbiology. Highly recomended, the ponents explain very well the clinical histories and give good examples of what the vectors and symptoms of the disease are.

By Betty H J

Nov 1, 2020

This was a very well organized course!!! It was very helpful to be able to listen to lectures a second time and to read the transcripts for study purposes. I especially like the lectures that took place on site.

By Jomar F J

Jul 23, 2017

O curso foi de grande ajuda na minha formação, indico ele a qualquer um que deseje conhecer mais sobre parasitologia, já que seu conteúdo é ensinado de forma clara e objetiva. A equipe está de parabéns.

By Shamsheer K

Apr 27, 2021

it was a very good experience with international doctors.

The course I think was designed for me. 😁

At last I am very thankful to all of the instructors

Special thanks to sir Dr. Mramba Nyindo

By Shadrack S

Aug 24, 2023

This journey has been an exciting one. I have really learned so much from this course and also unlearnt some things I thought were correct but weren't. To the organizers of the course, Kudos!