Jul 7, 2020
Well thought out well presented. I feel I have gained a very knowledgeable and thorough understanding of both Greek and Roman mythology and their historical gods and goddesses from taking this course.
Aug 19, 2020
I loved this course. It covers material that is generally available to those who can afford an expensive private education. It was a great way to keep myself occupied during the coronavirus lockdown.
By Emil
•Jun 4, 2018
Done it
By Graceanne S
•Nov 4, 2016
Very A1
By Adriana P
•Oct 26, 2020
By aybige t
•Jan 28, 2018
By Vivian
•Jul 26, 2017
By Edouard G
•Dec 12, 2017
By Murdo A M
•Sep 7, 2016
By Christopher N
•May 27, 2016
The course was absolutely fantastic. I apologize for giving it 4 stars; I feel that, to get that high a score, the course would need to have been constructing critical arguments rather than just observing those of others. HOWEVER, I definitely improved the basis of my knowledge of mythology, which was my goal. Professor Struck's presentation of the information was wonderful; he communicated a palpable enthusiasm in his subject, and had this wonderful habit of hilarious understatement: "The most powerful piece of this episode is that Odysseus's men get turned into pigs. Now that's...terrible." I consistently laughed at these understated descriptions, and appreciated the contextual explanations that Professor Struck gave. I would definitely take additional in-depth courses by Struck if they were to be offered in the future!
By Johnny L
•Apr 19, 2020
Great start of an entry level course. This is for noobies whom want to have general preview of the Ancient Greek and Roman mythologies. It covers a vast amount of Gods, Goddesses, creatures and legendary moral beings. I had hope it would give a deeper dive into the study of Ovid and Aeneid. However, it would probably lengthen the course into a Part 2 type of structure. I do hope more classes are offered to have a detailed review on the classics. I did study Homer back in College and we spent a semester each on Iliad and Odyssey. I felt there was not enough time to be spent on most of the books, however given the nature of the course and the depth for an introductory, it is understandable.
A great companion piece on Amazon can be found - GREAT GREEK MYTHS. It is a two season long 25 min episodes on the same subjects.
By Hunter J K
•Jun 25, 2020
I would have liked more interactive and different forms of learning as opposed to just video and the end of week quizzes - or at least more resources referenced however I thoroughly enjoyed this course and Struck did a wonderful job at engaging us in the classics for both beginners and those more versed in myth. I would recommend some prior knowledge if going into this course, however, I fully believe that you can perform just as well even with no previous experience. These past 10 weeks have been enjoyable and engaging. I also really appreciated the captions and transcript (albeit it wasn't always accurate) as someone with hearing processing issues. Thank you, Professor!
By Lorna
•Apr 18, 2021
I really enjoyed the beginning half of the course and bought The Odyssey translated by Robert Fagles to read. The latter half of the course my interest started to wane and I started making less notes. A lot of the lectures just seem to be mentioning names and touching on an event briefly. The lecturer had a great enthusiasm in his presentation which i liked and as he mentions in the end, the course really only skims the surface but hopefully should give more interest to the subject which it has.
By Kimberly R
•Jun 9, 2020
It was an excellent course - the only thing that made me give it 4 stars instead of 5 was that the course said there was no required readings, yet the quizzes referred to things that were NOT in the lectures, so must have been in the "suggested" readings. If you're not going to require particular texts/readings (and not provide the whole text either), then those questions should NOT be in the quizzes either! Otherwise, it was a delightful course and really interesting and informative to take!
By Fabio C
•Jul 11, 2020
The course tried to cover so much material in so little time that the professor did a masterful job ,planting the seeds of curiosity and opening up a glorious world full of Myth, enchantment and rich literature.
The only important comment I have to make was that he missed for several decades the opening of the Coliseum ( about 80 AD) when he said that Ovid had lived during that era ( Ovid died in 17 or 18 AD), he even had a picture of the Coliseum in the background to illustrate.
By Gary
•Dec 16, 2020
I have been interested in Greek and Roman Mythology, but was only familiar with the intriguing stories and never realized that we could actually integrate different tools of analysis into our reading. The beginning lectures were easy as they start from well-known stories. As we continue, however, we should be very careful since we have to know different poets, some of whom are not so familiar. Anyway, this is the first course I select. I finished and benefited a lot.
By Griffin E
•Jun 26, 2020
It's not perfect, but I still took a ton of notes just because some of the material is so interesting. I wanted to learn about Mythology and definitely have a much better understanding of it and I loved the stories as well. While I think some lectures are a little longer and irrelevant than they need to be, Professor Struck does a great job overall and I'm definitely thankful he put all the time and effort in to make this informative and entertaining course.
By Christina L
•Jun 13, 2021
It was very interesting to delve into all the concepts of mythology. My only complaint was that there were many mispronounciations of Greek words and it would have been a nice touch if this was looked into beforehand. For example, "Nostoi" would be pronounced "Nosti", as OI in Greek is read like an I, among other specific nuances. Other than that thank you for the experience. Will definitely dwelve deeper into both Greek and Roman mythology from here on.
By Irina
•Aug 13, 2016
The course is interesting, but Professor rhitoric skills are not good. He stumbles over his words, repeats his words, and doesn't have a structure of lessons, jumping from thought to thought. It's difficult to listen to him.
Nevertheless, I like Professor's enthusiasm and I like Greek and Roman Mythology. Professor makes me look at the myths from a different point of view. It's amazing! I hope I will finish this course, which I took for my pleasure.
By Sindhura B
•Aug 11, 2016
This course is a wonderful introduction to greek and roman mythology. I was always interested in knowing more about it, but didn't know where to start. The suggested reads in the course are a good starting point. I learnt a lot and got lots of pointers to read more. And most of the course was really fun.
One suggestion I have though is to reduce the number of lectures, and make the content a bit more succinct.
By Justin O J Y J
•Aug 16, 2020
I highly recommend this course! The course is great even for beginners who have no basics about this field. I really enjoyed the first few weeks the most as Peter Struck's retelling of Odyssey was so good, it actually got me on the edge of my seat. He is also great is analysing the philosophy of mythology so you understand why myths are the way they are so you that you can appreciate them better.
By Jonathan G
•Feb 24, 2018
Interesting course. However, I don't believe it covers everything that needed to be taught. You can easily read the Iliad and other ancient Greek books, but you don't need to be quizzed on it. It would make more sense if this course was about votive offerings and polytheistic worship. Much like a world religions course! If it covered Olympianism and its practices it would've made more sense
By Samantha S
•Jun 15, 2022
I really liked this class. The instructor, you could tell is really passionate about the subject matter! I know some courses are breadth of subject matter and some are depth...I would have loved if this were multiple courses; one on Illiad, one on Odysseus, one on Vergil, etc... Or one on Greek and one on Roman... would have loved a more in depth on each. But I highly recommend this course.
By María H R R
•Jan 3, 2021
Me gustó porque el maestro explicaba de una forma interesante cada tema a tratar y sí logró generarme una curiosidad hacia toda esta mitología que es muy interesante;pero lo que no me gustó es que no se trataran algunos aspectos importantes de cada historia o mito y en dos o tres ocasiones no hubo subtítulos en español.
Fuera de eso,se me hizo muy interesante y lo recomendaría totalmente.
By Alejandra C R
•Dec 3, 2016
Excellent course. The professor is a Master in the theme. He is also very communicative and funny! The problem is that the course is like a class, and online course should include more media resources available in order to be more "interactive". I confess that I already taken the first week. So, I hope that it will change.
Thank you for letting me take this course, I am learning a lot!
By Lata P
•May 17, 2020
Enjoyed the course thoroughly. Got to know about many new things and also learnt about how to see mythology from theories point of view. Many thanks to Peter Struk for designing an informative, engaging course. I would be interested if you have any further course just on 'Mythologies and various theories'. Many thanks to the University of Pennsylvania.
By Paula S
•Jan 20, 2022
I enjoyed this class but it was a little bit too difficult for a beginning class. I had no background in Mythology and found this class really hard! Maybe it would be good to have more basic class for beginners. On the up side, you could really tell that the instructor knew his stuff and had a huge passion for it. That made the class very enjoyable.