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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Economics of Money and Banking by Columbia University

1,645 ratings

About the Course

The last three or four decades have seen a remarkable evolution in the institutions that comprise the modern monetary system. The financial crisis of 2007-2009 is a wakeup call that we need a similar evolution in the analytical apparatus and theories that we use to understand that system. Produced and sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, this course is an attempt to begin the process of new economic thinking by reviving and updating some forgotten traditions in monetary thought that have become newly relevant. Three features of the new system are central. Most important, the intertwining of previously separate capital markets and money markets has produced a system with new dynamics as well as new vulnerabilities. The financial crisis revealed those vulnerabilities for all to see. The result was two years of desperate innovation by central banking authorities as they tried first this, and then that, in an effort to stem the collapse. Second, the global character of the crisis has revealed the global character of the system, which is something new in postwar history but not at all new from a longer time perspective. Central bank cooperation was key to stemming the collapse, and the details of that cooperation hint at the outlines of an emerging new international monetary order. Third, absolutely central to the crisis was the operation of key derivative contracts, most importantly credit default swaps and foreign exchange swaps. Modern money cannot be understood separately from modern finance, nor can modern monetary theory be constructed separately from modern financial theory. That's the reason this course places dealers, in both capital markets and money markets, at the very center of the picture, as profit-seeking suppliers of market liquidity to the new system of market-based credit....

Top reviews


Jul 16, 2017

An intellectually engaging course opening a debate about how we think about markets and how we should tackle the current challenges. Accessible to non-economists. I warmly recommend it to everyone.


Jan 24, 2019

Excellent explanation of the way money moves the world we live in today. Brilliant professor who's passion and depth of understanding adds to the fascination of the world of money & banking.

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51 - 75 of 437 Reviews for Economics of Money and Banking

By David S

Nov 6, 2023

So, so, so, so important. The hierarchy of money, the international money and banking system. This is all so fundamental to how the world works, but I think most finance people don't have a clue. Lender of Last Resort function of central banks - this is why crypto cannot take over the world! I did really love Perry Mehrling as well, such a lovely, thoughtful teacher. Great course.

By Denis M

Jul 11, 2017

This is a really good course tackling a very difficult subject.

Though my brain still hurts when I engage with the subject matter, I feel the lectures have shone quite a lot of light on the obscurities of money and banking. The lectures are clear and thorough and I particularly like the way the concepts we learn are brought to bear on current news (e.g. examining FT articles).

By Iago S

Feb 24, 2021

This course is amazing for anyone who is trying to understand better the money markets and banking system. Through a very practical approach, the Professor Perry Mehrling conducts us through the thinking and dynamics ruling the financial and money market in fact. Perry Mehrling is a great thinker about the money view and this class is a comprehensive and accessible teach.

By Dylan F

Mar 5, 2021

As some one without any tertiary education in economics or finance, this course was incredible. Granted it took me a little longer as I needed to slow it down and do small amounts of research outside of the coursework to truly understand the coursework, that being said incredibly interesting and genuinely easy to understand.

I will be looking for more courses.

By Ben F

Aug 22, 2020

This course splendidly covered the developments from gold standard to modern day finance and in this way greatly enhanced my understanding of how this machine works. The mandatory readings as well as the material Prof. Mehrling mentioned throughout the course were also extremely helpful in building up knowledge about how derivatives are used in the real world.

By Marcus H

Oct 16, 2020

Great course and a great instructor! The course gives you a deep understanding of the banking and financial system. I recommed this course for all which interested in Finance or the financial markets. The course is not to hard, but i personally think, it is not bad when you have some prior knowledge.

I hope one day i find on Coursera more from Perry Mehrling.

By Eduard H

Feb 17, 2025

A course “Economics of Money and Banking” that has a lot of quality information. There is a lot of data shared by a great teacher who helps you understand the ‘banking’ process, the theoretical information transmitted being spiced up with practical aspects, encountered and mediatized through newspapers. Congratulations! 👏. A great approach.


Jun 3, 2020

I can't stress how good this course was in all areas. His non conventional ways were always interesting and the avenues that he presented are really exciting way beyond comprehension. This course is suitable for those who want to know the basics of economics from a real working world perspective. To be honest, I am going to miss his class.

By Jana B

Mar 10, 2024

It is a tough course, but it's worth it! It took me a while to complete it, due to the extensive reading assignments for every week. Highly recommend this course ! Thank you, Professor Perry Mehriling for your outstanding knowledge of the subject and the comprehensive delivery of the material! I will think of you every time I open FT :)

By Vina S

Aug 31, 2020

It was my first time taking a course on coursera. To be honest I am a little scared if I can not understand how to use this platform or app or I can not understand this course. But this application is easy to understand, also Professor Merhling is very good at explaining about the topics presented. I am happy to enroll for this course.

By Owais S

Oct 1, 2020



By Benjamin F

Aug 19, 2018

Really good, but because English is not my mother tongue I will maybe go trough the course a second time. The second half of the course is more demanding, but nonetheless interesting. To be honest I did not read all the articles by due time, some of them are quite long. This is the best course I finished so far on coursera.

By Vinay R P

Jul 14, 2017

Learned a lot from this course. Contains detailed information on Money and Banking .

Best part was when Prof Perry G Mehrling talks at the beginning of the course about relationship between the subject and analysis of Financial Times.

Having completed the course, I am able to understand the depth of challenge he threw.

By Bojie S

Jan 7, 2017

The content and idea provided in the course are simply amazing! The best ever I had on Coursera and I really appreciate all the research effort made by Professor Perry Mehrling. Hope many more people using Coursera could have a look at the innovative ideas explained by Professor Mehrling in money market and finance.

By Jen H

Jan 7, 2020

I am very lucky to find this course as my PhD thesis is about "the Banking evolution and bank performance". I looked for relevant literature to understand the phenomenon of Banking evolution and this course is exactly what I needed. Thank you very much! I am the one holding the minority view as well.

By Nabilah N

Aug 26, 2017

A great way to revise a course that I did during my undergraduate. Especially because I have always found financial economics boring or hard to understand but Mr. Mehrling's lectures and reading materials are great resources to make it a fascinating subject to re-learn and finally understand.

By Tay M

Jan 4, 2021

As a student that took A levels economics, this course gave me significantly more exposure to the world economics. I might not pursue a career in economics, but I understand a little more about the world banking system compared to before. This will serve useful for me in the future for sure.

By Sebastian S

Apr 3, 2017

Excellent course, excellent professor, extremely interestig topics, presented in an understandable manner. the only little con might be that the assignments are not appropriate (too easy). This course is a teaser and a perfect starting point for any substantial engagement in modern finance

By Giovanni B

Mar 8, 2020

The most insightful economics class I've ever taken. After completion, I'm gonna join the Young Scholars Initiative of INET in order to further develop "my money view" and, hopefully, one day contribute to this thinking with new ideas. Thank You Professor Mehrling! And thank you Coursera.


Mar 28, 2020

Being a central banker, I liked this course a lot - it showed me many new aspects of our role, not just in the area where I am working in (which is Treasury). I also liked many of the suggested readings a lot, especially those on the history and development of monetary policy.

By Spencer H

Oct 9, 2020

A thorough walk through the money and banking system. Accountants beware, use of T-accounts in this course are sometimes truncated and counter intuitive. Would have liked more depth on cdo, cds, rmbs, etc... Mr. Mehrling is consistent, forthright, and suitable engaging.

By Carlos A D J

Apr 23, 2017

I indeed appreciated this course! Now I can build a general view for both money and capital markets in an evolutionary and in a global perspective. I am able to understand and talk about all the players, their funtions and perspectives in the macroeconomic environment.

By Addison L

Dec 10, 2018

Fascinating course that has well-explained in depth information about viewing the financial and economic landscape from the "Money View" and studying the evolution of banks, hierarchy between money and credit, liquidity vs solvency, the survival constraint, and more.

By Marek D

Jul 28, 2017

Superb course. I work for an investment bank. I couldn't find single resource to understand broad picture of financial markets until I found this course. I recommend it to everyone, not only people working in finance but everyone who wants to understand modern world.

By Leon B

Aug 27, 2024

Even though I was exposed (a long time ago) in my academic and professional life, I consider this course to be a shining light in the area dedicated by Professor Mehrling. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this course. Leon Bujaker