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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential by McMaster University

12,966 ratings

About the Course

Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence. We’ll provide practical insights from science about how to learn and change effectively even in maturity, and we’ll build on what you already know to take your life’s learning in fantastic new directions. This course is designed to show you how to look at what you’re learning, and your place in what’s unfolding in the society around you, so you can be what you want to be, given the real world constraints that life puts on us all. You’ll see that by using certain mental tools and insights, you can learn and do more—far more—than you might have ever dreamed! This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or subsequent to, its companion course, Learning How to Learn. (Mindshift is more career focused, and Learning How to Learn is more learning focused.)...

Top reviews


May 26, 2020

Thank you so McMaster University & the professors who carried out the course so very well. I hope the course will help me in my life taking important decisions. I learnt a lot through this course.


Aug 13, 2021

A great course for learners to know more about how to learn and give them a fresh perspective about learning and being successful in life. A great sequel after the renowned MOOC Learning How to Learn.

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101 - 125 of 3,708 Reviews for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential

By Ronny D W


May 5, 2017

This "Mindshift" course should be on the top of your todo list if you want to broaden your passion and enhance your career, personal life, and learning experience.

By Alina


Jun 3, 2023

I tried a couple of other courses here on Coursera, but this one has been the first course that I actually completed. And I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you!

By Anand R


May 24, 2017

Great way to shift your mind away from obstacles to learning. Potentials are not hidden anymore. In fact they complement each other to bring out the best in you.

By Horacio G


May 6, 2017

Concepts explained very simply through metaphors and examples. Great overview of physiological and psychological aspects of lifelong learning and career change.

By Sharon


May 18, 2017

Has given me the motivation and the confidence to explore and 'broaden my passions'.

Loved this course, can't recommend it highly enough!

Thanks Barb and Terry

By Toni S


Jul 9, 2023

The course is put together exceptionally well and has a very different approach to learning. I hope to really benefit from the learning through this course.

By yousef e


May 1, 2017

A very informative course, clears a lot of sides I only thought were nothing but weaknesses, also provides great tips in learning and developing yourself.

By Jarosław P


May 11, 2017

The course is great! Big thanks to Barbar Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski for this course and "Learning how to learn". It is both informative and fun :-)

By Satyaveer P


Sep 24, 2020

This course has helped me have a whole new perspective in life! It has led me to believe that change is possible through small, conscious effort daily.

By Abigail K


Aug 6, 2017

This was my first course on Coursera and I'm so glad. It set a high precedent and has given me a great foundation on which to continue my MOOC journey.

By Deepu R


Jun 5, 2017

This is really a good and interactive course, helps to understand the process of learning and identify own potential within you. highly recommended

By Michael W


May 7, 2017

If you want to expand your mind and get some great tips on how to navigate the modern carrier world this course and the book are a great resource.

By Karen Z


Jul 26, 2017

it's a great course. it helps grasp the skills how to learn things more effectively, and it opens my eyes on my career/life planning. thank you!

By Alexander P


May 31, 2017

Very nice course with many helpful thoughts and insights. Wish I had seen it when I was younger.

I enjoyed Barb's and Terry's positive approach.

By Said A


Jun 11, 2017

Best course I ever took. Informative, entertaining and motivating. It will surely create Mind shift in your intellectual and professional life.

By Ebina Y


May 28, 2017

It's great course to the people struggling to learn, I enjoyed this course and help me a lot in my further learning life. Thank you very much.

By Aziza l


Jul 17, 2023

thank you for all Thank you for your efforts and all the valuable information that changed my thinking about my capabilities and capabilities

By Neil R


May 31, 2017

Great course following on from learning how to learn that takes you into the practicalities of how to move into something that interests you.

By Harrison v


May 7, 2017

Great Course, the design is improve and the quality of information is huge, i sure you don´t be the same persons when you finish the course.

By Timothy B


Jul 13, 2017

Excellent coure. This is my 2nd course by Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski. I respond well to their style of teaching. Great course!

By Ron W


May 7, 2017

Nice supplemental to the original course. It's a great way to procrastinate because you'll learn techniques to curb procrastination!

By Juan L C


Aug 2, 2017

I really love the previous course and this one reinforce it. Barbara is the best teacher from a MOOC i have ever had, thank you!

By Carolina T


Jul 24, 2017

Good course. Simple language and ideas for a powerful message and changes. The course really changed my perspective on learning.

By Dorrie H


May 2, 2017

Fun and positive way to learn about learning. Provides an optimistic view on creating the change you desire no matter what age.

By Justin S


Apr 30, 2017

I'd like to say thanks to all that helped make this MOOC - it feels good to hear change is possible for anyone at any time.