Jan 16, 2022
With regards to my course and program, this was relevant. Although I was behind on some weeks, it was because some of the topics were not in concurrence with my course, but this course really helped.
Aug 4, 2021
This is a carefully sequenced, content-rich introduction to Matrices; beware skimming over details: eg. the use of matrix formalism to solve the least squares problem is little short of magic.
By Megha B
•May 25, 2020
this course is very useful, it clear the basic concepts of matrices and determinant.
By Siba P M
•May 18, 2020
very nice and simple explanation ,its very useful to engineer student.Thank you sir.
By Andreas Z
•May 9, 2020
The course on matrices you always wanted to have but didn't get while at university.
By Divyanshu T
•Jan 4, 2019
Loved the practice problems! This course gives a solid foundation to Linear Algebra.
By Seth A
•Apr 18, 2022
The lecturer demonstrated excellent knowledge. He is an outstanding Math Professor.
By Adán E T M
•Apr 14, 2022
Aprendí las características científicas sobre la Álgebra Matricial para ingenieros.
By Taesik Y
•Jan 10, 2022
easy to learn step by step and it would be much better to have next recommendations
By A. S M S H
•Jun 27, 2020
Detailed, to the point for engineers. Covers a lot of ground of LA in just 4 weeks.
By Aishwarya P
•May 5, 2020
The course was very helpful. Thanks Alot Jeffrey R. Chasnov Sir for your teachings.
By Paul S
•Aug 5, 2021
Excellent course & very well presented. Great refresher after many decades break
By Maciej T
•Nov 7, 2022
Great introductory course on linear algebra! Clear, with easy to follow examples.
By Carlos F
•Jun 28, 2022
Great course, wasn't expecting to lear certain things at this point. Very useful!
By john e a
•Dec 8, 2020
Very helpful and well-constructed course. The Prof is a great and humble teacher.
By Akinori M
•Sep 6, 2019
This is a great crash course of Matrix Algebra. Highly recommended for engineers.
By Dyan K M N
•Jan 3, 2021
this is very helpful, this course helps me to understand my subject much better.
By Языков С
•Dec 24, 2020
Great course. Fascinating, succinct but informative. Algrebra with a human face.
By Dr. B P
•Jul 19, 2020
The course was explained in very simple and clear way.Thanks to instructor Jeff!
•Dec 26, 2021
An amazing course, medium difficulty with an amazing teacher. Thank you Mr jeff
By Albert K
•Feb 8, 2025
Great course, Jeff is really good at communicating the information effectively
By Herman S
•Jan 4, 2023
Amazing, to my knowledge, nothing like it out there - it's a real door opener!
By mubarak m
•Oct 9, 2020
Very good teaching material and videos with sufficient exercises for practice
•Aug 18, 2023
exelente me amplio el conocimiento de mas metodos usados en algebra matricial
By Ángel E R S
•Jun 10, 2023
Es un curso muy completo y habían cosas que no me enseñaron en la universidad
By Daniele T
•Mar 25, 2022
Makes linear algebra look so simple and easy to understand. Highly recommend.
By Elismara C
•Dec 30, 2021
That's amazing course. Now I know more about matrix. Thank you so much, Jeff!