Jul 1, 2021
I'm thankful to Duke University and Coursera for introducing me to the world of Machine Learning. Instructors explained as much as possible , that too in easiest way.My gratitude ...Aniruddha.India.
Aug 4, 2020
I felt that I took the best descition in taking this course, because the professors took this course with atmost clarity and made even the difficult concepts understand easily.Thank you Professors
By Yusuf
•May 23, 2020
The theory is well explained but you guys should update the coding parts to TensorFlow 2.
By Gman
•Oct 6, 2022
There are many better ML intro courses out there...poorly structued and delivered.
By Shaurya A
•Aug 2, 2023
Only concepts no practice. But the concepts are really well taught according to me
By Farrukh G
•Jan 11, 2022
The course requires more detailed intuitive approach towards material preparation
By Karnati S A
•Jun 8, 2021
some concepts were difficult to understand and not explained very well
By Anand S
•Jun 20, 2022
just a basic overview of the methods. not much worth the time
By Laura S
•May 17, 2021
I could not even understand the introduction class
By Sarah G
•Sep 1, 2019
Pretty good introduction to Machine Learning!
By Athar A
•Sep 26, 2024
Overall good experience
•Sep 13, 2020
By Oleksii Y
•May 18, 2024
I rate the course after "2 weeks' finished. The course is strictly theoretical, but it doesn't give you enough infomation on a subject. You can gain the same knowledge from YouTube and it will be even faster. I don't know why would somebody pay for the course. But, the course is better than Netflix, so it could be a great thing to watch while eating your meal.
By May R A M ( O - I A M
•Feb 3, 2025
it required wide knowledge / skills background in Machine learning + Python, and i just have very basic awareness level, and i believe this course is not consider as "Introduction" !
By Chakshu .
•Mar 26, 2023
Although the teachings of machine learning are introduction. A learner needs to know moderate level of python and pytorch to continue the course fluently.
By Liona L
•Oct 28, 2021
The concept is taught ok, but it's not great on hands-on learning.
By Luis S
•Jan 26, 2022
Topics are explained in a random and ilogical fashion. For example, they teach CNNs before gradient descent or the basics for training a model (like training splits or criteria to evaluate a model). Lack of order, toghether with confusing figures and poor metaphors, make impossible to properly understand any concept, and that can be seen in the discussion forums. In addition, there are gross conceptual errors, like suggesting that problems with non-linear solutions requiere NNs and can't be solved with linear regression algorithms. In fact, the whole course is centered in neural networks despite being presented as an introduction to ML and sells the idea that somehow NNs are the ideal solution to any non-trivial problem. This course is in shocking contrast with some other excelent courses that can be found in this pplatform, like the ones from Standford or Michigan.
By Jose V A S
•Nov 6, 2021
muy poco ejemplos prácticos que se puedan seguir la momento de la explicación, hablan de una manera muy general pero no no dan ejemplos explÃcitos de su uso. no muestran como se transforma una palabra en un vector, el único ejemplo con el que se logra entender lo que esta realizando es el ejemplo inicial de los triángulos desplazándose sobre los filtros y las imágenes, en el resto de temática nunca aterrizan sus ejemplos
By Fabián G F
•Nov 8, 2021
From my point of view as student who completed all weeks:
-The forum is totally dead. Nobody answers the questions since months. No support.
-You will not have a feedback of the assignments that you do.
-Confusing explanations. The order is not the correct
-Very theoretical and few practice.
You will need to search on internet other explanatioins to understand some parts. Hope standford course is better.
By Giorgi T
•Jul 8, 2021
Very poor and low quality explanations.. lecturer starts the very first video mentioning about neural networks, convolutional networks, deep learning.. etc.. dropping a huge number of buzzwords and just following the script of the lecture, without realising, that he hasn't even said: WHAT EXACTLY Machine Learning is..
Very vague and obscure.
Not recommended.
By Deleted A
•Apr 19, 2021
Question 1 Quiz 1: Why is machine learning exciting? Really? Glad that's a free demo course, otherwise would've been a waste
Can't speed up the video. Speaker's too slow
By Divyen M B
•Apr 19, 2021
Do not like how I cannot unenroll myself even if I see how this course is something I am not being able to manage.
By Shivani J
•Apr 27, 2021
I dont have the requird skills for the course and now I am unable to unenroll from the course.
By Mike C
•Apr 30, 2021
Very advanced for an introductory course in my opinion
By Abdul N B
•Apr 20, 2021
Please cancel this course. I want to opt out of it
By Muhammad A D I M
•Mar 23, 2020