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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Software Product Management by University of Alberta

7,692 ratings

About the Course

This course highlights the importance and role of software product management. It also provides an overview of the specialization, as well as its goals, structure, and expectations. The course explains the value of process, requirements, planning, and monitoring in producing better software....

Top reviews


Feb 18, 2018

Though it is an introductory course, it is packed with great information about managing a software product. I enjoyed the course, and I am moving on with the next course on the SPM specialization.


Aug 30, 2018

This course is excellent. It's difficult, but students learn by watching University of Alberta videos and third-party TED talks, as well as by reading interesting and crucial textual materials.

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26 - 50 of 1,429 Reviews for Introduction to Software Product Management

By Manuel G C

Oct 31, 2020

Great course, I like it a lot, because the content was presented in very simple way, easy to understand even for people like me that I not coder or system designer.

I have learned the basic about SPM, and I am ready to continue my trainning to turn this in a new opportunities for my career, being a SP Manager or Agile Master Leader.

This is my secound diploma earned in coursera , I will 100% recommend this plataform for my collegues and people that I know and they are willing to keep learning to make advances in thier porfessional careers.

By Akinlade K C

Jun 3, 2023

Last month, I started my journey into Software Product Management Specialization.

Here is to completing the first lap out of 6 learning modules to understanding the importance and role of software product management. I've been able to learn the value of process, requirements, planning, and monitoring in producing better software.

And I'm looking forward to learn more of these practices to design and better software products thereby reflecting on how Agile principles will improve projects I collaborate on.

By Muhammad N A Z

Mar 3, 2019

Excellent course to become a Software Product Manager (SPM). The overview has given enough insight to appreciate the need for completing the rest of the course. This would be invaluable for any product manager or leader who needs to have a clear idea about how software product management should work.

I have 14 years experience in running a telecom company and has developed many softwares till date. I wish I attended this earlier. Must do course!

A great course for anyone who wishes to explore SPM job.

By Eshan B

May 13, 2020

This course is simply fantastic. Course content is very well designed and explained. There is just too much to learn and explore. I was able to understand what it takes to be a Software Product manager , what does Project Success mean and core of Agile principles. I wish to explore further to strengthen my understanding about subject "Software Product Management". I thank you the Team for providing me an opportunity to lean this subject.

By Pallavit A

Aug 20, 2019

Provides a good starting point to begin thinking and talking about products and its management. Resources are helpful, and I'd suggest going the extra mile and really researching deeply about all that's being said to get a better grip over it. Software devs, techies and managers may feel that most of the information is at a basic level and even well known, but there's always something new that each slide and video offers. Keep learning.

By Nenna

Feb 24, 2020

I am happy to take part in this course and learn from professionals. I like the way in which the lessons are represented and constructed including the questions, so it makes us think, and not just listen or read. Also, the outside links, like the ones to TED and other valuable resources are indeed very helpful. I like quizzes at the end of every week since they are challenging our knowledge. All in all, I really enjoyed it.

By Madhusudhan R K

Oct 23, 2017

Introduction to product management is explained well in this course. As I am already into product management, learnt few good things that can help me on daily activities. Agile methodology introduction is also helpful. Knowing roles of product/project manager is very important and helps what to be done to achieve the right product by doing right planning. Overall great course and learning product management principles.

By Hazel N S

Sep 27, 2022

This course exceeds my expectations. I saw that the material was from 2015 and the references are to old videos and documentation, but the content is still very good. You need to incorporate the adaptation part you talk in the course, incorporate the new terminology, call the developers as such, remove that scrum is a methodology, etc. But in general, the course is very good, I will continue with the other modules.


Oct 23, 2020

This course is a very complete introduction to software product management, it shows you what is a software product manager, what are your responsabilities and what is needed to achieve them. Also it shows you the contents of the specialization and teaches you whatis a software development process and what is needed to make it right. I liked it a lot and encouraged me to take the other courses ASAP.

By Nazli

Apr 17, 2019

This course provides a good foundation as to what software product management is, but it does not go into great detail. For further detail and to really learn each methodology and practice, other related courses should be taken. I'm currently on the second course, and so far it's been very informative. Can't wait to finish all 6 courses and get the specialization :)

By Dave E

Dec 18, 2019

As a product manager with experience in financial services I found this course to be very helpful in transferring skills to software development. While the "theory" may be similar, the actual practices of SPM are different in important ways -- in seeing "software development" as distinct from other types of product (software or hardware) development.

By Johanna G S

Nov 22, 2020

Well-organized introduction to the topic of software product management, geared towards beginners. The focus is on defining terms and introducing main themes for the rest of the specialization. I found the presentation to be very clear and appreciated having the suggested readings and videos to watch in addition to the required course materials.

By ralumogo

Nov 16, 2020

Coming from a financial technology background, as a Client Support person. This program has been quite helpful. Now i can make a difference in my sector. I work closely with customers, knowing the trend in their technology needs i can now proffer solutions to them. I hope to acquire in-depth knowledge to enable me do this efficiently.

By Gemma P

Mar 7, 2017

Really enjoyed taking this course and I'm looking forward to the next step. Like the interactive videos. Like the extra resources highlighting relevant Ted Talks.

Discussion area is not as useful as I'd hoped and use of surveys from 2013 not super useful. Parts talking about tools used are irrelevant now are not very helpful.

By Felix P

Jan 8, 2021

All courses in this specialization have a very good content. Videos are well done and there are very interesting links provided as supplemental resources. This is a good specialization for someone trying to get into a software technical lead position. There are very interesting bits of knowledge in all the courses.

By Oladejo R

Sep 24, 2022

Amazing course for a would-be product manager, it touches on teh ideolaogy of the Agilae practices, how it came to be and the principles it pronoted.

I also learnt the need for process, planning, timing, monitoring and managing requirements in Project or software product development. I recommend this course.

By Raul M

Sep 22, 2019

Lo escribo en español porque considero que la comunidad hispana es también importante en este curso. Es un curso excelente, los concepto son claros y bien explicado, los cuestionarios dentro del curso sirven para reforzar los conceptos explicados en el vídeo en cuestión.

felicidades por la calidad del material.

By Oliver T

Dec 30, 2015

I really liked the course. It was too easy for my taste, but that's normal for an introduction, I guess. What I really appreciated: You can actually interact with the staff, and they seem to be willing to iteratively improve the course -- quite in line with the principles of Agile Software Development :-)

By Jim O

May 5, 2021

Well laid out. Concept were easily understood. Practice quizzes were valuable to confirm understanding of course material and concepts. Instructors presenting material is a better way to present then just reading material. Course materials were extremely helpful and will be useful in the future.


Jun 20, 2020

This course was very interesting,interactive and useful. It points out the main difference between SW product management compared to product management of other industries. Specifically, Change.

It is a great way for experienced product managers of other industries to transition into the SW business.

By Sachin S

Jul 15, 2020

It was a very good course for getting into the software project management. Since i am a undergraduate from a different industry, i require the knowledge from the very basic. I highly recommend this course as the best one for getting into this industry even though you are working on a different one

By Steven T

Jul 24, 2020

Well worth my time. I walk away with a with a better understanding of how software product management leads to better software products. As well as a better grasp on how Agile principles will improve your own projects. If you're interested in these subjects at all I'd recommend taking this course.


Jul 11, 2022

This is a good course for people wanting to understand/revise product management using Agile practices on a broader level. It helps one understand effective product management using easy and good examples. The readings nd the supporting material is expecially good. Will recommend it for sure.

By Devdatta E R

Jan 31, 2019

Very well structured, great learning.

Only little issue I found was the final grading quizzes give away the answers after first attempt which can be used by students to secure good grade in second/third attempt without having really understood the concepts. I think this needs to be fixed.

By Kavee S

Jan 23, 2020

I have learned so much about SPM from this course and really excited to begin my new journey as project manager. This course help me get a fresh start and kind of oversee the entire area. I like the constant pace of useful information that the instructors have given. Thank you very much.