Apr 14, 2022
The tutor took his time to explain each concept and the videos were short and straight to the point. Assignments and class works were challenging, which helps in understanding what is being taught.
Nov 4, 2023
I loved this course, I took it because they asked for it in a job interview, SCRUM is such a great way to be efficient in software development, but it can be used in so many different areas also.
By Giancarlo N N
•Nov 9, 2024
its a good course, but it add some things extra stuffs not considered at the scrum guide that represent a very personal way to use scrum rather than the basic needed to build from
By Sergio L
•Feb 2, 2023
Muy buena informacion, bien narrado y bien estructurado el contenido. Me gustaria ver ejemplos de la vida real, como se trabaja en escenarios especificos toda esta informacion.
By Brian L
•Jul 6, 2022
Overall the course was well written and presented. There are some grammatical and spelling errors in some sections that are pretty obvious an surprising they were overlooked.
By Sherilyn H
•Aug 23, 2021
This course was great. It was straightforward yet extremely informative. Please use more inclusive language next time. The scrum masters were almost always described as men.
By Mochammad R
•Mar 2, 2023
It's a well put together course material wise, however I would like it even more if I could actually see my instructor, just to give that sense of human connection.
By Mary C K
•Mar 20, 2022
Easy to follow and understand but some of the links provided did not work and some of the quiz answers did not align with the information provided in the course.
By P W
•Jan 19, 2025
Everything was easy to understand. Since scrum is being adjusted to other industries, I wish there were examples provided outside of the tech industry as well.
By Adrian R
•Oct 21, 2022
Content is useful; however, the quality of the written content is poor making me question value overall (a simple proof read would have dealt with this)
By Rosamund W
•May 18, 2022
I absolutely loved the interaction and spepecialized reading available within the course to help you really understand the skill you are learning.
By Daniel W
•May 23, 2023
Very well explained by instructor.
Some misspelling, especially in texts. But that's not a real handicap.
Thanks for the good work.
By John H
•Jan 8, 2022
Solid course. The exercises were pretty skipible, but I think they are hard to do for a general online audience. So good to try
By Nathalia B
•Jun 13, 2022
This introduction provides a good overview of the basic concepts of the methodology. The content gets a bit repetitive.
By Rubén S T
•Oct 20, 2022
Very theoretical, using only slides that sometimes are not very well designed.
Anyway a nice course for scrum intro
By Patricio N
•Nov 15, 2024
No hablo ingles, las traducción automatica es buena , pero hay conceptos que no se entienden bien.
By Nasil P
•Oct 24, 2021
very good learning session to get an introduction to move further for Scrum alliance certification
By Olusegun O
•Mar 19, 2023
This course is both expository and explanatory. It is a good foundational class for Scrum Master
By Sonia G
•Jul 8, 2022
Course is clear and easy to follow. Great introduction to Scrum Master framework and definitions.
By Caroline M G
•Jan 18, 2022
Exclente course for a general comprehention of the agile methodology. Fast, direct and efficient.
By Mārtiņš
•Mar 8, 2022
Overall good course & insight. Practical examples used for ilustration would make it 5 stars.
By Ilona S
•Aug 3, 2023
I would have loved more on hand activities and reading to have more information than links.
By Anil D
•Sep 3, 2022
Great training. However the same would be more interactive and interesting by animation
By Kundhavai J
•Jan 28, 2022
4 Stars since some the questions and answers are not right and it makes me lose points.
By Samantha B L
•Jul 29, 2021
Muy bueno para conocer generalidades de SCRUM y otras metodologías ágiles de proyectos.
•Jun 29, 2023
Muy buena metodología de estudio. Como recomendación mejorar la traducción al español.
•Dec 30, 2022
It's a good experience but i think would be more fast and whithout so many discussions