Sep 12, 2021
Great course for beginners but it is better if you start that course with some know how regarding to field then it will be really helpful for you to understand what they are trying to say or taught
Jul 5, 2023
This course was a great source of information and explanation to the world of cybersecurity, It gave me a strong motivation to go forward with whole course and learn more about this fascinating field.
By Aaron D
•May 25, 2021
poor quality videos and audio
•Jul 20, 2020
Any app available for hacking
By m s
•Dec 16, 2022
Bad quality of voice-records
•May 1, 2020
Audio quality was very poor
By Le A D
•Aug 14, 2021
Audio quality is so bad.
By Anirudha A M
•Mar 25, 2024
Very poor audio quality.
By Ben C
•Mar 21, 2021
Audio quality is awful
By Fadi A S
•May 19, 2022
audio quality is bad
By Tuan A H
•Mar 25, 2023
Poor sound quality.
By Tommy T
•Nov 28, 2022
The audio was bad.
By Samur M
•Nov 9, 2022
poor audio quality
By Mark W
•Oct 5, 2020
poor audio quality
By Sun H
•Jun 23, 2020
Low-quality videos
By Awab S A A
•Mar 24, 2022
bad sound qualty
•Jan 23, 2023
•Oct 7, 2022
By Lisa M
•Jun 6, 2022
No. Just no. Terrible course quality. Sound is inaudible. Not a good option for a complete beginner. I finished it, however not worth your hard-earned money. You will get better help from a Youtube tutorial. If you're only doing it because you need some form of proof that you understand some cybersecurity concepts then this course is fine as you will earn certificates. You will also walk away with no real-world required knowledge of the cybersec industry today(2022). Course consists of a lot of self-read assignments where most topics and concepts can be overwhelming for someone who just stepped into the cybersec industry. Some slides are copied from other resources and not original. Some slides are also very hard to understand as the words are all over the place. Slides are eddited poorly and you have to make sense of it all on your own. For some this might not be a problem but for some students this can be very frustrating because understanding this topic is crucial. Best of luck to you if you decide to proceed in this course. Just breathe and remain patient till the end.
By Philip R K
•Feb 17, 2025
the program is so awful i don't know where to begin, how about 95 percent of the videos is just filled with ai lessons that put up incomplete bullet points with typos and incomplete thoughts on concepts. it's awful videos just repeating the same basic content sometimes 6 videos in a row it's even hard to tell what's important by the way the slides are lazily displayed with little to no information. I definitely will never take another IBM course or programs if it's near this low level of quality. a book is a better alternative than this course. The course is taught by AI and graded by AI both very poorly. I can't even take this program serious after this last course and final assignment that your ai could not grade accurately I will rush through this so I can actually take courses where I can learn not just be frustrated by lack of quality move into specialized programs. and no not IBM if this is how their programs are done.
By M S I R
•Jun 21, 2020
Very poor arrangement of this course. As the name of this course, like, "professional", but course arrangement like, poor videos, poor visuals at presentation, very very very poor verbal communication skill, very very very poor and poor sound quality like totally unclear vocals and talking styles. Very disappointing course this. But yeah, the information of this course is very useful. The matter is, It was very hard to get those information cause poor quality of course and course arrangement. I would like to give an example to see, "how should a professional course looks like!". yeah, see google, see their professional course's videos. I have completed almost 3 courses from Coursera and this is the worse experience. Very disappointed. What I want to say that, re-arrange this course and upgrade the quality thus anyone can easily get this. I mean at least clear vocal and talking style.
By Kathryn B
•Sep 14, 2023
This course is incredibly outdated with very confusing information being given in all the videos. I'm only on week one but every video has improper grammar and the information being taught is very confusing. The audio matches the subtitle summary under the videos so its not that.
This is a Cybersecurity course, which a very fast paced, fast changing field, that is using information and stats from 2018.
I do not understand how you can charge $40 a month for confusing and outdated information. I have submitted multiple reports showing how confusing the information is and I hope they are seen.
I dont plan to continue the course because I don't have confidence that I am being taught information that will be up to date, accurate or even relevant to the field today.
By Sarah U
•Dec 8, 2019
Technically, the content of the class is good, but the audio presentation is very hard to follow since the speakers talk very fast, very speer-of-the moment and with very strong accents.
Also, what had me frustrated that in the four major final quizes at the end of each week, I was only able to review my mistakes or lacks in one week. For all the other weeks everytime I clicked the button to review the quiz's mistakes it just led me to a blank page, which was not very helpfull. Under the same circumstances it happened that it didn't matter how I changed my answers for the questions I was unsure about, I remaind with the same grade, therefore I failed two assignments left to not knowing why.
By David A V E
•May 11, 2020
As someone who majored in Computer Science, and has a little bit of Cyber security experience, this course was very basic, I do not recommend you take this course if you have a similar background.
Now, when it comes to content quality, I have seen much much better. This is the same for the organization and presentation of the course's contents. I was extremely disappointed with the quality I was presented, given that it's IBM who's making this course. I found myself STRUGGLING to finish this course and get on with better ones.
My advice: There are better courses out there, and you should take this course only if you have no (or extremely limited) knowledge of the basics of cyber security.
By Christopher S
•Nov 26, 2021
This is really not very good. You get to listen to non-native English speakers drone on for about 5 times as long as it takes to read the transcript for the video. There are some basic Power Point slides that you could look at, but this information is so general and long-winded that you're going to be a lot more efficient and a lot more informed using other resources. I made it through the first 45 minutes or so by reading the transcripts and feel that I learned very little. Maybe the rest of the course is better, and you're welcome to find out for yourself. I can't understand why professionals can't do a better job of presenting information than is found in newspaper articles.
By Kenneth L
•Jun 14, 2022
I could not understand the instructors enough to comprehend and remember the lessons taught. this is the first time I felt like I was wasting my time with a course. there was no point in continueing if I couldnt grasp the first part of the course. I could not finish as the comprehension just wasnt happening. i figured it is prolly just me and have since given up on my goal of becoming a cyber security worker. very disheartening cause not sure if I just too dumb to learn, or the course is just terribly done. as I have had sucess with other courseds I assume its me, so i guess I'll just forget about this plan of mine.....
By Jonathan B
•Oct 4, 2022
Oof so many audio issues, difficult to make out words, the s sound is overly amplified, hammering heard in the background multiple times, visuals are basically a repurposed powerpoint presentation over zoom, poorly transcribed subtitles, subtitles cover the visual content / not optimized for subtitles, poor video quality, lack of variety of type of content (lots of video instead of video sometimes and text at other times), poor grammar on the part of the speaker, terms not covered well despite being an introductory course...I will probably not go into cybersecurity as a result of this poorly made course.