Jun 11, 2023
This was a great course, especially for someone who has never studied anything about FPGAs before. Timothy is an excellent lecturer whose practical experience in the industry comes through.
Oct 24, 2018
Very good course, focused on the quartus prime tool and touch a lot of topics on FPGA design, optimization, time analysis and a little of comparison between Altera and other FPGA vendors.
•Apr 8, 2022
very good
•Oct 1, 2024
By sai h
•Jan 20, 2020
By Molly S
•May 27, 2020
I took an FPGA course in college and wanted to refresh my knowledge. This course did a nice job of introducing the FPGA Quartus software and some basic knowledge about FPGAs. However, the FPGA jargon is overwhelming. To an experienced engineer, it sounds normal, but to new students, it's too difficult to keep up with.
Week 3 was not helpful. No one wants to sit and read datasheets, much less listen to someone else read datasheets (no offense to Dr. Scherr!). Week 3's content would have been better suited to a project format. For example, each student researches an FPGA of their choice (from a instructor chosen selection), then discusses/shares their information with the discussion board. Sort of like the Jigsaw Method teaching style.
I do appreciate taking this class and feel that it has helped me gain a foundation in FPGA. Thank you for your course!
By Markus P
•Jun 24, 2023
I think it would be better fit for this course to be six or eight weeks. It gives a good overview over the basics of FPGA programming but is superficial in parts which makes it difficult to follow for true starters.
The three stars are mostly because of the outdated course materials. Many links are broken and no one seems to care to fix them. Furthermore the forums seem to be practically abandoned. I encountered a few threads asking questions or reporting errors which were not answered for long time.
By Samuel C
•Jun 5, 2020
Overall a pretty gentle introduction into FPGA design. The course gives a good overview of the FPGA workflow with practical examples. However, the assessments emphasize quite a bit of rote memorization rather than logical learning. I would recommend future revisions to course material to more heavily emphasize the digital logic constructs fundamental to FPGA design rather than discussion of commercial products.
By Parikshit K C
•Jul 16, 2018
Good overview however not very exciting. One week seemed to be dedicated to almost reading out spec/selection guides of FPGA and it sounded monotonous. Week 4 was much more involving and took more than usual time to finish. There was a mentioned 3 more specializations but didn't hear what those are and when those will start.
By Yosi L
•May 7, 2020
not very good for beginners.
First week was good, from second week on shows a lot of details without explaining the motivation behind them which makes the course really boring.
Dropped the course.
•Sep 7, 2020
The first 3 weeks were excellent. Instead of designing NIOS 2 processor in week 4 could develop pipemult from the scratch right by developing each block instead of providing ready-made blocks.
•Mar 12, 2020
I would learn many thing about "Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems" from this course
By Ammar A K
•Mar 13, 2019
There should be more examples of how to practically code and run FPGA using VHDL
By Sakshat R
•May 22, 2020
Good theory, decent project work
By Yusuf R
•Sep 13, 2023
Very boring
•May 2, 2020
By Ryan B
•Aug 5, 2022
Mixed results per topic. For example, an entire quarter of this course is someone reading from data sheets.
By Joynul A
•Jan 26, 2021
It's too hard to complete
By Tarek M A M
•Jan 25, 2021
Very Advanced and brief
By Marco
•Oct 12, 2019
very bad explanation.