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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship by University of Maryland, College Park

1,414 ratings

About the Course

This course assists aspiring and active entrepreneurs in developing great ideas into great companies. With strong economies presenting rich opportunities for new venture creation, and challenging economic times presenting the necessity for many to make their own job, the need to develop the skills to develop and act on innovative business opportunities is increasingly vital. Using proven content, methods, and models for new venture opportunity assessment and analysis, you will learn how to: * Identify and analyze entrepreneurial opportunities; * Enhance your entrepreneurial mindset; * Improve your strategic decision-making; and * Build innovative business models. Our goal is to demystify the startup process, and to help you build the skills to identify and act on innovative opportunities now, and in the future. With this course, students experience a sampling of the ideas and techniques explored in the University of Maryland's master's degree in technology entrepreneurship, an innovative, 100% online program. Learn more at

Top reviews


Jul 21, 2021

It's really a great course providing insights and tools for generating Innovative Ideas. Most importantly, the examples and illustrations taken from the real market makes the concepts crystal clear.


Feb 3, 2022

Good one with superficial details. I recommend one example for the entire opportunity analysis so that it helps to solve some doubts while we are making the opportunity analysis for our company.

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276 - 300 of 301 Reviews for Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship

By Christian F

Oct 18, 2019

Great !

By William T

Feb 7, 2016

It is a course with lots of information but the delivery is a little weak. It is a presentation with an instructor in the corner but he or she mostly just reads the presentation aloud. There needs to be much more interaction, much more animation and passion, and the use of "real" people in a "real" environment. I can tell you that my mind wondered constantly because of the lack of passion and interest in the subject being conveyed by the presenter as well as the monotonous delivery. Again, the content is valuable and solid, but that in and of itself does not make for a good course.

By Shankar R M

Jan 13, 2016

Did not find it really helpful ...may be the way I expected it was different. Also may be because of my engineering approach towards management. I don't know...

But thank you for putting this up and giving me a head start into innovative ideas for starting a new business.

By Alicia

Jul 27, 2020

The content was not as straight forward and applicable as I would have liked. Lessons were not always easy to follow, and concepts were not clearly defined in lessons. Overall, knowledge was helpful, however, theories and specific steps were lacking.

By Ramiro d R

Oct 23, 2020

Course is great as to aspiring entrepreneurs. I founded the last half of the course to be more detail-oriented and providing practical examples of business plans and actionable insights therein.

By Abhay B

Apr 26, 2020

Mostly Theoretical but again one cant have too many concepts in this area. can be more example driven - there are bits but can be more...

By nityansh g

Feb 29, 2020

A good course to understand the initiative to become an entrepreneur. The assignments are somewhat theoretically oriented.

By Stanislav K

Aug 8, 2016

The course is good only for those people who have only started thinking about launching their first business

By Tariq S

Jun 14, 2021

The content is rreally usefull however the instructor is pretty boring and I got lost alot of time

By Lily

Mar 26, 2017

not helpful, too many concepts and content-of-no-use. expect more for the next courses.

By Amit B

Jan 17, 2016

It gives a brief outline and moves very fast and to create a LivePlan is a paid thing.

By Severin M

Oct 25, 2021

I except later to see in each definition at least one example.

By Manny O

Jun 7, 2016

Great introduction & analysis of concepts

By Johnny Z

Mar 28, 2017

This course was very informative.

By Magdellah L

Mar 19, 2023

Its not as fun as should be.

By Mohamed A T

Nov 3, 2020

Interested lessons learned

By Kaio D

Jun 7, 2017

Too superficial


Nov 19, 2021

great course

By Dmitriy B

Mar 13, 2016

too general

By Sanyukta P

Sep 29, 2020


By Hsu-Cheng H

Nov 22, 2021

The quality of the class and sound is not good. It cannot compete with some good business classes provided here.

By Jamal A

Aug 19, 2021

Not Practical

By Adam

Mar 26, 2021

My expectation for this course was that it would provide instructions on how to come up with innovative business ideas. I didn't give any clear instructions on how to do this. Maybe I was expecting the wrong thing.

The required reading is a book by the creator of the course that needs to be purchased separately. I found the style of the book made it a difficult read, I also didn't get any actionable information from the book.

Please consider auditing this course before purchasing it or the book.

By Meysam N

Apr 26, 2021

Some of the content were worth of noting. But it is can not be called a course. It is just a collection of videos. What is annoying is the quizzes that you have write text that (I assume) is evaluated by their software. You can not figure out what answer they expect and you can not pass quizzes even if you watch videos over and over.

By HoangNCHHE153231

Dec 9, 2021

too many shit theory