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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics by Universiteit Leiden

2,452 ratings

About the Course

Everywhere, every day, everybody uses language. There is no human society, no matter how small or how isolated, which does not employ a language that is rich and diverse. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us to explore the miracles of human language! The Miracles of Human Language introduces you to the many-faceted study of languages, which has amazed humans since the beginning of history. Together with speakers of many other languages around the world, as well as with famous linguists such as Noam Chomsky and Adele Goldberg, you will learn to understand and analyse how your native tongue is at the same time similar and different from many other languages. You will learn the basic concepts of linguistics, get to know some of the key features of big and small languages and get insight into what linguists do. This course gives an introduction into the study of languages, the field of linguistics. With the support of the basic linguistic terminology that is offered in the course, you will soon be able to comment both on variety between languages, as well as on a single language’s internal structure. Anyone who wishes to understand how languages work, and how they can give us insight into the human mind is very welcome to join. The course is useful if you want to get a fairly quick introduction into linguistics, for instance because you are considering studying it further, or because you are interested in a neighbouring discipline such as psychology, computer science or anthropology. Furthermore, the course will help you develop analytical skills. If you are curious to understand how language works and how it gives insight into the human mind, this course is definitely for you!...

Top reviews


Nov 29, 2021

I've taken a number of online courses on linguistics now, and this one was by and far the best. The material covered is indepth and engaging, and the professor's enthusiam makes the videos a delight.


Sep 23, 2017

Extremely informational, well presented, with questions that stimulate reflection. The optional reading material is food for thought. I hope to see more courses from the same professor and University.

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101 - 125 of 749 Reviews for Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics

By Isabel F

Nov 21, 2017

This was my first course on Coursera and I really enjoyed it very much. I had studies linguistics in the past and wanted to revisit the subject. In my opinion this course is a great introduction to the many varied fields linguistics has to offer. The numerous discussion prompts and quizzes made me think a bit, which I enjoyed. I would definitely recommend the course as a refresher or introductory overview.

By Renee K

Oct 1, 2020

I took this course out of curiosity and the lecturers presented were very interesting to hear and I would like to thank the lecturers for presenting such great work, Also the informants for taking their time to present us with the unique languages that they may speak.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in how language works and how we're able to speak out and construct words out.

By Bersain J C

Aug 4, 2020

Excelente curso introductorio, hay mucho material para aprender y muchos recursos que te otorga la plataforma, me ha encantado la forma de enseñara y las actividades de este curso, no es un curso sencillo pero ciertamente terminarlo deja una sensación de autorrealización. Realmente lo recomiendo para aquellos que estén interesados en dar sus primeros pasos en esta bella materia de estudio. Saludos.

By Mega T

Nov 7, 2020

This course gave me a deeper comprehension on morphology, syntax, and semantics. I learned all that in university, but at that time my purpose was to graduate, not to understand what was given by lecturers. So, if you're interested in language or linguistics, this is the right course for you. You don't even have to have a linguistic background beforehand, because all modules are explained clearly.

By Μαρία Ο

Nov 26, 2023

The content of the course was very informative and interesting. The professor explains everything in a direct way and by giving examples, which makes it easier for learners to assimilate it, even if they don't have a linguistics background. I found particularly interesting the fact that we were given the opportunity to explore other languages and learn something about the way they function.

By Ameer A

Sep 29, 2018

This course is really useful and it helped me increase my information about linguistics!

i would really thank the professor Marc Van Oostendrop for his kindness and for his simple style to facilitate the materials of this course. I wish I get other free courses as this great one!

Best regards to all who participated in this course!

See you in new other courses from Coursera!

Ameer Alziyara

By Oleh H

May 29, 2020

This was my first online course. Along with it I took other two - so I have some comparison basis. I must say that this course has set such a high standard for online courses, that I doubt that it will be very fast that any other will exceed it. My sincere garatitude to Professor and his students, as well as to the language informants and technical staff for the great work. Thank you

By Nadiia К

Aug 7, 2023

I really enjoyed taking this course! Most information was curious and fascinating, making you google a lot of things merely out of your own interest.

Can’t forget to say a few words about professor Marc van Oostendorp! When your instructor is so positive and passionate about the subject, you have no choice but to keep going through the lectures. Big thanks to everyone in the team!

By 周少英

Sep 25, 2017

It is an interesting and educative course. Every week we are delving into the different elements of language, such as sounds, words and so on. I really like the way the course organised, including interviews, videoes of different languages, etc. I am so excited to see Chomsky in the interview, which is quite instructive . Overall, it is good course and it is worthy of studying.

By Ethan C

Mar 15, 2021

best course I've taken. Outstanding instructor and helpers, wonderfully designed and developed course. I even applied to the university itself I felt so strongly about it. Definitely wish it was longer/there was a second one. Loved the videos, the way everything was broken down was fantastic. Can't say enough good about this course and its people who worked on it. Thank you.

By pravesh s

Dec 3, 2018

This course is the best course if you are even remotely interested in Linguistics. It starts with very basic concepts and actually reaches quite deep. The resources, interviews, explanations have been well thought out and designed with the beginner in mind. In fact, it is probably the best course I have done on Coursera across any subject. Thanks Prof. Marc, Martin & Inge !

By Elena B

Nov 28, 2018

This course provides a great overview of the different Linguistic's sub-disciplines. I started this class with zero knowledge about Linguistic and I found the classes very engaging. They motivated me to get more information about the topics under discussion. Professor Marc van Oostendorp is an excellent presenter and was able to make the videos interesting. Great Job!!

By Stefanos M

Aug 23, 2020

Very likable staff from whom I learned very interesting and valuable things in very manageable doses. It says that my responses to the writing prompts are submitted, but I cannot find my own responses. Some questions asking us to refer to informants' videos seemed rather ambitious, as I am not so good at listening personally (unless of course I understand the language).

By Daniella C

Nov 26, 2020

This course was very informative, the classes are easy to follow, the information is very clear, and the activities help you analyze and comprehend the knowledge you just received. I took the course for fun, and to refresh what I learned in university and was not a bit disappointed. Would completely recommend if you are getting into linguistics or want to learn more.

By Andrés M

Jan 26, 2017

Excelente para refrescar la memoria respecto a aspectos básicos de la lingüística o para introducirse en este mundo según sea el caso.Un aspecto a resaltar es la diversidad de lenguas con las que se trabajan en este curso, ya que en muchas cátedras de lingüística solo se enfocan en la lengua madre o en comparaciones de esta con una segunda lengua o lengua extranjera.

By Torgom T

Oct 21, 2021

I fully enjoyed the course, it really proves that the human language is the biggest and the greatest discovery in the history of humankind. I was totally amazed discovering so much about the human language, I got to know some topics I had not heard or imagined could exisit in lingusitcs. I recommend everyone who is interested in Linguistics must take the course.

By Howard T

Sep 17, 2021

I thought the course was excellent, and a lot of thought had gone into production of the materials. My only negative thought would be that some of the Required Readings seem to have become inaccessible: various reviews concerning the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and William Labov's lecture. Actually typing apostrophes is a pain as well--may be a Dutch keyboard...

By Shalom C V

Jun 14, 2020

It is a really interesting and revealing course not only for those interested in linguistics, but also for everyone interested in anthropology, sociology and human development. Quizzes are well done, you just have to pay attention, study and think over; although in the final exam I do agree that the right answers are wrongly programmed in the network server.

By 李聿

Jun 26, 2017

Good course. Knew tuns of great things about languages and the course really opened my mind, taught me new ways to see the world. I also learnt many ways of learning through that course. To notice the reasons behind issues. To reach the truth through different methods. Etc. Thank you very much for having this course! The professor and guests were so nice!

By Elie M

Jul 13, 2020

Following this course has been a very pleasant experience and very inspiring. As someone who didn't know much about linguistics, I now have a general idea about the field. The instructor, Marten and Inge, and the interviewees were all very helpful and made things accessible for a linguistics initiate. I consider this course as a door opened. Thank you!

By Aswathi A

Jun 14, 2020

I actually clicked on the course by mistake. I had no interest in what the curse was about. But as i pushed myself to get through the course I found it to be quite interesting. I've wondered what linguists do. I always thought they didnt have much to do. But I've realised that thats not the case at all. The course was quite eye-opening and informative.

By Iaroslav R

Nov 7, 2016

This was amazing! Every week there was something interesting and fun to learn and I couldn't stop wondering about that. Thanks to professor Marc van Oostendorp, Martin, Inga and other informants and contributors who made this course so highly informative and well-structured. You gave me a good foundation to continue learning. Please make more courses!

By Shekhar K

Aug 10, 2020

Dr. Oostendorp goes through many fields and disciplines in linguistics and even introduced me to many new fields, like sociolinguistics. The interviews in every module also opened my eyes to what is currently happening in this field. This course also introduced to me to fascinating new languages that I want to look into more like Berber and Basque.

By Pati G

Apr 18, 2022

Muy bueno. Las bases que te da son muy importantes para tener idea de qué tratan los estudios de lingüística antes de decidirte por una carrera, y en general, si uno quiere saber más del lenguaje, de los idiomas, de cómo se organizan y de fonología y fonética, del lenguaje en el contexto social, entre otros. Muchas gracias, me ha servido mucho.

By Ivana

Apr 17, 2021

I enjoyed this course a lot. Very interesting topic. In this course I learned quite a few new things related to languages. I loved especially the way how prof. van Oostendorp presents the topics. I could feel he loves what he does, his enthusiasm is contagious. The exams after each week were not easy, but in this way I learned. Great course!!!