Nov 14, 2023
This course has really offered me a whole lots of opportunities to be prepared for different assigned job roles in the field of digital marketing and e-commerce. A big thanks to Coursera. Keep it up!
Oct 4, 2023
For me as someone who has no idea or background in Digital Marketing and E-Commerce this foundation course is an eye-opening experience that teaches you what Digital Marketing and E-Commerce is about.
•Jan 25, 2023
Amazingly helpful with readily applicable information that has made an immediate impact in my professional career.
By Alicia B
•Dec 6, 2022
Excellent information and the quizzes really brought out what I attained and where I needed to work on. Thank you!
By Dylan L
•Oct 29, 2022
Learnt so much from the Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce. Can't wait to unvail course 2! Let's go!
By Guru M
•Oct 26, 2022
Its very informative and knowledgeable course for the beginners, i have learnt a lot about the digital marketing.
•Oct 14, 2022
This course has given me the opportunity to become a freshly baked Digital Marketer with great knowlege imparted.
By Leyre G C
•Sep 16, 2022
I am very glad I started this course. I am beyond motivated and happy about all that I learned. Let's do this! <3
By Lê P V T
•Sep 7, 2022
This course helps me to broaden my foundational knowledge of digital marketing and e-commerce. It's really helpful
By Jessica A
•Jul 7, 2022
LOVED the course! it was easy and fun to use. Everything was clear and I was able to do the course in my own time.
By Shaan B
•Jun 26, 2022
This is a perfect introduction to Digital Marketing and more importantly where having this knowledge can take you!
•Dec 2, 2024
love this coures. I got so much clearity and I'm looking forword to my next coures or the 2nd part of the course.
By Denise F
•Jul 23, 2024
Very comprehensive yet easy to understand. Thank you so much! Love how in-depth the videos and presentations are.
By Quennie B
•Jun 29, 2024
The course was a great introduction to digital marketing, especially for someone who has no marketing background.
By Jenny C
•Oct 4, 2023
This is was so informative and easy to follow I truly enjoyed it and I am excited to continue to the next lesson.
By Vongai B
•Oct 2, 2023
A very practical and interactive setup to the course that makes it easy to grasp and understand topics and words.
By Rasel H 0
•Aug 4, 2023
I am very please to say that it is one of those course where you can learn about all things of digital marketing.
By Harsh K
•Jul 27, 2023
Great course to start with, useful insights as beginner after this course the learner will no more be a beginner.
By Shahzad S
•Jun 24, 2023
Wonderfull opportunity to learn some thing modern age needs. Thank you Google and Ms. Alana to make it possibke .
By Raúl D A
•Jan 9, 2023
Es el curso perfecto, que todo aprendiz quisiera cursar. Didáctico, innovador, estimulante, sencillo y relevante.
By Yarlagadda N k
•Dec 23, 2022
It is good course of basics of digital Marketing.It helps to startup business in future through digital platform.
By Joshua T B
•Dec 4, 2022
I really love how they teach these courses. It fits my learning style WAY better than anything else I have seen.
By Rosario T
•Nov 19, 2022
This course covers all the basics of Digital Marketing and its a great start for people interested in this field.
By Raquel N
•Nov 16, 2022
Great course, material and explanations. I makes all clear and helps us to get to the bases before going hands on
By Heather V
•Nov 5, 2022
This is a great course it's very informational. The way information is explained is easy to understand and grasp.
By Rodrigo M M
•Oct 18, 2022
Excelente todo. Me cuesta algo de trabjao porque no tiene subtitulos en español. Pero en general todo increible.
By Kelly V
•Sep 8, 2022
Everything is easy to navigate and understand. I am looking forward to the next step of the certificate program.