Jan 28, 2021
Dr Sharad has made Excel Learning very concise and easily understandable. The advanced concepts are easily understood by even beginners. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn at Rice University.
Jun 2, 2020
Everything was explained in detail, even the smallest bits we don't pay attention to. Beautifully designed course, I would recommend it to anyone looking to get started with excel and data analytics.
By Chittaranjan R
•Jan 7, 2018
By Enrique E M
•Nov 9, 2020
By Rasel
•Jan 22, 2022
By Heidy E
•Jun 21, 2020
By karunakar j
•Apr 19, 2020
By Elliott S
•Aug 2, 2019
By Johannes T
•May 13, 2019
By Subodh D
•Jun 30, 2017
By Quiana B
•Nov 25, 2016
Overall, this was good study for learning basic functions in Excel. However, the tutorials and practice quizzes do not adequately prepare you for the actual graded Quiz at the end of each week that counts toward your final grade. You will definitely have to be either a quick study, who can pull a lot of inference and practical application out of minimal technical guidance, or know how to Google the steps that were glossed over in the videos or for which no practice question was provided. Also, side note, if you have a Mac, you will be somewhat flustered at times, and you will also need an add-on app for the Histogram portion.
By William C
•Jun 18, 2017
The concepts in this introductory course are very important and have improved my confidence with Excel. The professor did a good job of explaining why you would use the different functions and techniques. However, it would have been helpful if there were slides available from this course to help with reviewing. I also had a gripe with the consistent appearance of material on quizzes that was not covered in the lectures. I actually had to look up some of the concepts independently, because they were either not in the course or were introduced superficially.
By Vishal S
•Aug 16, 2021
The teacher's method is steady and detailed to ensure concepts and steps are well understood. However, the tests are too difficult and a lot more advanced than what is taught. IMO, to excel at something (pun intended) there needs to be some repetition of same tasks to get confidence and prepare for more complications. But the test/quiz contain a major step which is too advanced. This tends to create a disconnect between what is taught and the evaluation. I enjoyed the small hacks / tips though. Thank you!
By Anupam C
•Jan 21, 2021
I liked this course but a few points I want to make is that when submitting the assignment it ask to round up to 2 decimal say for example we got the answer 97.887 then the accepted answer is
97.89 and the answer 97.88 would be considered wrong. I guess the answer should cover all this answer or give a prompt out error saying what the student did wrong. As the system cannot verify and it's very frustrating for anyone new to excel .
By Jens H J
•Jan 24, 2018
Good explanations from the professor, however uses older version of excel in videos than I do. Also, importing the .txt files was quite the challenge as I do not use the same number denominator and date format as in the US. After a bit of struggling, I got it to work, but wasted time = not excellent reviews. Did not learn much new, only a few tips.
By Oleh P
•Mar 25, 2020
First of all, I have gotten great pleasure while completing this course.
There is a lot of useful information about analysis of date.
But files for exercises have to be upgraded or added new for mac users.
Because of this fact, I had to finish the last quiz in week 4 not by using Excel.
I had to use Google Sheets.
By Zunayed Z A
•May 3, 2020
I faced different kinds of difficulties while submitting assignment which was not taught by the tutor,hence I came to know that using utube and forum etc etc. as for example scatter plot from pivot table I came to know that through forum and add how to add insert tab in the ribbon I came to know that from youtube .
By shivansh s
•Jun 14, 2020
need more practice assignment with equal difficulty level as graded assignment because there are few question which seems to be wrong due to high in difficulty level as teach in video .rest course is good to one who have some knowledge in really increase my knowledge .
thank you to all.
By rohit s
•Apr 9, 2020
Sir, mainly I wanted to have a practice of chart which I could not get properly.
and one thing I want to share that as in the starting of the lecture sheets were shared which was done in the class so it was too much help full for practice but in the later classes, sheets were not shared.
By Lyn S
•Jul 18, 2017
I thought that some instructions were confusing, or at least I thought I understood them, but didn't ever get the right answer and then felt I was wasting my time. It's always odd to take these classes and not get examples of the 'right' answer or the ideal way to get to an answer.
By René S
•Aug 10, 2021
It is an interesting course. However I think the English accent of the teacher is a bit difficult to understand since English is not my mother language. However, I learned interesting tools in Excel that will help me in my lectures at the university here in Bolivia.
By Denisse S
•Mar 18, 2021
This course should have several practice work to explore different scenarios as the one provided on the videos are limited. Also as a student I would like to have several practice before I get a quiz and before I get a job. Practice is key to success.
By Monica M
•Jun 30, 2020
Excel version used is different than mine and I really struggled with it. Besides, my Excel is in spanish and the one from the course is in English and instructions or funtions are named different. It was hard, very hard due to the above mentioned.
By Anthony B
•Mar 5, 2019
The class material was okay, but the instructor repeated himself all the time. I would prefer to not have someone tell me that they are going to do something and then tell me what they are doing while they do it.
By Valentina M
•Sep 6, 2020
El curso estuvo bien, mi única sugerencia es que se mejoren los subtÃtulos o que se implemente un doblaje al español, ya que en algunos videos no habÃan subtitulos y en los que si, la traducción no era buena.
•Jun 18, 2020
This course cover necessary topics that are required for data analysis. Problem is with graded quizzes because the instructor didn't give feedback on wrong answers or any important answer.
By Anthony R
•Nov 18, 2020
The quizzes are not clear enough.
All in all it was a good introduction to Excel. The only thing the course needed is a few exercises to work on the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions.