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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Easing the burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease by The University of Sydney

170 ratings

About the Course

This course is multidisciplinary in nature, and aims to equip the global audience of interested lay people, people with chronic disease, public health researchers, health clinicians, students, administrators, and researchers to reflect on the overall impact of the burden of chronic disease . It shows how all chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer) are related by a set of common causes, and that such diseases should be tackled, not individually, but as part of a complex system, with interrelated contributing factors. These factors are genetic, environmental, psychological, economic, social, developmental, and media related. The Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney is a unique interdisciplinary education and research hub which seeks solutions to chronic disease through a complex systems approach. Academics in many disciplines (in Science and Medicine, but also in Architecture, Humanities, Law etc) work in a collaborative fashion to produce novel solutions to the problems of chronic disease. All contributors and participants in this course are members of the Charles Perkins Centre and will speak from the unique interdisciplinary perspective that this Centre affords. The course will describe a complex systems approach as the most productive way to ease the burden of chronic disease. It then describes these diseases in detail, their risk factors, and the environmental and biological factors that have led to the current epidemic of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Finally, the solutions – and more importantly the process for finding solutions- is the subject of the last module. No one approach by itself can ever be the answer, and certainly not a simple diet and exercise approach. The entire course consists of 5 content modules, plus an extra module for completing assignments and discussions, and takes about 6 weeks to complete. Completion certificates are issued on the basis of participation in all 6 modules. What you'll learn: - How the Charles Perkins Centre recruits interdisciplinary teams to ease the burden of chronic disease - How a complex systems approach is necessary to provide solutions to a complex problem - The fundamentals of chronic disease research and where it is heading - The biggest risk factors for chronic disease and their global incidence - The biological, genetic, social, regulatory, and other influences that have inflated these risk factors - How to provide solutions globally for the reduction of chronic disease...

Top reviews


Nov 15, 2018



Nov 18, 2017

Very interesting and educational course. I would recommend it to anyone interested in chronic diseases or anyone who wants to live a healthy life.

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1 - 25 of 50 Reviews for Easing the burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

By Karla F F S

Sep 20, 2018

Fue un curso muy útil para mi, ya que soy Nutricionista y me entregó herramientas para poder trabajar con mis pacientes en el día a día. Recomendaría este curso sin duda a mis colegas y profesionales de la salud.

By Ramdas M

Aug 22, 2018

This helped me to understand the nature of NCDs, as well as the things we can do to prevent ourselves from being prey to these

By margaret H

Jan 3, 2019

Great course. the only thing that discouraged me is peer assignments, waiting and waiting for someone to mark my work.

By Vladimir M

May 15, 2020

This was a very interesting course. Learning about the complex systems approach in lifestyle medicine was eye-opening and I'm very thankful to have learnt from such a large and experienced team from the University of Sydney. Although the assignments do take a while to get peer-reviewed, the process of completing them and applying everything that was taught was enriching. Looking forward to even more advances that the Charles Perkins Center will make in the coming years!

By Jessica E

Jul 30, 2020

I loved this course and I learned so much! Even though I was familiar with a lot of the topics, this curse expanded on those topics. The assignments were a bit challenging but a great way to really think about the different ways to prevent and manage chronic conditions.

By Fatima S A

Nov 16, 2018


By Lillian L

Nov 19, 2017

Very interesting and educational course. I would recommend it to anyone interested in chronic diseases or anyone who wants to live a healthy life.

By Wayne L F

Jan 27, 2018

Excellent course. Not too long, not too short. Useful for those with a scientific and non-scientific background.

By Derek C

Jun 3, 2020

I am stuck in this course (which is otherwise very good) because there is no-one else to review!

By Bridgette F

Apr 8, 2020

I'm Not Sure How Or Why But They Snuck In A Peer Graded Assignment A Week Later(Found It In Week 4 After I Finished The Actual Original Peer Graded Assignment.I Obviously Would Have See It There Because I Am Very Meticulous About my Classes.Beause Of This Blantant Dishonesty I Will Not Be Able To Finish This Class Nor Will I Ever Participate In Anything From THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Ever Again.You Need To Remove This Course Because Of Their Unprofessionalism

By Hallam B

Mar 21, 2019

Excellent course. I especially like the assignments where participants were asked to design intervention programs based on the case options that were presented.

By Norman S

Dec 30, 2020

Very helpful- not nearly enough pertinent information about the relationship between food and metabolism. The action of insulin is very important and valuable to someone trying to lose weight. Prohibiting certain foods was indicated in the lectures, but not the metabolic reason why. More info about the macro nutrients and how they function, etc. Very valuable course- thank you Opened my eyes to the prevalence of the problem, and difficulty of going forward with a plan. Human behavior is at the crux of the matter- people have to gain insight into the causes of obesity, and the problems that go with it. Too often, they have neither.

By Candace O

Sep 8, 2023

This course has reinvigorated my motivation work towards decreasing the chronic diesase burden in my country, using my feild of practice. The need to keep learning and appying the most current science based approaches is important if we are to make inroads in this area.

By Danh N Đ

Aug 17, 2021

Very useful course. it helps me better understand the disease burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The course helps me further develop my career later and my community

By Natalia F

Apr 22, 2024

Excelente curso, muy interesante y una verdadera experiencia poder haber estudiado a la distancia en una universidad tan prestigiosa. Muchísimas gracias.

By Arthur M d C

Jan 8, 2021

Curso expandiu muito meu conhecimento e perspectiva da saúde da população mundial e de soluções para a sua melhora.

By Leela A

Aug 28, 2020

Very comprehensive and informative. Glad I attended the course. Learnt some new insights in this course.

By Temitope A

Aug 21, 2019

loved this course, enjoyed all the leectures and assignments. very interesting!

By Jodie G

Dec 27, 2021

Thank you so much for a very wonderful course. i have learned so much.

By Guymard Y

Aug 9, 2020

it's a very good work and pleasure for my practice work

By Joao C

Dec 7, 2021

excelente curso, recomendo a todos os br!

By Dariane d C

Jan 11, 2022

Amazing , I learned a lot on the course!

By Malaika I

Jan 18, 2023

it was a very informative experience

By Katherin T O

Apr 16, 2021

I really recommend this course.