Jan 6, 2023
Amazing course and highly recommended. I really appreciated how thorough and well-explained each step was. The questions throughout the video and the quizzes at the end really helped me to focus.
Nov 2, 2023
This course help me understand my condition with reading so much better and thanks to the people who took the time out to help folks like me. I learned so much and enjoyed it in the process.
By Nancy C
•Jul 27, 2023
This course was very informative and easy to follow. I loved how Dr. Shaywitz included personal testimonies of noted people with dyslexia. I also loved how she included many resources for further exploration and use. Thank you!
By Colleen K W
•Sep 6, 2024
Very informative on many levels as it pertains to an individual with dyslexia. A great resource of seeking accommodations and the laws that support them. I found the course to be a very positive outlook on overcoming dyslexia.
By Uma K
•Jan 15, 2025
Completing the 'Overcoming Dyslexia' course on Coursera has been incredibly enriching for me as a special educator. The insights and strategies provided will greatly support my efforts in helping children with dyslexia succeed
By Laura C
•Jan 15, 2023
Excellent explanations for people that want to learn the big picture and details of dyslexia. The Shaywitzes' work over decades including the CLS gives us the current evidence and pathways for all dyslexics to succeed.
By Veronika T
•Jan 11, 2025
I found this course really helpful. I knew very little about dyslexia prior to this course. As a parent of a child who is struggling with learning how to read, I found this course extremely informative. Thank you.
By Kerry S
•Jun 28, 2024
I learned a lot regarding this subject and am grateful to now understand it more effectively. I can provide the time and space for a person struggling with reading while understanding more fully their condition.
By Rasha B
•Mar 30, 2023
Although I have my certificate for inclusion from London Univ. I found this course full of knowledge, information, clear clarification on Dyslexia that empower teachers, special ed, parents and students.
By Melissa J
•Apr 17, 2023
It was so great hearing from Dr. Shaywitz herself. What an honor to learn from those who literally "wrote the book on it." The research and experience that went into this course if phenomenal! Thank you.
By Kenneth Y
•Nov 3, 2023
This course help me understand my condition with reading so much better and thanks to the people who took the time out to help folks like me. I learned so much and enjoyed it in the process.
By sid w
•Feb 19, 2023
This course was thorough, interesting, and very relevant to me as a literacy specialist. My students will benefit from my new understandings about dyslexia. Thank you very much.
Sidney Worthen
By Tori J
•Sep 1, 2023
I highly recommend this course and the 2nd Edition book. This is a very thorough course and you learn a lot of great information to equip you to effectively advocate for anyone with Dyslexia.
By Ridwana H
•Mar 9, 2024
I absolutely loved this course. Professor Sally Shaywitz presented it so weell and helped me understand dyslexia exceptionally well. I am so glad I was able to do this course for free.
By Ilya O
•Dec 31, 2022
Phenomenal--one of the most eye-opening courses I've ever taken, both providing insight into my own reading difficulties and into teaching students with reading differences.
By Marcela M C d l L
•Dec 28, 2022
You exceptionally well merit this congratulation for your diligent work and devotion. Congrats on your prosperity. I am glad for you. You have achieved a great deal.
By Dawn S P
•Apr 24, 2023
Very informative course. I purchased the book and look forward to reading the book to review what was said it the course and have something to access when needed.
By Kristel
•Jan 14, 2023
This course taught me many things about dyslexia that I didn't know before. I found it to be comprehensive, informative, and both evidence- and compassion-based.
By Kimberly S
•Jul 23, 2024
This course thoroughly covered all aspects of dyslexia. It was very helpful and provided many insights on how to advocate for children and adults with dyslexia.
By Karen H
•Aug 11, 2023
I found this course highly informative, even after teaching for 23 years I learned many things about dyslexia that I didn't know. The organization was wonderful.
By Maria P
•Jul 27, 2023
I really enjoyed taking this course and learning more about Dyslexia. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, expertise, for making it accessible and affordable.
By Christine K
•Jan 23, 2023
Excellent course to support the 2nd edition book. This is a resource that all teachers need in their hands. Thank you for the opportunity to take the course.
By Laura S
•Dec 29, 2023
Excellent course take take. You can understand the history and definition of Dyslexia. There is so much information and resources provided within the course.
By Fatima S
•Dec 15, 2022
There is a wealth of information here and things now make so much more sense looking back into my childhood. I recently discovered that Im dyslexic.
By Jane E
•Jan 18, 2023
As a teacher of English as a foreign language, I found this course extremely interesting. I'm excited to apply the recommendations to my students.
By Dagmar G
•Dec 26, 2022
Aprendi muito, ouvi falar sobre este diagnóstico, a dislexia, mas aqui me aprofundei muito. Com profissionais experientes e doutores no assunto.
By Sindy A
•Jul 20, 2023
It was an amazing PD. It opened my eyes in so many ways. As I was listening to the speaker , names from my students came up to my mind.