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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Behavioral Finance by Duke University

4,261 ratings

About the Course

We make thousands of decisions every day. Do I cross the road now, or wait for the oncoming truck to pass? Should I eat fries or a salad for lunch? How much should I tip the cab driver? We usually make these decisions with almost no thought, using what psychologists call “heuristics” – rules of thumb that enable us to navigate our lives. Without these mental shortcuts, we would be paralyzed by the multitude of daily choices. But in certain circumstances, these shortcuts lead to predictable errors – predictable, that is, if we know what to watch out for. Did you know, for example, that we are naturally biased towards selling investments that are doing well for us, but holding on to those that are doing poorly? Or that we often select sub-optimal insurance payment plans, and routinely purchase insurance that we don’t even need? And why do so many of us fail to enroll in our employer’s corporate retirement plans, even when the employer offers to match our contributions? Behavioral finance is the study of these and dozens of other financial decision-making errors that can be avoided, if we are familiar with the biases that cause them. In this course, we examine these predictable errors, and discover where we are most susceptible to them. This course is intended to guide participants towards better financial choices. Learn how to improve your spending, saving, and investing decisions for the future....

Top reviews


Aug 15, 2017

Great course! It allows to understand the twisted logic that run in our heads. Helps to establish the balance between probabilistic truth and illusions that infect our decision-making. Thanks a lot!


May 2, 2018

This course was a very good sum up of Daniel Kahneman's thinking fast and slow. Definitely recommend to everyone who would like to know more about our flaws or would like to refresh your knowledge.

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926 - 950 of 1,057 Reviews for Behavioral Finance

By Shaktiman S

Aug 14, 2017

Video Lectures covered partial course content. PDFs provided also left out some details which formed a pat of Week 3 Quiz. Could have been made much more interactive and interesting by including real world interviews and the design of course content could also be made moe engaging.

By J Y T

Jan 6, 2018

My only complaint is that there is too little actual videos while the quizzes required us to study A LOT beyond the videos. Videos could have been much more comprehensive with more examples. That being said, I have never found a course so relevant and challenging.

By E-An T

Aug 20, 2020

Introduces interesting concepts however quiz was often unreflective of the content being taught. Enrol in the course to have a brief understanding of how our we act against ourselves in the financial markets but do not expect much learning outcomes from the quiz.

By Niharika S

Jul 22, 2022

The questions in the assignment were tricky along with the fact that some questions were asked even before the material for the same was taught.

a good course in terms of topics but could have been a little bit more comprehensive and not just focus on biases.

By Emre B

Apr 17, 2021

Some concepts were not explained clearly and some of the untold or unstressed concepts were asked at the quizes. All quizes were aiming the memorization capability instead of understanding the subject. However, I really enjoyed the lectures of Prof. Rasiel.

By Lampros B

Nov 11, 2017

Videos had almost nothing to add. Gaps in theory and terminology. Some terms appeared in the tests for the first time. Bibliography and additional material for further understanding should be added. Very interesting topic. Course should me more extensive.


Jun 22, 2020

A very well designed course. I need time and patience to understand the practical applications of all the concepts being taught. I love the examples that have been explored in the course. Hoping for more core finance related examples in the future.

By Ana F P

May 14, 2020

The course is great, content is very good and the tests are challenging, I wish the videos were more in depth and explained the math better. The discussion forums were good but not very active. I wish you could get answers from the professors.

By Stéphan C

Sep 17, 2017

Interesting course, nevertheless, many concepts find very useful definition, only as the replies to the quizz.

Same thing for the last quizz which explains the different biases during "bubbles", but do not give advices on how to bypass them

By Rajat K

Jul 6, 2020

Course content is quite interesting and easy to apply to day-to-day life but I feel the content is not taught in a logical order. Th videos available for this course could be increased to cater to more of the content shared in the slides.

By Yifan

Jul 2, 2020

Very interesting topic and content, but it's mostly reading the PDFs, and the quizzes do not correlate well the with course. The four phases of a bubble was a large part of quiz 3 but was hardly discusses in the course.

By J D

Aug 17, 2016

I would have liked this course to be longer, so that the information could have been spread out among more lectures, rather than so much information condensed into one week. It made the exams a little confusing.

By Anshuman P

May 13, 2020

The course offered by Duke University is good. Very generic terms and lessons. Would have liked it more if they would've made a video on the bubble crash lessons and not attach a link for the learners to read.

By Sudhanshu J

Jul 23, 2020

The subject is interesting. However, a few explanations can be improved/added. 2 of the 3 quizzes don't have explanations, and sometimes in the material questions are left unattended or answered vaguely.


Aug 3, 2020

Very interesting course, but I think that it should have explanations in all quizzes as it has in the first one. Altough, there were some terms and bias that weren´t explained in the lectures or videos

By Jonas D R

Apr 12, 2020

The material is good, although it's hard to tell just how much of the biases you learn. The examples and quizzes are challenging, sometimes it's really hard to understand the logic behind the answer.

By Kommidi A R

Feb 11, 2020

I expected more engagement and exposure to Nudge theory and other key theories of behavioural economics from this course. Overall, it's a nice course but lacks continuity and is abruptly ended.

By Ilmari A

Jul 5, 2019

Thank you for the course!

Lots of good things, though I would have preferred a deeper dive into the biases, the root causes, manifestations and generally a little bit more detailed perspective.

By David J N W

Dec 23, 2016

The first two weeks were great, they were more behavioural economics than behavioural finance specifically. The last week was not up to scratch, readings from the popular press, not experts.

By wang g

Dec 28, 2017

The course is simple, but the quiz have many items that the course itself does not mention. Interesting to know so many human irrational behaviors, although need to google many definitions.

By Corrie H

Jun 17, 2018

I liked the topics covered, but I thought that the course could have been more technical. I also think one major issue was that the quizzes were not well aligned with the course content.

By Karan L

Oct 5, 2019

week 2 is too long , can split it and have more interaction with videos and a quiz and finally get some answers to the quizes once solved to get a thorough understanding like in week 1

By Nguyen T T

Aug 21, 2016

It lacks of video lectures so I had to rely on notes only. The course's content is interesting and has potential to give learner more depth of topics. Hope it will be improved soon.

By Kalpesh D

Sep 16, 2020

Different bias should be explained and then put in the quiz. 2. Videos were explaining what the reading material only. No new learning. 3. More simple examples should be added.

By Aniruddha O

Dec 25, 2019

Useful course but explanation for answers to the quiz questions could have been much better. Quiz questions do not always seem to be based on concepts covered in the course.