Aug 15, 2017
Great course! It allows to understand the twisted logic that run in our heads. Helps to establish the balance between probabilistic truth and illusions that infect our decision-making. Thanks a lot!
May 2, 2018
This course was a very good sum up of Daniel Kahneman's thinking fast and slow. Definitely recommend to everyone who would like to know more about our flaws or would like to refresh your knowledge.
•Jul 21, 2017
Course was excellent ....content was limited and video lecture were very short. More theory for reading needed but examples were nicely put for better understanding
By Xanat M C R
•Dec 29, 2023
Es un curso muuuy retador y muy completo. Solo recomendaría que los archivos de apoyo de la clase fueran más concretos, y con mejor estructura para su lectura.
By jai b
•Mar 28, 2019
It is a great course which taught me a lot about how the world operates and the common mistakes which are made . It is an excellent and I highly recommend it .
By R. A
•Apr 20, 2020
I have learned a lot of topics from Behavioral Finance course. Almost all the topics with a real life examples made me understand more even better and simple.
By Shwetabh S
•Feb 24, 2019
Although the course was interesting, the quizzes were not related to the lectures and slides. I was mostly reliant on third-party materials to solve the quiz.
By Nam D
•Aug 25, 2017
This is helpful to understand financial phenomenon with another view points. but the several concepts are ambiguous and some quiz doesn't make sense, I think.
By Sid P
•Aug 11, 2016
A different and interesting perspective to look in the field of finance. Content is little confusing and more of self study component, but overall it's worth.
By Wesley F
•Dec 22, 2019
Thoroughly enjoyed the content of the course. The flexibility also allowed me to schedule my learning through my normal busy day-to-day schedule. Thank you.
By Vishal k Y
•Sep 30, 2019
The Couse was well equipped with certain example that can clear the concepts of biases we have in our daily life while dealing with our day to day finances
By John J
•Jun 23, 2020
Excellent materials but i would like to have the explanations to the quiz answers so that I can figure out the answers to the questions I missed. Thanks.
By Quent D
•Sep 6, 2020
Too much reading, not enough videos. I needed approximately 10-12h (and not 5h) to read, understand and process everything, otherwise very good content !
By Megha S
•May 9, 2020
I'm a beginner in Economics so it was a little tougher than I imagined but overall, very interesting and the professors explained as best as they could.
By Aaron M
•Jan 22, 2020
While some of the topics on the exams, could have had better coverage in the course materials, it was nonetheless an interesting and informative class.
By Tara T C
•Jun 3, 2018
Week 3's lecture and reading materials are inadequate for preparing for the week 3 quiz. I wish more videos and readings would have been uploaded.
By Panagiota A
•Jan 29, 2018
Interesting -supported by theory- insight on how financial decisions are made and in which false assumptions/predictions decision makers ¨fall¨.
By Myron E
•Mar 30, 2020
Comprehensive in the context of time limitations. A good method to introduce the nomenclature and concept definitions to ignoramuses like me.
By Narisha R
•Jun 9, 2017
This is a good introductory course. It is well taught and opened up a new level of understanding about decision-making processes and trends.
By Michael G
•Nov 28, 2020
I learned valuable mental skills for approaching behavioral finance. However, the quizzes were only marginally associated with the material.
By Bettina B
•Oct 4, 2020
I like that if makes you apply concepts instead of just asking, but would have liked explanations to answers of some questions (esp Week 2)
By Sima O
•May 14, 2017
Such an amazing course, I wish there were more videos by Professor Rasiel in general specially with respect to crashes and bubbles. Thanks
By Carlos P C D C
•Jun 12, 2017
I really enjoyed the course and would love to go more in-depth into these basis as I feel it just scratches the surface on this subject.
By Marie F
•Feb 10, 2021
Very good 2 first weeks. The links in the last week to articles were not working, it might be better to include the content in the ppt
By Zisis S
•Jun 11, 2019
Well presented and interesting topic. However, it seemed to be some issues in regards to how the quizzes corresponded to the material.
By Tania B
•Sep 19, 2024
Un poco difícil para quien no tiene base en economía y matemáticas. Yo lo hice para adquirir vocabulario técnico para traducciones.
By Karan S
•Jul 21, 2020
The lectures do not explain the biases quite clearly to understand them thoroughly or completely. Other than that a great course.