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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Differential Equations for Engineers by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2,140 ratings

About the Course

This course is all about differential equations and covers both theory and applications. In the first five weeks, students will learn about ordinary differential equations, while the sixth week is an introduction to partial differential equations. The course includes 56 concise lecture videos, with a few problems to solve after each lecture. After each major topic, there is a short practice quiz. At the end of each week, there is an assessed quiz. Solutions to the problems and practice quizzes can be found in the instructor-provided lecture notes. Download the lecture notes from the link Watch the promotional video from the link

Top reviews


Aug 5, 2020

The course materials are well prepared and organised. The teaching style is approachable and clear. I have learned a lot from this course. Thank you so much, and wish you all the best Prof. Chasnov!


Dec 1, 2024

The professor is really good at teaching. Examples are easy to understand. Practices are not very hard but require some effort and need you to understand the concepts and methods. Great experience!

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51 - 75 of 603 Reviews for Differential Equations for Engineers

By Peichen T

Jun 12, 2021

Excellent course. Materials are well organized and professors explain everything clearly. However some of the physical problem might be a bit hard to understand for people without much physics background. Also a small suggession, some of the theories applied in this course do not have proves, might be a good idea to include these proves in supplimental materials.

By Irene A

Jul 1, 2023

I loved being able to go through the videos and relearning differential equations. I was very pleased at how fast Professor Chasnov replied in the discussion forum. I would have liked the solutions in the book to be a bit more "step by step" so I could check where in my process I went wrong whenever I had a doubt. Thank you and see you in the next course!

By Khôi Đ M

Jun 7, 2021

Knowledge about differential equation is always mandatory for anyone who want to become an engineer or a physicians, scientists. In this course, you will see that these equation appears a lot in our daily life. With dedicated videos, after this course, I think you will be well-prepared and have a solid foundation about this problems. So let's try it out!

By Diogo A

Jul 6, 2020

This course gives a pretty good overview of the topics and is very complete. I liked the physical examples motivating the study, and the videos are well interspersed with examples and DIY exercises. I would like to recommend that a few more videos with examples on solving equations, particularly on the topic of Fourier Series, which is very interesting.

By Carlos G G

Sep 17, 2021

Fantástico curso, profesor muy didáctico y contenidos bien planificados. Ejercicios adecuados a los contenidos teóricos. El curso me ha permitido sentar las bases de la resolución de ODEs y comprobar varias de sus aplicaciones. Muy adecuadas también las explicaciones complementarias, fundamentalmente las referentes a series de Laplace y de Fourier.


May 28, 2020

I am very happy to learnt the course its very beautiful course anybody can understand easily with little bit knowledge of differentiation and integration concept. this type of course help us to gain new knowledge about application in view of engineering course. Thank you very much for giving this course to us and very happy to join few more course.


May 4, 2020


By David C V

Sep 12, 2024

This class was a great (and challenging) refresher on differential equations. The professor was extremely clear and detailed, pointing out the applied aspects but also giving hints and providing additional material for deeper results. My only minor complaint is that the PDE section was rather crammed and more difficult to follow, at least for me.

By Bimurat S

Apr 18, 2024

The course provided a comprehensive understanding of modeling physical processes. The materials were clear, and the lectures engaging. We gained proficiency in solving second-order ODEs, systems of differential equations, and applying Fourier series with partial derivatives. Overall, it was an enriching learning experience.

By Siddharth G

Aug 11, 2021

Very good course for learning about differential equations. It gets quite challenging as the weeks go on, but the instructor, Dr. Chasnov, is amazing and watching the lectures carefully and taking notes helps.

Also, one of the few courses I've seen recently where the intructor takes time to asnwer queries in the forums.

By Matthew H

Jul 24, 2024

Prof Chasnov's lectures are clear and take you through the process step-by-step. I think what I appreciate most, though, is the thought that he put into the exercises. The exercises require you to stretch beyond what was "spoon fed" to you in the lectures to ensure that you really understand the underlying concept.

By Drew K

Oct 28, 2019

Covered a large amount of information. Definitely took a couple extra weeks due to how much free time I had around family and work, but overall helpful. Would like to see the final week maybe split into two weeks for greater detail. I felt like some of the material had to be rushed due to time constraints.

By Hiren N B

Jun 29, 2020

It was an amazing experience to relearn this course as I have already taught this course but using this online course surely I can teach this topic in a more proper and effective way. I would like to thank The course Instructor. Eager to join the your other available courses also on this platform.........

By Oren L

Jun 27, 2020

Excellent introductory course. I've been using Prof. Chasnov's courses to review and fill in some gaps in my knowledge for work. The pace of the lectures is perfect for detailed note taking, and the volume and careful selection of practice problems is just right for my purposes. This guy deserves a medal.

By woodlark99

Apr 4, 2022

The content and materials for this course are excellent : The PDF of the course lectures and quiz questions with links to solutions will be a treasured resource.

I felt that we covered a lot and I am pleased to finally have some understanding of Fourier series and Laplace transforms and their application

By Denis P

Jan 6, 2023

very useful course. must have for any who dealing with vibration, heat transfer etc. Not much covered topics related to linear ODE with load having Delta function (and it's derivatives). But it's not a problem cause I've discovered this topic by myself, governing closed formula to solve such tasks.

By chandni b

Mar 6, 2021

It is a very well designed course. The assignments are cover across the content and are not too difficult or too easy. They are perfectly tailored to learning without making them unnecessarily complicated. The course is a great pre-cursor for a stochastic differential equation course.


Aug 23, 2022

Excellent course provided by Dr. Chasnov. Practice problems and an quiz that was just suitable for the material and perfectly paced. This is a very great course, and I'm pleased to have finished it. Thank you for this nicely organized course, which has taught me a lot of new things.

By Amine M

Aug 18, 2023

very interesting material, i have refreshed some theories from my calculus course at the university but I also discovered a lot of new problems and learned new methods and solutions. I also like the teacher profesor chasnov and I'm planning taking more of his courses in the future.

By Aldrich W

May 21, 2021

This is my second course with Prof. Chasnov, and I really enjoyed his style of teaching and the use of light board technology in the class. Throughout this course, I have learned quite a lot about differential equations and, more important, the application to a wide range of areas.

By Khandaker M A

Sep 10, 2020

The best course I have ever found. I have given 5 stars to a lot of other courses but this course is definitely the best & I mean it. This course taught all the theories & applications of differential equations in a way that I found it to be unique. Thanks a lot to you, Professor

By MD. T A

Jan 27, 2023

Very easy to learn and fabulous technique of teaching for Differential Equations. I hope the instructor "Jeff Chasnov" will start the courses on Complex Variables, Co-ordinate Geometry, Probability and Statistics. It will be great pleasure for me if he will start these courses.

By Gavin M

Jan 5, 2021

An excellent course! I learnt a lot that will help me in modelling the kinematics, dynamics and control of robots. The way that the homework and quizzes are accompanied by detailed explanations makes sure that you are never stuck. I wish there were more of this course!

By Michael A D

May 12, 2020

Chapters 1 thru 5 came in load an clear; Chapter 6 with the diffusion example just gave me problems. The course is good, but it does require you to do additional research to fine tune the understanding of the concept being taught. I learned an awful lot and enjoyed it.

By Dr.T.Bhavani A P M

Mar 20, 2023


I really enjoyed for Learning Differential Equations for Engineers. He explained the basics clearly and Excellent way of explain the concepts.Thank you sir .I thank the university of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to offer the course.