Apr 16, 2020
Hi it is very helpful to me. Concept is properly explained. I enjoyed learning process. Expect some more courses on data science as well as on python which involves real time application.Thanks a lot.
Jul 22, 2017
This is neat little course to revise math fundamentals. I generally find learning probability a little tricky. This course helped me a lot in better understanding Bayes Theorem. Thank you professors.
By Murali M A
•Aug 27, 2017
Succinct explanation of the basics. Take more time at the Bayes theorem. It is worth it. Work out all the problems and keep reading the PDF notes accompanied with the videos. All in all, a great experience for those who have missed some basic math in earlier education. I am onward to my next course in machine learning and data science. Cheers
By Avinaash
•Feb 18, 2021
I had a lot of forgotten knowledge from when i was at university which this course really helped refresh me in. I think its a really good course for a refresh or even a beginner however at times I felt a few things were too quickly glanced over when deriving formulas which made it sometime a challenge to follow but overall was a good course.
By Kunitaka Y
•Jun 21, 2023
It was hard, and needed more examples but it was easier to finish it. The professors English was very easy to understand for non-native speaker like myself. I finally, finally understood log and Sigma. All those things I have avoided in my 15 years of IT industry career. I thank Duke University so much for teaching such a wonderful course!
By CJay
•Jun 13, 2020
This is a very good course for those who have forgotten about their math skills and are new to data science. The first few weeks will cover basic math which you can skim through if you are good in math. This course also introduces you to statistics in particular Bayes' theorem which is an important topic of data science. Enjoy the course!
By Gitashah
•Jan 31, 2019
First of all thanks to the data science math skill because i learned many new things,ideas,knowledge and skills from this course and more thankful to professors because of them i am able to give all the answers and it was too much interesting to do .
Thanks to all the teams of coursera as well as to the data science math skill......
By Shahriar H
•Feb 14, 2022
Hello to everyone on Coursera I just finished this course and I definitely learned a lot! I learned all of these back in high school but after a few years of not studying math, I forgot most parts. The course is well structured and is explained in a simple and easy to understand manner. and The video companions help a lot. Thanks
By Garth Z
•Mar 10, 2017
If you are a right-brainer and/or rusty on math, I strongly recommend this course as a precursor to Duke's Intro to Probability and Data course. Some of the practice and final quiz questions really threw me (and that's good)... Most of them I was able to rethink and derive the correct answer and a few others remain a mystery... :-)
By Deleted A
•Jan 22, 2017
I loved this class, the only one of it's kind and much needed, unless you particularly want to re-do your long forgotten high school and college math. It was nice seeing a Venn diagram again. I did have to supplement some of the material that was covered quickly with google searches, but filling in the blanks was quick and easy.
By Michael H
•Jul 18, 2022
Fantastic course for those looking to acquire the skills they may not have had in school, or for those of us brushing back up on the basics. The instructor videos were thorough and plain (no silly metaphors bogging down the info). They speak at a pace in which you can bump the speed up to 2x and still comprehend clearly.
By Ankur A
•Apr 18, 2018
Hi. A very good refresher course that serves as a pre-requisite to Machine Learning and Data Science courses. Probability could have been a little better explained, specially the processes and event part. I would also like to see Vectors and Matrices added to this course, which is equally vital for Data Science.
By Bernardino R
•May 20, 2020
This course provided clear, expert teaching at a very good pace. The materials were very helpful & directly applicable. The videos were well portioned, and the professors are well spoken & highly competent. I highly recommend Coursera, these professors & this course. I plan on pursuing more in this subject.
By Iain S
•Apr 4, 2021
Everything was going fine for me until I got to the statistics portion. This is something I've struggled with before, so I can't blame the course for struggling again here, but I would have preferred more learning content for week 4, perhaps even splitting it into 2 weeks to make it a 5 week course in total.
By Yunxi F
•Mar 2, 2025
I think these courses are very helpful to me, and the instructors' explanations are also very clear and easy to understand. The only drawback is that the explanation of the last module seems less clear than before. Anyways, I highly recommend this series of courses, and those interested can give it a try!
By Preeti A
•Jan 31, 2019
Learning this course I have gain many new and interesting skills. I am very much glad to get the knowledge from two professors and they gives me more knowledge on those interesting courses. I was able to do the answers of the given courses.And I THANKS them to give me such opportunity to do these courses.
By Sudha A S
•Dec 31, 2023
Enjoyed the first 3 weeks quite a bit. The probability lectures were not as strong as lectures in Weeks 1 through 3, however. I took the Intuitive Probability course offered by Zurich University to really learn probability well and only then I was able to pass exams in week 4 of this course.
By Armine
•Apr 4, 2018
Everything was great except probability theory. The videos were hard to follow and understand because everything was a kind of mess. Reading materials would be much better for probability section. Overall it was very helpful for me and I am very grateful for this wonderful course!!!
By Iman S
•Apr 16, 2020
The course is completely related to prerequisite data science skills. There are lots of useful materials. However, the last module (probability) is kind of introduction and superficial, and do not discuss probabilities concepts and distributions in depth.
In general, the course is Great
By Olga E F C
•Apr 14, 2021
Fue un curso muy útil para retomar los temas de funciones y probabilidad, a mi me costó más comprender los temas de la semana 4, por lo que recomiendo busquen otros ejemplos para seguir practicando. La gran ventaja es que puedes consultar los materiales tantas veces como lo necesites.
By Mahyar
•Aug 22, 2017
Good course because it focuses on basic statistical science needed in Data Science. Only issue I had with this course was it was pretty short. Shorter than I thought by looking at the syllabus. Also the agenda is very simple in the first couple of weeks until it gets to the last week.
By Subhadip D
•Jul 25, 2020
Would have been better if real-time tool were used such as PTC Math-cad or Mathworks Matlab then the Simulation based learning approach could have been much better. Well this course has vas potential and can be be released as series with capstone simulation project. I loved it though
By Rahul K
•Apr 29, 2020
very nice, this course helps me a lot for a basic understanding of the different concept of math. The course is also design in very well manner for understanding each and every concept clearly.i also very thankful to the teacher association who created this course for helping me.
By Muhammed B K
•Oct 5, 2020
Great course for starters. For first three weeks there can be some advanced examples as extras and for the last week, it would be better if several complex examples solved by instructors since Bayes and Conditional probability can be confusing sometimes. Thanks for the course.
By Rajat P T
•Jul 20, 2020
The course explained all the basic mathematical concepts really well, especially Bayes' theorem and probability theory.The best thing that I liked about this course is that it also explained some simple real world test scenarios where these mathematical concepts can be used.
By Priti B
•May 28, 2019
I came for this course after working on data science for sometime. While initial 2 weeks were easy and known, last 2 weeks were really helpful. My probability concepts become much clearer after going through the lecture and tests. Very precise and clear course. Thanks a lot!